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Everything posted by sirmola

  1. Also, why do i feel like they will start introdcing new skills with 4 levels, where none of the levels are in the 3-4 or 4-5 star pools, just to force people to pull two copies of a unit every time they want to inherit.
  2. I hope not. nothing says power creep like a whole new skill tier. now everyone with death blow 3 will need an update. FUN! (not) I actualy think that was a clever way to make her more distinct.
  3. There is another major difference as well: FE4 has a MUCH darker tone than awakening. In a setting containing incest, mass murder, rape, and child hunts, being kidnaped and forced into a career as a sex worker fits right in. Awakening on the other hand, has a much lighter tone. Sure, there are dark elements, but they are generaly much less dark than in fe4. As such, anything at that level of "dark" needs to be implied, or else there would be a massive tonal clash. THe part about sylvia being forced to dance and then continuing because she likes it is supported by the infamous conversation in chapter 4 of fe4 , which is most famous for implying that that syvia and claude are siblings, and then immediatly having them confess feelings for each other (also note the explicit reference to child abuse. Somehow, I doubt awakening would include a line like that):
  4. Due to a combination of some very good luck, some very bad luck, and the TT giving me characters i already had, my "5* fodder" pile is bigger than ever. Note that everyone here is a duplicate of some kind (or is easily avalible at 4*) All primary version of these units are at +0 with no planned merge projects: Black Knight: Was thinking of giving Leo steady stance 3 to help with bows and his refine effect, but realy, most of my physicaly defensive characters might want it, including A!tiki, michalis, valintines eliwood, M! grima, fjorm, Nephnee (see below), and christmas chrom. Legendary lucinia: I want to give SOMEONE Distant Guard 3, but C skills tend to be flexible so it is less obvious who to give it to. Posibilities include masked marth, new years azura, but i have a LOT of characters who could use it. Ishtar: Same as above, except with Odd attack wave. One again, maybe masked marth, or possibly olivia, and any of half a dosen other alternatives. WOF!Hinoka: I will almost certainly give attack/speed bond to either sharena, masked marth (activly merging), or soren. They are the three party members with adjacency based skills (Except Linde, see below). Thing is, I have no idea when i will next get a bond skill, so I need to pick one. Note that I have been using bride ninian for chill attack recently. Tailtyu: I already have 3 blarblade + users (Bride Caeda, L'arachel, and summer corrin). I could give this copy to Linde (currently runinig refined aura), delthea, or Bride ninean or wait untill I get a new Blue tome user. (whoever gets it will get atk/res+2, because I might as well) Bride Lyn: I am now the proud owner of a maribel, who does not need dazzle fodder. I also have another Bride lyn, for when I need to use candlelight. I guess she will wait until another staffer comes out. Joshua: I was planning to give him to a M! grima (currently running brazen atk/def) for close def, but then I got a nephnee this morning. Shiro is also an option, or any of the wide variety of units mentioned above as steady stance 3 candidates. Note that of all the characters mentioned above, Masked Marth and Olivia are my only relevant merge projects. Also, as long As I am here, which Alfonse refine is best with a brazen atk/Def 6+vantage build?
  5. GOod point i guess. That being said, there are other ways to do this. the big one is different things, that are not quite the same as anything in the game before. Libra's weapon, for example, is an axe version of a weapon that has been in the game for a very long time. this is also true every time a character has a very different stat spread that existing units, or has a unique weapon and movement combo. People now have incentive to pull libra not because he is more powerfull, but because he has something new. In fact, things like skill inheretance are designed to limit power creep in characters (by allowing you to give old characters many new toys. Also, the weapon refinery might also be considered power creep (although it exists more to get under par units up to par, which is arguably not power creep). Honestly, the existnce of all this is probably why power creep in this game has not been TOO bad.
  6. OOPS. Granted, I never actualy managed to get one...
  7. I was looking at the forum achives, and noticed no recent discussion of power creep (not since aira or so). I have noticed lots of people talking about power creep in an "oh, this is obviously happening" sort of way. I happen to agree, but I feel that we should discuss it rather that just mentioning it in passing, if only to give more context to other discussions. What are some examples of the sorts of ways that power creep is occuring? If you don't think power creep is occuring, why not? I personaly think a good example is the new Olivia's weapon's +3 to all stats upon dance obseleting PA!azura's +2 (who i understand was very usable before this.)
  8. Now that I hare failed to get elise in the last banner, I need to decide if it is worth it to promote my +atk/-res priscilla. The issue is not feahters (which i get slightly faster than i use), so much as it is the fact htat I have one garbage bride lyn to use as dazzeling fodder., and i don't buy many orbs, so I have n idea when I will get another bride lyn or genny, Note that i my current list of staff users consists of a bride lyn and genny with great IVs, I -atk lachesis, a +atk clarine, and a might as well be neuteral nana. Should i: 1. Promote priscilla. 2. wait for an optimal priscilla 3. Wait for an elise untill the BHB. HThe fact that the next new BHB is called "leo and elise", and will have a banner will give me another opprotunity to try and get one. 3. wait for a elise, even if i don't get one in the BHB banner.
  9. I didn't used to merge, but I have now either filled most niches that can be filled by four star units, or don't have the character i want at a decent nature (lance flyers being the best example. None of my clares, cordelias, or shigures have ever had good IVs, and the only 5* lance fler was a -atk catria i eventualy foddered to put a slaying lance on someone.) No one who I use frequently has any skills then really need from a promoted 4* atm (and even if someone needed QR3, I am out of kleins and subakis atm). Also, there are many theoreticaly usfull people who i have promoted who have sat on my bench 95% of the time. My playstyle favors long-range hyper offense, pure tanks, and dancers. Because most of my really good units of those types are 5* exclusives (looking at you, brave lyn and airzura), I have only so many units that I can promote and actualy use, but my merge options are also limited. In practice, I accumulate feathers faster than I accumulate units I want to merge (getting a 3* reinhardt is almost as good for me right now as getting a 5* exclusive. I deeply regret the days when i could not possibly conceive of merging (for the reasons used in the OP), and used several reinhardt as vantage fodder)
  10. THis game has playable balistae and a character who is able to duplicate any other party member. Both are great. It is worth noting that you don't get ranged magic untill the final chapter, but there are a wide variety of different kinds of balistae, including one effective against flyers, and one effective against other balistae. IMO, caeda is the best flyer. the Wing spear is broken. Est has high growth rates but joins massively underleveled. You have to baby her to use her, but she apperently turns out great if you do (think nino or mozu, only without tricks like turning her into a dlc class). FYI, Sedgar is broken as a general (wolf might be too. have not tried) he takes minimal damage from almost anything (and can still use bows). THe only two magic users you need are lena and meric. the only A rank tome is enemy exclusive, so Wexp is not that much of an issue. THere is a female exclusive tome with the same wierd restriction as excaliber, so you want a male and a female magic user. THe only advantage thieves have is the ability to unlock things without keys (stealing is not a thing in this game). Marth gets the ability to unlock chests later. HOnestly, I just deploy a thief just for lockpicking when I need one, without bothering to level him up.
  11. Honestly, that sound like a great premise. A road trip through the apocalipse can be very interesting if done well. Examples include Fallout, The Road, or radient historia (where the deserirtification is in the process of occurring, and the characters journey around the continent trying to stop it). The ways that slowly advancing desertification affected the world (notably a war for what is left) make for a very compelling narrative. Of course, radient historia has more to it than that, but with some fleshing out an ice age would work great. Just make sure that all that stuff about the god and the melding becomes relevant to the main story in some way, and is given to the reader in an interesting way. Don't just infodump your backstory. If details don't improve your narative, cut them out. Most writers leave out most of their worldbuilding. The Road intentionaly does not tell us how all the plant life on earth died. All that matters is that it happened. In Radient historia, some detail is given about how the fallen empire caused desertification, but only as much as the story needs to give us to give context to the plot, and only when it is relevent. A good way to include it would be to start the book with the final fight between the wizard and the god, but don't include most of the background information (instead giving that slowly over the course of the book is it becomes relevant to the plot).
  12. As a reminder, the 3% general pool chance means that the real rate of getting a 5* is 6%. 2% is not THAT massive of a difference. The fact that you know what color a orb is before you pull also influences probability if you snipe colors (the game decides what units will be in "under" each orb without thinking about color, and then shows you what color the unit is. Additional information influences probability. A classic example is explained at https://betterexplained.com/articles/understanding-the-monty-hall-problem/) Notably, if you pull for colors with two out of three focus units a lot, this can result in 5* probabilities of more than 8%. The most extreme recent example of this was the falchion banner, where the fact that all focus units were red meant that the probability of a 5* being in a red orb was something like 10%. To make things more confusing, green orbs are more likely to contain a 5* unit than other colors. This is because a unit can be either a 3-4 star unit, or a 5* unit. There are much fewer 3-4 star green units compared to other colors. this means that green orbs appear less often than other colors, but when they do, they are more likely to be 5*. TL:dr there exist stratagies that increase your probability of getting a 5* unit of some kind (like pulling for colors with mutiple focus units). These stratagies are more effective on some non-legendary banners then th are on legendary ones. Thus, in some situations, a legendary banner with no stratagy can have a lower probability than a non-legendary banner.
  13. I have had A legendary banner where I put in easily that many orbs and got one garbage duplicate of a unit i already had, and a banner where I spent less and got 5 great units (plus a garbage duplicate). It reallly is that variable.
  14. I just got a summer corrin. Problem is, she has +res/-spd IVs. Is she worth building fully? For reference, my other tome flyers are +atk Bride Ninian (running a buff build with her base tome) and SF nino (runnng giga excalaber). I also have NY azura for hone flyers. My other Blade users are +spd bride ceada, +spd L'arachel, + spd nino, and +atk Katarina. I will of course attempt to get a better one of her, but Summer Tania, summer robin, and summer tiki are all higher on my priority list (SP grinding is annoying). (EDIT: also, the legendary banner looks great) For reference, My foderable 5* exclusives are a garbage bride caeda and a garbage bride lyn. alternatevly I could just throw an 4* oden at her and run blarblade (not plus), moonbow, drag back/reposition, swift strike/darting blow, a filler B skill untill i get another shanna or mae, and fortify flyers. On an unrelated note, should I merge my garbage Bride caeda, or keep her for skill fodder? I also just got A +atk/-spd Summer Elise. I have currently built her as a budget offensive buffer designed to give +4/+4 drive buffs to infantry (or +4/+1 while sp grinding green tome users), while being decent in combat. Is she worth giving anything expensive to? (given the abovementioned ninos)
  15. Steam World Dig: I am generally really bad at action games in general and platformers in perticular (due to really bad reflexes), so i expected to not like it, but i have liked some action games in the past, (such as anything 2d zelda) so I bought it when it went on sale for a few bucks. I actualy really enjoyed it (and the sequel, but i expected to enjoy it by that point) Radiant Historia: perfect chronology: I loved the original and consider it one of my top ten rpgs (i played it when it first came out), but story/text heavy rpgs tend not to replay well. THat being said, i have forgotten just enough of the fine details of the plot for it to feel fresh, but remembered enough to get all of the forshadowing. It helps that this game's normal mode is exactly my preferred level of difficulty: not brainless, but no grinding required (i have not tried easy, hard, or "deadly"). THe new coat of paint (art/voice acting) is the icing on the cake. THe new story content is not as good as the original, but is still good, and is all entirely optional.
  16. zsnes is ancient, and is no longer updated. It is not at all accurate. That being said, some patches and romhacks were coded using zsnes or some other emulator, and only work on that emulator because they require an emulation inaccuracy to run. one notable issue with zsnes it the fact that it does not handle large ROM sizes. This includes the new fe4 translation patch, which simply will not run on zsnes, or any other emulator missing this feature. Given that this is an FE forum, and the new translation is the only one where the ending is translated, that is kind of important. Good alternatives i have personally used are SNES9x (which I use due to the wide variety of features, and which ran on a five year old laptop with no issues) and HIGAN (which is also a good choice, and actualy includes three exicutables, which each have ). Retroarch allows you to emulate different systems from the same program (by being a wrapper for versions of most other emulaters), but i heard it requires more set up (i have not used the pc version, but i was unable to set up the android version). I had no issues setting up snes9s, HIGAN, or zsnes. Other emulaters exist, like bizhawk (which is perfered for tool asisted speedruns), but they tend to be more niche in application, or not support features like large ROM sizes. I also don't know which version of snes9x added large ROM size support. I would say try the latest version of each emulater. If it runs slowly, there are usualy settings that you can change that help it run on slower computers at the expense of accuracy.
  17. i wouldn't call it bad per se, just generic. it is pretty much every 90s anime only with a plot based on fe1. it also only has two thirty minute episodes (which means it got canceled after chapter three or so of the actual game).
  18. After pulling a lot on the bridal blessings banner, i have two bride lyns: +atk/-spd, and +spd/-def. WHich one should i build (i plan on using the other as daseling fodder)
  19. Speaking of, the datamine does NOT include a new weapon for canas, and i don't recognise the weapon in his art. Does anyone else resognise it? THat being said, mages often have tomes in their art that are not representitive of what thier tome actualy looks like. In fact, katarina's art definatly does not show an owl tome, so i think it is likely that he will get an owl tome also, given that is what was in the chapter image.
  20. Where as for me, who got raven within month of starting the game (almost a year ago now), and refined him at the first opprotunity, linus just got less interesting. even if he theoreticaly has better stats, it will not be worth the dew and feathers unless it is a very different weapon. THat being said, he will almost certainly have good fodder skills. I am also wondering if he comes with a normal 5* weapon. We have so far never had a new character come with one of the retcon weapons, so we don't know if the game will give two 5* options, like it would if you actualy get raven now.
  21. I'm honestly annoyed that they removed the existing sort by favorite option, simply because it had a convenient general use order for viewing units, and showd the level underneath (showing rarity stars is pointless because background color conveys the same info, but this does a good job of replicating it. it dos add aditional work to what used to be an easy sort, though)
  22. You know, I think I am noticing a general theme for these new refines.
  23. I disagree, simply because they seem to be fine with reusing areas in different maps, especialy if it is the area on the other side of some key feature. In fact, the current BHB (seliph and julia) uses a similar area to the julious grand hero battle, with a different enough design to make playing it different. (the GHB has lots of trees, whereas the BHB has fewer trees, but includes the cliffs to the south, and an (in)conveniently placed trench. In practice, the GHB is more open, and more about running around killing and avoiding reinforcements before they overwealm you. THe BHB, on the other hand, is more about constraining your aproach options to make the map more of a puzzle. They could easily do something like this for any other feature, including the pedestal of COD.
  24. From experience, 5* exclusive staff weapons and healing are WAY more usefull than the ones 4* units get. In fact, most of them are arguably the biggest increase in skill usefullness between the 4 and 5 star versions of a nonlegendary skill. they can also be forged to get wrathfull staff (staff does full damage instead of half damage) or daseling staff (enemy can not counter) effects. However, If I were you, I would try to pull for bride lyn, because she has dasseling staff, which is tied for best staff skill in the game (and allows you to run both wrathful and daseling effects at once, which is really usefull. the only way to get both effects is by foddering Genny, who is 5* exclusive). I have not used bride lyn, but she is an easy staff user right now, and most non-budget builds for most staff users assume the wrathfull daseling combo anyway. I also hear that forged Candelight+ (inflicts status that prevents foe from countering for a turn) is a good weapon.
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