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Everything posted by Rakath

  1. player: rubbard Signs of hacking: - All Capped Stats - No Equipment Icons - Repeated movement - Rearranging my unit equipment - Controlling my units
  2. I don't mean with an event promotion, I mean an item promotion (best case, giving the Fire Emblem a Use command to promote. Worst is its an item you get whenever you retake Altea). However the added 10 levels and Fixed Promotion Stat increases wouldn't be a bad thing. So long as they don't pull a Roy and make the Promotion something horrendous (like Chapter 23 - End. That'd be a horrendous Promotion event).
  3. While that would be fun (and the game needed to give more spots for CERTAIN classes like, well, Berserkers, only two was a bit sparse), Being able to all one class would be overkill. Then again, I'd settle for female Berserkers... The class separation seemed a bit sexist. Sorry ladies, you're not strong.
  4. So, we know that FE11 has more classes/promotions than FE1. Tweaking the game to match the more current standards set. Hence the split between the Mercenary and Myrmidon classes, the addition of Falcoknights, everyone most getting to promote. However what do you feel it could of used in its upgrades? Something that would of been useful but was missed. I think that the Male/Female class sets needed a Soldier/Halberdier set and for one of the two Magic wielding promotions to be a horseback unit (Sage and Bishop seemed... redundant... especially with how they had equalized Magic/Resist growths). Soldier was simply so that Unpromoted Cavaliers and Pegasus knights had a second option to promote into using lances. Allowing you to keep their Lance use when the chapter is filled with anti-flyer or anti-horseback weaponry.
  5. RNG = Random Number Generator (applied to Level Ups). 1. Resetting and reattempting any level up with really useless/bad Stat increases (+0 increase or increases that lack certain key stats like Strength). It works the same as the GBA titles except you CAN Level Save after/before a level up using one of the maps two level points. 2. Reclassing to increase the odds of stat-ups in certain areas. (Myrmidon for HP increase. Paladin for Strength, etc.)
  6. Eh... if that was your plan it'd be better to do it pre-promote. Radd's natural Magic is 0 Growth. Meaning his top growth is 20% At least Pre-Pro you can eek out a one in 3 (Approx). I'd say try to take more advantage of that luck in Str/Def and make him a Paladin for a little while. If you're not using a mage (or know your mage will get an effective Magic Stat) if you wanna Levin Sword just dump every Spirit Dust on him.
  7. Well... if I were to guess... If the next game is a remake and on the DS, the release date will be sooner (I'd say late summer-mid fallish) this year (similar timeframe of FE11). If the next game is a new title or on the Wii, the release date will be later, I'd say sometime early next year to early summer next year. This is my hunch.
  8. I didn't get one with my game, one of my friends who works at a Gamestop scored me their extra. I'm not sure what to say about the lack of cels, my local got TWO total.
  9. Depends... Are we talking a full crossover or just a Pokemon game styled like Fire Emblem? As that second thing, I'd totally be okay with.
  10. That was it exactly. I remember because I made a thread about the artwork update. And everyone was like "Wait, that wasn't an April Fool's Joke".
  11. Not on the same par as the others, it just depends on if you can use the option more or less than them. They aren't as useful as Dazzle (for those who find it cheaper to +20 a Crit weapon than +10 its Might) or Apotrope (in case you use Dragons/Cavalry/Fliers). I find Umbra and Gravity to be just time wasting. My favorite card, but I have no way to use it, is Fleet Feet. Slightly better than its reverse Maelstrom. (Fleet Feet = +1 Movement to Armors, Maelstrom = -1 Movement to Fliers.) Judgement can be fun if they don't bring a mage with them. Especially a team with capped HP on everyone.
  12. No, sadly. I learned this when I was using Skill.
  13. I'm rather casual with how I take things on. Generally taking a slower look at how to move and what order the attacks should be in. I do prefer high move and high speed units. Generally I'll take a Berserker over a Warrior, a Swordmaster over a Hero, and a Pegasus over a Dragon. I also go for A Rank Support before effective team building (in all but 10 and 11, lack of good supports).
  14. Last year Fire Emblem World updated on the first of the month, now a days its the second so... but yeah, last April First FEWorld updated and nobody believed it due to the date holding some meaning here.
  15. I did because she wasn't a primary unit I was trying to use (so I didn't care, as Marcia and Haar were my fliers that game). I used her to farm levels as I gave her squad some off the less leveled characters I had. Since her team had Tibarn and Volke, so I had plenty of muscle to cover murdering things.
  16. It'd be nice to get an idea of when the next one comes out soon, just because we know we won't see it for a fair few months after we find out about it. Do we know how long a wait there is generally between the new game announcement and the previous game's release?
  17. Micaiah would of been a wonderful start of game unit if she wasn't your Lord. 1. While a Mage Lord seemed like a neat idea, it'd be better if they had a speed stat to go with with the lack of Def/HP stats. Thani is great, obscene magic growth is great, getting doubled by everything not so much. 2. Either due to limitations in script, poor localization choices, both, or just a bit of poor writing, she came off more a racists bitch than would of been best. With Jill we got a sense of learning, of not knowing better. Micaiah it just seemed was... cruel. 3. Look at your other 'lords' in the game (by this I mean ruling characters during Part 4). You get Naesala and Tibarn who are vengeful Gods in combat. Ike who is, well, we like Ike. Elincia might be impossible to level due to Mercy but she lets OTHERS level giving her a unique value, and Empress Sanaki who is just kind of cool, although she suffers to similar issues as Micaiah. Barring the last mentioned each one is AMAZING if used properly. And then we get the chapter where your party is her and the Black Knight... which is just a waste of time as she's not going to be able to do a lot of EXP farming due to the FoW and her poor defenses. And it isn't like the Black Knight needs to slaughter people (well, except it was fun. ^_^).
  18. Since my friend failed to figure out I had their watch till I asked them the time... I think Thief is a pretty good choice for me. ^_^
  19. Mosts of the cards don't really appeal to me... I'll probably stick with Generosity when I can finally nab one. (Right now I'm using Skill, as its the most useful of the Battleaxe and Sorcerer I have... *sigh*)
  20. Yes, so long as Falchion is lost from your inventory during 24.
  21. Brave weapons might be a good choice... Hmm... I'll have to do some number crunching to see what's more cost efficient... but I think having weaker Braves is lest expensive than capping out Silvers.
  22. I might go with both Catria and Palla, use Palla for her defensive growths (Sniper or Paladin?) and Catria to take Shiida's place as a Falcoknight. Since I don't need 2 Sages. Due to her Speed and lack of Attack I'd probably keep using Caeda, only she'd take over the role of 'wittle down enemy so I can kill them with who I want to give the EXP to. Since I take 10 units into each chapter anyway (support so I don't get mobbed), 12 if I need Thieves of a character recruiter that's not Marth or Caeda. So... Wolf (Berserker) - Forge a Hand Axe Est (Swordmaster) Catria (Falcoknight?) Palla (Sniper?) - Longbow Linde (Sage) - Get Swarm, do not get two Falchions because you can. Any other weapon suggestions besides Hand Axe? Like should I get a Wo Dao instead of a Silver Sword?
  23. I'll probably just make a new team by grinding another playthrough. Abusing the Arenas a bit more for cash and getting a defensive member of the team. I like using Wolf and Est a lot more than Caeda (due to the fact that those two easily can cap-near cap everything of importance... or make Caeda an Archer/Sniper for a while. She was a Paladin to try to get a little more Strength out of her... to no avail). Originally my plan was to get a Swarm for one of those two but I... missed it. I forgot that it's only found on Gatoh. ^_^;; Should I lessen the Might on my Forgings so I can forge more weapons? Or Forge different weapons so they have a cheaper Base cost?
  24. My US version (which is now my main version, my Japanese version is now my 'try new things' Version). 3652-5898-5577
  25. Note: I created 3 Forged Silver weapons with capped Strength and 100 Hit each for this party. Note2: All characters I have for this are 20/20, and I can redeploy the Stat-items anytime I remake the team. I did not use ANY stat item during playthrough and used only 1 Arms Scroll during playthrough (and yes, I have 3 Arms scrolls still) 01. Est (Yes, everyone, laugh at the Est user) Class: Swordmaster Naturally Capped in: Strength, Skill, Speed, Luck Non-capped: HP (58) Magic (1) Def (15) Res (10) Weapon: Forged Silver Sword, Mercurius, Killing Edge 02. Caeda Class: Falcoknight Naturally Capped in: Skill, Speed, Luck Item Capped in: Strength Non-capped: HP (51) Magic (0) Def (15) Res (12) Weapon: Forged Silver Lance, Gradivus, Silver Sword, Wing Spear 03. Wolf Class: BERSERKER! Naturally Capped in: Nothing Item Capped in: Speed, Luck Non-Capped: HP (59 - He accidentally gained a level as a Horseman) Strength (29) Magic (0) Skill (23) Def (16) Res (0) Weapons: Forged Silver Axe, Hand Axe, Hauteclere, Hammer 04. Linde Class: Sage Naturally Capped in: Nothing Item Capped in: Speed Non-Capped: HP (50) Strength (3) Magic (22) Skill (23) Luck (29), Def (10), Res (14) Weapons: Aura and a bunch of useful Staves 05. Merric Class: Sage Naturally Capped in: Speed Item Capped in: Nothing Non-Capped: HP (58), Strength (3), Magic (23), Skill (24), Luck (23), Def (11), Res (16) Weapons: Excalibur and a bunch of Staves. I probably should of forged a Tome for one of them but I didn't have the cash for it. My only other highly leveled units are Norne (20/18 all Archer/Sniper), Marth (30 - but his stats SUCK without a lot of work, he couldn't even double Medius), and my Divine Dragons (both are 20).
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