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Everything posted by Rakath

  1. How about the Swap stat changes, are they just the Base Stats of the class or does it also change Level up bonuses based on Growthrates If I spend a few levels using the 50% HP Growth of a Myrmidon on Sheeda, then switch over to Archer to abuse the 30% Speed do I lose my Level up points? Edit: Data from comparing Growthrates to Base stats and from Navarre's statsets for Class Swaps on the Official Site. Promotion Growths are modifying the Class to match a new set of Base Stats (Base HP Knight 18, Base HP General 28). Additionally, Class Swap stat changes are also to match the Bases of the stat in question (so Knight to Mercenary would be -2 HP, General to Hero would be -6)
  2. Some characters kind of needed some Nerfing due to how Swap could be abused, let's take Est's FE1 growths (excluding defunked stats, Luck, and Res): HP = 50 Str= 70 Skl= 70 Spd= 70 Def= 20 Now, apply the new Class system so those would be the Growths for her as a Pegasus Rider her personal growths would be: HP = +20 Str= +60 Skl= +50 Spd= +45 Def= +10 Now then, applying the new Class Growths you can get some fairly nuts Growthrates here for the classes she'd be taking... She's still going to be amazing with her current growths, as any class you give her.
  3. Oh, as the Terrain data seemed rather the same as FE7-8 (only with a detail box designed off of FE9-10).
  4. That's how the terrain data lists it, I'm thinking the second but it's just as it says. (It's viewable when the cursor is directly over the terrain specified). Nobody actually gets healed by the terrain during the battle, so which it is is hard to tell.
  5. Has anyone tried going through the Demo vid and snagging as much data as possible from it like Terrain data and weapon stats... I managed to get the terrain data on Forts and the Castle Gate: Fort - Def = 01 MDef = 00 Avoid = 15 Heal = 20 Gate - Def = 02 MDef = 00 Avoid = 20 Heal = 20 I'd try to stag more data but I can't read most of it...
  6. Save FE1/3 where Marth can open things without keys, Thieves/Rogues are fast moving and useful on any team weak or not. They are better in games without Picks and with promotions, but even in games without them they make a useful unit. Also Assassins get an awesome combat animation. Anyway, I like flash and spiffy animations, and fast units so between Thief, Myrmis, and Pegasi... Thieves are fun.
  7. Sad thing is this seems to be what all the FE10 reviewers WANTED from 10...
  8. Watch Jeigan's Magic Growth be something absurd in the 70-260 range, making him a useful priest.
  9. Well, its an easy mistake to make... I kinda wish the people that could read the pages made note of what each part of the page was reference to... I can roughguess some of it by the pictures but since I'm illiterate...
  10. The example shown at the bottom of the page is Riff with a Myrmidon statset and Riff with a Cavalier statset when Riff is, in FE1, a Priest. The other three characters shown on the page (with true art) are Nabaru (Navarre, Myrmidon, black hair), Marich (Mage, Blue hat), and Minerba (Minerva, Dragon Rider, Red Hair).
  11. Considering that the only shown example is a Priest gone Myrmidon and Cavalier... >.>
  12. I say Oliver. Really, you have to be as perfectionistic as anyone to WANT to recruit him.
  13. Why can't I say 'with itself'? I'd perfer to have some epic crossover between the five worlds we got here. Anyway, barring that I don't wanna see an FE crossover RPG... Fire Emblem vs. Soul Calibur however...
  14. I'm mixed... part of me wants to see Support Convos (and multiple pair endings) in FE11... and yet part of me thinks that just Bonds would be enough, since I like the canon pairings anyway.
  15. Let's see, why is what you suggesting unlikely? Oh yeah, most of the time Promotions don't get an art overhaul, let alone having to do the arts of every character 20 some odd times. Aside from my previous dismounting statement, the addition of Class Swap allows for more modified and varied teams in Wi-Fi vs. modes. Which many were making comments of being dull and boring. Now is a tiny iota less dull and boring now that the teams can have the same five characters in five different classes.
  16. Another use of this: Dismounting is lost, right? At least so far it looks to be. So without it you can still remove the Arrow weakness of your riders and other things.
  17. Hard to guage Game length when the main bit of known increase is at the start. If they really extend the 'Marth escaping the Kingdom' bit the Fire Emblem might be introduced at halfway.
  18. Since we've got promotion items, and the whole Class Swap thing... wouldn't Marth not promoting be a LITTLE weird? Especially with added chapters and characters meaning we get more EXP and higher level baddies...
  19. I think the Master Seals are there for twofold reasons: 1. They've been making Promotions less insane to do every game. 2. With Class Swap class specific items might be quite outdated.
  20. Mia (Wayu) and Shiida (Sheeda) is my pick...
  21. Well, Falco Knights use Swords in every incarnation I can think of. It might be just a reflection of her promotion, or a reference to Dismounting. Poleaxes in FE10 are still an Axe, and Axes got put onto Dragon Riders in FE10. It seems like an act to separate the Winged Rider classes further, which is a nice choice since everyone still has a 0 Resist. I'm also hoping in the new character adds we get another Dragonrider (which they can do). Anyway, the game is lookin' bettah and bettah.
  22. The new art on FEWorld has me once again questioning how Pegasus > Dragon Rider will be delt with. See, if you look at Shiida/Sheeda's art, she has a Lance (probably Wingspear) and a Sword on her belt. In the translation of her stats she has only Lance Weapon Rank confirmed. However Minerba has an Axe in her new art. Granted, its a Polearm variant, but still axe-like. So... are we making Pegasus > Falco for the majority and we only have the one Dragon Rider? As otherwise the weapon set will confuse me.
  23. If Save Points are a localized version of Radiant Dawn's Battle Save but you're still allowed a 'I'm in class and probably shouldn't be play-crap the teacher*turnsofDS*' suspend I'll be happy. I want the ability to just turn off the game at will, not have to go 'damnit, I need a save point' whenever I'm getting off or on a train/getting on or off shift at work/someone's realized I'm not paying attention to them/etc.
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