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Everything posted by sirmola

  1. ephraim (often with the same spelling) is a reletively common jewish name(i know several), simply because it was the best rominization of the name of a biblical character(one of the 12 tribes of isreal) Heck, i know at least 2 "ephraim joshua"s, because joshua is the name of a biblical character from the tribe of ephraim.
  2. Killing everybody with holsety in fe4 never gets old. Hilariously unbalanced is fun sometimes.
  3. Gotoh, xane, any reclassed manakete in awakening, (and nills/ninian if you count noncombat skills) would beg to differ. Although it as true that many manakets don't have the ability to defend themselves when their stones break, this is by no means true of all of them. Also, i assume that dragonstones recharge or reform over a period of years.
  4. Also, the extra knight class the kelge gets, even if neither of her parents have it..
  5. I always assumed that fe9/10 took place in a different world, and priam or one of his ancestors traveled through an outrealm gate at some point. As such, it's possible that tanguel/laguz are nigh-extinct in one world, but still common in another. Also, there is one notable difference between tanguel and laguz (although it could probably be explained away relatively easily): tanguel breeding with humans results in tanguel, instead of humans like in thelius. Honestly, i always assumed that manaketes came from the elebe continent/world. This is supported by the fact that ninean is a manakete despite having a human father(nergal), as well as how similar the fe7 dragon gate and fe13 outrealm gate look. Heck, even if thelius is in the same world, isn't phane only talking about rabbit tanguel when she says that she is the last one? By her own admissions, she knows very little about the other tribes. Given that different continents appeare to be in very little contact with each other, the could be as many as there were in fe9, and she wouldn't know. Heck, there could be another warren of rabbit tangeul on some island or something that is really good at hiding.
  6. I looked closer at the tome textures and noticed two things. 1. The symble on the book of naga looks like somewhat like the brand of naga, but it's not a perfect ringer. http://serenesforest.net/download/fe13/b/wep_mg16.m_6980%28wep_mg16_c%29.png 2. The book that michaia is holding in her dlc art is almost exactly the same as the in-game model for michaia's pire. (the other book does not seem to correspond to any tome in the game or fe10.) http://serenesforest.net/download/fe13/b/wep_mg25.m_6980%28wep_mg25_c%29.png http://serenesforest.net/wp-content/gallery/awakening/dlc-art/DLC_Micaiah.jpg
  7. Yeah. I'm pretty sur that crits only use one rn in every fire emblem game.
  8. I love how the developers put the triforce on one of the game's legendary weapons. (granted, that symbol can mean other things, but none of them seem relevant here.)
  9. It would alleviate the absurd backtracking (one of my least favorate things about this game)
  10. Out of curiosity, why were they replaced with weapon images in the list on the main page? Wouldn't new fans get confused?
  11. Also, the fe8 item locations page includes a link to the chapter guide. Said link is broken (links to site map). The link to the chapter guide on the fe8 main page works though.
  12. From what i remember reading, the fan translation was created from a bad dump without the region lock information, so if you put the fan translation on a flashcart, it might work on an american dsi/3ds. Havn't tried it myself though.
  13. Two from dragon quest 4: Alena, the tomboy martial artist princess (who actualy breaks out of her own castle after her father forbids her from adventuring) and meena the gypsy seer and cleric. Maya, who is meena's sister and and an exotic dancer does not count due to her outfit and slutty characterization. The female version of the protagonist does not count because the gender selection changes almost nothing (to the point where the female protagonest is a lesbian because they didn't bother to change the gender of the npc love interest.) Also, lena (the princess who searches for her father), ferris (the crossdressing pirate who is secretly lena's sister), and krile (the princess from another world who joins your party after the villain kills her grandfather (who probably tops most lists most competent rpg old people)) from final fantasy 5 all count. Also, dosen't celes kind of get driven by only love for locke in the second half of final fantasy 6(and her outfit has no pants)? Also, terra is wearing a grand total of no clothing whatsoever when transformed, but that might count as an alternate costume (although she transfoms a lot in this game). Also, sheba from golden sun 2 probably counts. (jenna is kidnapped at the begining of golden sun 1 and you spent the entire game chasing after her, but that situation is a lot more complicated than it sounds.)
  14. Part of what confused me was the april fool's topic. It is actualy surprisingly common on the internet to use april fools topic as trial baloons for posibly unpopular initiatives, and i honestly thought that this was what you were doing when the numbers disapered from the website. Sorry about that.
  15. That's the one, and it loads for me fine. The link you gave links to an odd place in the directory structure. Does the base website work for you?
  16. I like to be really slow and methodical. I honestly don't care about turn count. My fe4 playthroughs have in game time of 100 hours (fast forward and reloading saves were both used liberaly. I did not keep count of real fime, but 40 hours seems around right.)
  17. As someone who is curently replaying fe11 to kill everyone off to get the gaidens, i would have to agree with this, as long as the gaiden requirements are a liffle less stupid than in that game..
  18. Got it. The internet can be confusing sometimes. (and yes, i thought that the post in question was hilarious as well) Honestly, what really confused me what the fact that the recent site redesign removed the numbers, plus certain comments on the part of vincentASM
  19. Are you being sarcastic, because the auther of that post was. I hoestly have a really hard time telling on the internet.
  20. I think the point is that hard-->lunatic is too much of a jump in difficulty (correct me if i'm wrong)
  21. Do you mean king or prince marth (and which re-classes in particular)?
  22. I have noticed that, since an intsys emplyee mentioned that bsfe should be fe5, there has not been uniformity in the "FEX" numbering system. (for example, vincentasm seems to have been convinced by this remark, as the last site redisign removed all the numbers) As such, i honestly do not know how to refer to any fire emblem games after 4. As using the full name is not convinient, I was hoping that someone could enlighten me as to the correct naming system. Honestly, i am aware that any name question is flame-bait on this forum, but this is confusing me enough that i felt that i had to ask. Thanks
  23. Honestly, my issue with awakening was the plot. The gameplay was exelent. THe only fe games that i have played that have have "funner" gameplay are 4 and "5" (6 if you go with some random intsys member's off the cuff remark) (thracia because you probably didn't get that reference.) And that's because the gameplay is different enough (both from other fe games and each other) to scratch a different itch. I personaly am a scifi nerd who loves time travel stories. As such, i realised that awakening's time travel plot is incredably internaly inconsistent. (if it were consistent, grima would never have traveled back to the past/current timeline because to reasionabe method of travel between alternate universes does causes people to disappear). As for the characters, they are honestly some of the best writen distilations of anime tropes that i have seen in years. Many people strongly dislike this. However if you happen to like something that other poeple dislike, good for you, as long as you understand why others dislike it. The same applies to what you dislike, if you know why others like it. After all, likes/dislikes are a matter of personal taste. I say this as someone who likes shadow dragon, fe4, and all 3 golden sun games(all of which have massive hatedoms.) I can see why other people dislike them, but i personally happen to like them.
  24. Wate a mont or two (or 6) and elibean nights will be complete. There are a surprising number of complete japanese hacks, like FEgirls and fe4 binary. The former is sacred stones with all the character replaced with various gbafe girls and high dificulty/new maps, while the latter is a complete mechanics overhaul of fe4. Also, there a lot of "geneology of (specific fe4 bloodline)" hacks which are just fe4 with all the characters swapped (so genelolgy of tordo has you play as tiltyu and get murdurized by drerdre. If you've read any of the homestuck fanfics with a premise of "what if all the trolls had their blood colors swapped" it pretty much plays out like one of those.). some of those are incomplete though. All of the above hacks are in japanese. FEgirls and fe4 binary have lps on the lp archive that you might want to check out before playing, as all the japanese is explained. FEgirls: http://lparchive.org/Fire-Emblem-Girls/ fe4 binary: http://lparchive.org/Fire-Emblem-4-Binary/ the lparchive also has lps of Mathew's nightmare and the last promise (and ostian princess which i would highly recomend you not actualy play due to how bad it is. This is one of those hacks that has you scratching your head as to how the developers can mess up that hard): Mathew's nightmare: http://lparchive.org/Fire-Emblem-Matthews-Nightmare/ the last promise:http://lparchive.org/Fire-Emblem-The-Last-Promise/ Ostian princess: http://lparchive.org/Fire-Emblem-Different-Dimensions-Ostian-Princess/ Also, ther is a website that translates a lot of japanese hack readmes, but i can't find it atm. And remember kids: Pick your killer axe and KILL!
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