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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. How can anyone dislike the pinata quote? That one's great, and I personally love Gideon's delivery on it.
  2. Yuri's delivery on all of them is excellent. "War is heck!" wins it for me overall.
  3. Surprisingly, I've actually grown to like Rhajat a bit, far more than Tharja. I'm not too sure why. Maybe it's because, despite her solitary nature, she comes off as a bit nicer than Tharja (though much crazier). Percy I also like a lot....though I can understand most not liking him because of how he acts in his recruitment Paralogue. Hinata has grown into one of my favorites. He feels like the kind of guy I'd get along with in real life. :)
  4. It actually was alphabetical in regards to last names.
  5. Really? I thought it was kind of cute though. Rather unorthodox way of trying to solve homesickness but it's something I'd expect Odin to come up with.
  6. Anankos can basically terraform any world he wants and was even seen creating a black hole. No doubt his power exceeds Grima.
  7. I'll go with "I'll do my duty" but she has probably one of the blander set of quotes.
  8. Ashera, though Anankos is pretty close, being the closest to a dragon god we get. Why is Anankos not on the poll though?
  9. "An encore? IF YOU INSIST!" The delivery is just too good.
  10. I very much agree with this. I like the idea of grinding being tattered towards difficulty level. That makes more sense than trying to make 2 separate games based on that alone.
  11. "Right to refuse service!" Oh, there are so many people I wish I could say this to at my job. :D
  12. I actually do like X's story quite a bit (more than most who have played the game), but yeah, I don't want it anywhere near Fire Emblem.
  13. Oh please, anyone but the writers of Xenoblade. I love Xenoblade and Xenoblade X (two of my all-time favorite JRPG's) but in no way, shape, or form do I want their writers going to Fire Emblem. Xenoblade's story is borderline crap. The gameplay was it's most redeeming quality.
  14. I wish they'd get Ken Yokoyama (Blazing Sword, Tellius games) to come back. But in any case, I don't really mind who's in for art and story writing as long as they're good (and know how to make a video game story).
  15. I'd love to see those 3 appear. Or just one of them. Heck, if they put in just one and they had supports with all the eligible guys, that would solve the game's "lack of females" issues.
  16. Putting it this way, if I had to grade the casts of both games, this would be it. Awakening: A Fates: B+ Overall, I love the majority of voices but questionable voice direction on a few brings the grade down a bit (Camilla, Effie, etc). All the same, I do appreciate Fates bringing in a lot of new actors and some non-traditional ones as well (EG Daily, Roger Rose, Sarah Blandy, etc.).
  17. I can only imagine it's based on design. Even I have to admit Female Corrin looks good. Can't say the same about Female Robin.
  18. That's a good idea. I'd say wait until the start of June or something. That seems fair enough.
  19. For me personally, Ryoma is the most coddling of all the siblings not named Camilla. He's part of the reason Corrin never develops as a character so I blame his personality for that. The game even seems to reward the guy for being stupidly reckless as well. For Silas, he's another Corrin d*** rider and a complete and utter jerk to Hana and Kagero. The Kagero support alone made me put him on the bench permanently.
  20. Pretty sure he's referring to Corrin and Leo's support conversations.
  21. TC pretty much stated all my reasons for liking Micaiah more. I've also liked her pretty much since the beginning. However, I will agree with another thing. I can't blame Corrin entirely. A lot of what happened is because of the morons around him which kind of hindered his own growth. Xander's inability to come to terms with the change in his dad, Azura's absurd decision making, Ryoma's over coddling....they all deserve blame.
  22. That's part of why I honestly really like Micaiah. Unlike Corrin, she never glorified what she was trying to do. She did what she thought she had to do, consequences be damned.
  23. In all honesty, I kind of wonder how the Japanese players view Corrin's character (and Fates' story in general) I know Female Corrin was voted the top female character, but I can't help but think that's mostly due to being able to marry the good looking guys in the game.
  24. Agreed. In so many ways, Intelligent Systems really needs to look back at their history. Most of the story and character attempts in Fates were done extremely better in previous games. They need to take a look back at those.
  25. Agreed. The player is the tactician. That's what we are and what it should always be. We're here to guide the heroes, not be the centerpiece. To me, that's the perfect role for the player.
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