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Everything posted by Rakath

  1. I only used BEXP to tweak Level Ups so I could better control the stats raised by them and save before leveling so my level ups were worth it. Usually only using 25EXP or less on any given unit any given chapter. Which makes having some of it lying around handy.
  2. Mia. Wait, I'm not allowed to say Mia? Why not? Oh fine, Ike, then I can fight side by side with Mia, then not fight on top of... *coughblushrunaway*
  3. Bridge Chapters in 9+10 were both rather obnoxious with the No Dodge after a pitfall. FE8 was pretty meh, but only one chapter really made me try to rip hairs out, that was the first chapter with a giant freakin' spider. As trying to save all 3 Civilians is rather annoying on Hard mode since you only have a single sub-par Pegasus rider...
  4. Ike & Mia Gatrie & Lyre Oscar & Nephenee Astrid & Someone not Makalov, like maybe Kieran, Sothe, or Gatrie
  5. Its possible (not likely) to no-up your stats. However the easiest way to undo that is (Normal Hard) Battle Save abuse and redoing a move without moving the exact same way. If you redo the same move the same way get the same result, but with a minor change (one square different path is all you need) you get a different result and a different level up. This is how I got my 'meh' level ups to be good, my standard was +4 stats or +3 stats with at least 1 of them being a low raise (Defense on my Mages/Mia/Mist, Luck on a huge count of characters, things like that). Okay, so its non-repeatable with other games, but it worked for me. ^_^
  6. On the whole Sniper/Sage debate: TERRAIN. Let's look at a small bridge or passage, something one square wide. On the other side is a large troop of enemies. Put a Sniper on the front of the passage (to take out an annoying enemy), then end your turn, the Sniper will get attacked ONCE (maybe twice if they have a ranged unit, but that doesn't matter here), get hit 0-1 times, and probably live. Put a Sage there. The counterattacks will mean you get attacked more and are more likely to lose your Sage. Similarly, put a Fighter there and he's going to Glass Jaw himself to an early grave (unless he's Boyd). Yes, in open terrain the Sniper is easily swamped. However in closed terrain the Sniper's weakness can be an asset. Neither Sniper nor Sage should be sent alone into open terrain where they are likely to get attacked repeatedly as neither of them has a Defense to last long.
  7. I have a general dislike of Fighter/Warrior classes. Speed isn't good enough to dodge thinks like a Pirate/Berserker, Defense isn't good enough to soak up several levels of hurt like a Knight/General. They have power but the harshest case of a glass jaw.
  8. First note: I enjoyed the 'our main character isn't royalty' aspect of FE9 a lot, as it made the game less exactly the same as all the other games but 2 when it came to the beginning. The two races that hate each other aspect while cliche is also fairly real, something like that gets to be cliche when we have rampant racism across the globe. Now, that aside the plot was pretty good, but it's a set-up for a second game. So a lot of holes were left unaswered. Personally I figured there was a sequal when they didn't do boxed 'this is the character's future' epilogue text. Since it's not a complete story it doesn't hold itself on its own as much as the others. However the set-ups in FE9 for FE10 are beautiful. Path of Radiance is very human when it comes to the heroes and villains. Nobody in the game is some great 'chosen one' nor is the final villain a giant Dragon who completely shoves the previous villain aside when it comes to power. Which was the most obnoxious thing about FE7 for me, the 'we have a great plot, a wonderful villain, the villain dies and ARBITRARY DRAGON ATTACK. Something I'm glad FE9 avoided and FE10 set-up.
  9. I use Astrid and Oscar generally (which when it came to Radiant Dawn hurt me due to the two being the same Third Tier). Kieran gets an honorary mention, I didn't use him but I did find him hilarious.
  10. http://www.nintendo.co.jp/fe/fe_museum/gai...cter/index.html I'm sorry, but this is sad. Every other game in the series has a full set of character arts. Fire Emblem 2 seems... lackluster, in that nobody got any art here. I got all hopeful over nothing...
  11. The current official art is all Card Game Art. The Book 1 Art is from Set 5 and the Book 2 Art from Set 6. However I'm guessing it'll all get completely redone as Shiida's design has nothing in common with any of her previous forms. Fact is she looks a bit like Eirika from FE8.
  12. It'd suck if they included the enemy only classes in the 20-30 count.
  13. Well, based on what's on Serenes as the translation of 'over 20 classes' (which for the sake of sanity I'm going to assume as base + promoted) really doesn't limit to around. It means depending on how liberal they are with numbers they are either under/exactly 25 or under 30. It also depends on if add new characters to match standard classes (Adding Feena, for instance), change existing characters (Nabaaru to Myrmidon, Splitting Pegasus and Dragon Knights), or removing Cheine and the Commando (really its the only class I can see not making it back, as it didn't make it back). Because if 20 Classes means only base classes... Going over the top and giving Shiida and Elice uniques, separating the flying cavalry, adding Feena... I only get 18.
  14. 1. The 'like Link in 64' idea is like saying we should remove the ability for Thieves to promote without reason. That's a step backwards in SSB's evolution. 2. Since Marth's big weakness in Brawl is his lack of projectiles and limited ways to deal with projectiles, giving him a way to deal with projectiles would be pretty effective. Also the idea of powering up Falchion MORE THAN IT ALREADY IS is equally absurd considering how many people (even some FE fans) hate Marth with a passion due to his Brawl self. 3. Lemme try, try, trytrytry to make this clear. Super Smash Brothers Brawl is made up of characters from 20 odd series, absolutely NONE of the characters from any of the series is a picture perfect carbon copy replica of themselves from their own games. Every character has details tweaked, attacks work differently, and aspects of themselves left out. For instance: - Mario never has that combination of moves in any game. The Cape does not work like that. FLUDD does not work like that. - Luigi's Super Jump Punch doesn't have the Fire Jump Punch in it. - Toad is not a human shield. - I'm certain if I thought about it I'd find something for Bowser, but I ain't a huge Mario fan. - DK cannot spin in the air to recover, he isn't Dixie. - Rockebarrels do not need to be charged up, ever. Same goes for Peanut Popguns. - Yoshi can't make eggs out of nothing. - Not a huge Wario fan, I'm certain one of them can fill in here. - Technically the big Link complaint is gone due to the switch to TP, but in Melee Link being OoT shouldn't have been able to Boomerang while Young Link shouldn't have had the Bow. - Sheik doesn't exist in TP. All of Zelda's other moves don't exist in TP either. - Ganondorf is not Captain Falcon - No complaints really can be made at Toon Link. - Not a big Metroid Fan, but I'm sure something can come up here. - Apparently Pit isn't strong enough based on how Kid Icarus plays (not a fan, so I dunno). - Ice Climbers don't actually do things together. - R.O.B. does not have lasers, or a hover/jet engine, and the Gyros do not keep speed and get thrown as weapons. - Kirby can't turn into a Rock, weild the Hammer, or use Final Cutter without the apropriate powers first. Same goes for most of his normal moves. - Meta Knight is too cool to be wrong. - King Dedede does not have an infinite supply of throwable minions, nor does his hammer have a Jet in it. - I dunno jack about Olimar, however his Pikmin should get faster with more mature flowers. - Falco and Wolf are not Fox. - Know nothing of Captain Falcon other than he looks cool. - Thunder Jolt isn't a real move. Skull Bash can no longer be learned by Pikachu. - Water Gun does not work like that. Withdraw does not work like that. Bullet Seed does not work like that. Rock Smash does not work like that. Fly does not work like that. - Aura Sphere cannot miss in the games. Force Palm doesn't work like that. Extreme Speed doesn't work like that (since it does damage). Double Team doesn't work like that (since it can't do damage). - Most of Marth's moves in Brawl were totally made up. Apparently he needs a shield to weild Falchion. - Same goes for Ike, Ragnell has a longer range than it does in Brawl. Ike doesn't get Ragnell until after he promotes. - So many things are wrong with the Mother characters first being neither of them have any of their own moves. - Mr. Game&Watch isn't really wrong but then again his source material is quite... diverse. - Snake can move while under a Cardboard box. Cypher doesn't work like that. - Homing Attack doesn't work like that. Now really, you might say the shield is a big important piece of plot in FE1/3/11, and you're probably right. Does this mean jack to Brawl... not really. Do the designers in Brawl have time to do an indepth full set of details on every character to make sure everything is absolutely perfect so no fan can complain, not really. Even if they did have the time to do an in depth full set of details do you think they would actually please every fan of the series for that character... no, you guys would find something. No matter how much you say the shield is important to Marth... it wasn't important enough to the Brawl designers to put it in.
  15. If Gameplay > Art, then Marth's shield would have to do something. Having Marth have a shield increases the strength of an already powerful character by letting him block projectiles. And if the arguement of 'the shield doesn't have to block projectiles' shows up again lemme point at the "Gameplay > Art" statement. The only way to put the Shield in would be as a taunt, which if they did would get you to ask why it wasn't constantly on his person, and the others to ask why they Ganondorf'd his shield. There is no winning with anyone.
  16. My Predictions for changes to the Class set and promotions. - Marth (possibly Shiida and Elice) getting unique promotions. - Thiefs will get one of the standard Promotions for them (Rogue or Assassin), possibly Dancer if the game is so inclined to add Feena (or another female Thief). - Myrmidon and Swordmaster once again making an appearance, since the Class seems especially loved and got into FE9/10 while Mercenary and Hero were benched. - Fighter getting Warrior. - Possible playable Pirate/Beserker set... even if the pair were writen out of FE10. This is much more a wishful thinking on my part due to FE9 having one Berserker and FE10 cutting said one Berserker. - Nomadic Trooper/Forest Knight getting added to the Horseman class as a promotion. - Separated Pegasus and Dragon classes. - Valkyrie getting added.
  17. For the most part the math favors unpromotes. You have more level ups to give stat-ups, while not sure, have the possibility to beat out most pre-promotes. Excluding FE10 (where its obscenely easy to cap mid-tiers, between late level BEXP and Battle Saves before a level up) you'll generally not lose out on points capping stats before promotion. Also you generally like unpromotes more as you have more time with them, Support Convos, and all around more attached. Early pre-promotes aren't generally useful and slow down leveling unless you're on Hard (where they are more a requirement).
  18. I wanted to vote for Spear Pillar and Pokemon Stadium 2... guess I'll have to settle for PS and Summit.
  19. His cape is in all his arts, without exception. I think the same is true of Falcon's gun (but I'm not an F-Zero fan). Having a shield on your arm that does nothing is an added piece of coding for nothing. That with it doing nothing doesn't make sense. Shields block things, to have a shield that doesn't block things is like having a sword that doesn't cut. Why bother just to please what, two people, and just tick off everyone else. "Why did they add a Shield to Marth in Brawl, then have it not block any attacks? That's stupid." would be an arguement I'd agree with. Also, by the way, comments have been made about why does Falcon have a gun he doesn't use. Similar to why Ganondorf has a taunt involving the Sword of Sages.
  20. It doesn't matter how much of it they have to make, but there are parts they don't. Both ports and remakes are cheaper than new games. Its still less work than building a new game, with new maps, new characters, a new story. Then advertising a new game with new characters and a new story. Most of FE1: DS advertising is already handled, considering how many of us are buying it already. If they were making a new game they'd need to do a bit more work on advertising. What does surprise me is how they redesigned Shiida in the DS make, Marth and Elice look pretty much the same, Shiida has completely lost her poofy hair from all previous arts. Also, the fact that America is getting FE1 on the DS is not the point of remaking FE1 on the DS. The point of remaking FE1 on the DS is to make money (which is made by taking a high selling game from over a decade ago and reselling it). Its just that there isn't another way to make FE1 for America that makes them more money. If they wanted America to have it FE1/3 and didn't care about the money, it would be on the Virtual Console. You act like 'them making the game for america' is a sin or something, and that if they are making the game for america that obviously they hate Japan and all the people in it. Fairly sure that FEDS was picked as a project considering both markets and how well it would sell. Anyway, done with this sidestep on the topic.
  21. There's a simpler explanation for the remale: Its cheaper than a new game. Even with the prettified graphics, updated gameplay, and some minor updates to the plot and character counts, its still FE1. Sure, its FE1 with a new suit, but they didn't have to remake the whole thing. Nintendo has been doing this ever since the Handheld systems started to match swords with the NES/SNES era games. Adding content to a pre-existing skeleton is easier that making a new one (kinda like taking a premade cake, icing it yourself to say "Happy Birthday Tim" instead of baking a cake, slaving in the kitchen for hours to the same result who would know). Making a 30 dollar remake of FE1 (or 3, depending on what they are doing) to sell to Americans is more profitable than a 5 dollar remake on the VC which would also need translations. Part of why I figured the VC wouldn't give us any Japanese only games till after a run life of a remake for the DS.
  22. What confuses me is why they change certain names for characters that are already named something English. I can understand changing the spellings, but really... Dialog and the various parts of the game that are full on Japanese are trickier, however the name changes are what get me. Also the Ettard/Alondite/Ragnell thing, what was up with that? Its M.Bison all over again.
  23. If you are going to nitpick a space. Ken Combo is: "A series of Small Jumps consisting of two Forward Air moves ending in a Small Jump Forward Air knocking the opponent over a gap and using a Down Air Meteor move to shoot them downward." You can't say that the 'technical name is a 'f air' as more correct than fair.
  24. Yes, its just a short hopped double Fair repeated across the stage generally ending by Spiking them off a cliff with a Dair. Totally doable in Brawl.
  25. Lord Knight of Barrel Roll: Technically that's the official art of Marth for FE3:Book 2. You're right, the mechanical nature of FE games does not allow for shields to protect from arrows unless you happen to be a Pegasus rider. However, Brawl isn't Fire Emblem in Brawl they try to have things make sense. Why give Marth a shield that does nothing? You're complaining about an item being missing then wish to add it without it doing anything. The Shield must do something for the game makers to add it in as anything more than a Ganondorf taunt.
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