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Everything posted by Stargirl

  1. I would have loved a scene where Rhys discovers Elincia by the thicket. Then Ike and the others come to take a look. It would end with a zoom in on Elincia's face :3
  2. From Tales of Symphonia: -Lloyd's theme -Colette's theme -Sheena's theme -Raine's theme
  3. Stargirl


    Welcome to this luscious forest! Enjoy your staaaaay :)
  4. Howdy hey! Enjoy your stay!
  5. Hmm. I'm a pretty awkward person in general but a few instances stick out to me. In grade 7 our class had to go to the library once a week for the librarian to read us a story. Now on one occasion my stomach was hurting so bad because I was holding in this massive fart. Like it wasn't one of those small, silent farts that you can hide. I just knew this sucker was going to be a loud one. So the librarian read something funny out of the book and people starting laughing and idek the force of my laughter somehow pushed it out. Everyone went silent almost simultaneously. I knew they knew it was me so I started to cry. Sad times :P
  6. *massages dusk's back* Good morning. Waking up before 9am is hard hashtag letmerest Enjoy the day guys :3
  7. I'm clumsy too :3 Really clumsy. Idk how to describe it but as long as you obey roads signs, don't speed, mind your surroundings you're going to be fine.
  8. GOOD LUCK! I think you'll be fine. :D Honestly, driving isn't that big of a deal so long as you remember to check your mirrors and blind spots.
  9. I'm so sorry that you had such a bad experience :( When I first got behind the wheel I almost went into the wrong lane because I was so nervous. My old instructor kept saying that new drivers need to build confidence in their driving, then things will get better.
  10. Aw, I'm doing fine :3 Is driving going well?
  11. Howdy hey Duck! ^.^ This is the Internet so it's a little hard to tell, but I hope I didn't offend you. If I did, I'm sorry...
  12. (○´∀`○)ノ I love this forum too...
  13. :) It was a beautiful post. Don't ever hold back on the crazy. I shall accept this. Just this time. Nite nite, sleep tite. :)
  14. He shan't sleep until I say it's okay. Watch my power of persuasion... Eh yo, Tende! I command thee to stay up for 10 more minutes!
  15. Noooooo stay *chains you to thread*
  16. Anon was shining his brightest then, huh?
  17. (O.O) ... Well this might be the best thing I've read all day Curses. Summer school is making me miss all the fun.
  18. good afternoon/evening twas an active thread today
  19. Maybe this topic needs a poll? Maybe not
  20. I like M Morgan a little more because he's so sweet and happy go lucky. He's really generous, as brought out in his support with Nah.
  21. Howdy hey! Enjoy your stay!
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