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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. As far as I know, other news sites have only referenced Kotaku. In other words, no one has figured it out for themselves if it's true or not.
  2. That's part of why I find this ironic. There was no shortage of panning when the feature was revealed, but now people are panning the decision to take it out even more. People are strange.
  3. You can rest easy. It's spelled correctly in the game, judging by the footage.
  4. I've never played it myself. I was just going off other opinions I had heard.
  5. Supposedly, it's some game put into one of the Pokemon games that replaced a slot machine in Japan. Or something like that. I'm not entirely sure. Though it's supposedly notorious for being even more frustrating than the slot machines.
  6. Outlaw and Adventurer are basically Thief and Assassin. Swordmasters and the Pegasus classes are in Hoshido. Nohr has Dark Mages while Hoshido has Diviners (Mages basically). EDIT: Also, what the hell is Rebirth?
  7. No. It was confirmed a while ago that S-ranking the Nohr siblings is still there. Presumably, doing the same to the Hoshido siblings should be as well.
  8. I'm not the biggest expert, but supposedly someone got a screenshot from the English version that shows an exclamation point over the Private Quarters. In the Japanese version, this was a sign that a skinship session could be done. Sounds like that would indicate either it's still in the game, or there's some variant in there.
  9. Okay, Felicia's voice is growing more on me. Though I do wonder...why does it feel like there's an odd pause in her quotes? Like one of them sounded like. "woah.....woah woah!!" and another sounded similar. Maybe it was just me, but I don't get the pause.
  10. Not surprising. Same thing happened in Awakening.
  11. I will admit that Felicia's voice caught me off-guard. Thought for sure they'd go with someone like Christine Marie Cabanos for her. But still, I'll get used to it. I'll take a somewhat deeper voice over the chipmunk voice she had in the JPN version.
  12. Meh, I wasn't going to use it anyway. It was kind of creepy anyway. Assuming I recall right, even the Japanese fans of the game weren't all that enthused about it either.
  13. Eh, this will probably be like Xenoblade X all over again. Name is revealed, people complain constantly, but by the time the game comes out, everyone gets used to it and stops complaining.
  14. Oh my gosh, I love the version of the main theme they sung before that battle. I can't wait to play this. Everything just looks awesome right now. Too bad it'll likely be criminally underrated purely because of it's theme.
  15. The voices in the preview echo so much that I can't really get an opinion on them.
  16. Interesting that they put Ryoma's class as Swordmaster. Guess they decided to go with the more typical name of the class. Oh well, it's not really a problem.
  17. I'm about 90% sure that Hinoka is voiced by Veronica Taylor. When she said "Nohrian scum!" it immediately reminded me of Ash Ketchum.
  18. Agreed. I mean, from what I remember, Xander sounded perfectly fine back at E3.
  19. Yeah, it sounded about as awkward as the Robin/Lucina trailer, which is why I'm sure they'll sound better in the game. With how good Awakening was with it, I find it hard to believe Nintendo would strike out on the VA'ing.
  20. There's one thing I find funny. Back at E3, I thought Xander sounded like Cam Clarke. Now in this trailer, Corrin sounds like Cam Clarke.
  21. That's probably the best way to go about it. Trying to do a more direct translation would probably come out clumsy.
  22. I personally thought they sounded fine, and I think they'll sound better in the actual game. The voice acting in the Robin/Lucina trailer sounded kind of awkward too despite being great in Awakening. The one and only eyebrow-raising moment for me was Elise's forceful "He's my brother!" during the decision scene. Doesn't really fit her facial expression.
  23. I personally thought it sounded amazing all things considered. Credit to Rena Strober.
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