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Everything posted by sirmola

  1. Is the order of the sheets the same as the ingame order, because the skill order is a little wierd. hit +10 is among the player avalible skills while luck plus 4 is among the enemy only skills. Perhaps luck+4 is at the bottem of the list because they added it (or made it a player skill) only after they decided to make dance a class effect instead of a skill.) Also, are the dlc skill icons in a no dlc rom?
  2. *watches video* Well. That is a hairstyle all right. He's also silly enough to make it fun to watch, event though it can't be defined as "good" (the bottom screen is not shown, he spends far to much time talking at the beginning, ect.)
  3. I actualy found it better than average. The editing quality is quite high, you are pretty informetive, and you actualy checked your vidio for errors before releasing it.
  4. I personally prefer screenshot LPs for turn based games like this, but i haven't been able to find any in a reasonable state of completion for awakening. I like to direct people to the lp archive (which archives lps produced in the something aweful forums) for high quality lps (the fe4 and 5 lps in particular are excellent, and there are complete lps for several obscure fe romhacks that are worth looking up.), but the only awakening lp on the something aweful forums was abandoned some time ago.
  5. Resire is not yet finished, although the fe4 translation tools are still usable. (note that lots of japanese asm hack patches for fe4 assume free space that the translation uses, so if you want to use them, you will either have to start from the j2e menu only version and add all text in yourself, or do a lot of repointing.) there is an fe4 (fe5 is very similar) portrate insertian tutorial here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=43520 there is also a japanese fe4 map editer, which iirc has a translated version. Can't find it atm, though.
  6. Honestly, jugderal pretty much consists of an FE skeleton fleshed out almost entirely using celtic mythology (both names and plot fragments), to the point where there are probably as many celtic mythology references in the series as any other mythology. They are just concentrated into two games.
  7. All of the links to pictures in the genealogy section of the "prerelease changes" page are bad (and link to the site map). This does not seem to affect any other game
  8. From what i understand, the additional time required for a strategy other than "steamroll everything with marth" (which is no longer possible due to additional enemy stats) adds a lot more time than the prolog does. The tas videos site will consider H1 better regardless of length though. (I haven't actually tried myself though, as i am more of a casual player.)
  9. The "safe" icon in the upper left hand corner of the submission box means that it is in the "vault tier" which means that it is technically proficient, but not that interesting to watch. by comparison, all three gba TASs are "moon tier" which means that it is both of those things. Note the policy is that any well optimized run on the hardest difficulty unlocked from first power on (h1 in this case) will replace all runs on lower dificulties (even faster ones). a catagory like "h5 warpless" is also accepted as a seperate branch, provided people like it, so there is still plenty of opprofunity for a tas of shadow dragon if anyone wants to. (warning: tasvidios is a demanding site, so you need to be a perfectionist. posting your works in progress for feedback is highly recommended.)
  10. Going to the linked page and clicking the link next to "auther's comments" gives you a blow-by-blow on the strategy used.
  11. Is was looking around tasvidios.org and i noticed that shadow dragon recently had a tool assisted speedrun put up. I found this exciting because the record holding real-time run on sda is so badly recorded that it is unwatchable. The tasvidios page is here: http://tasvideos.org/2690M.html Also, here is the actual video: What do you guys think of it?
  12. Does hit rate +10 count as an enemy skill for this purpose? Also, does anything odd happen to grima's truth?
  13. clever. Does hit plus 10 add to your permenant skill list if you do that? is it always felt to me like something that a player class/unit might have gotten earler in development. It so, it might still have a data structure slot (which skills like dragonskin do not due to to never intended to be player skills.)
  14. THe list of currently equiped skills is probably structured differently from the inactive skill pool. Even is the code exists to add impossible skills to the list of equipped skills(which is what the vidio does, and what the powersave codes do), adding them to the unequipped pool might not be possible. evidence of this might be that streetpass avatars keep only equiped skills, and not the rest of there skill list. I'd love to know about the actual data structure to prove or disprove this though, as insys often codes in really odd ways.
  15. I suspect that a code to add skills to the skill pool might be possible, but if my intuition is right, the skill pool is in a different part of the data structure (the obvious way to code it would be to give each skill a bit to determine weather it is in the skill pool and then assign each skill an id and store 5 of those in the active skills list), so that would be a different code. (there might not actually be skill-pool bits for skills unobtainable by the player, like vantage plus, so adding those to the skill pool might not be possible)
  16. http://tcrf.net/EarthBound#Copy_Protection Short version: in addition to a copy-protection screen, like the one in this thread, it boosts random encounters to ludicrous levels (even in towns), and the final boss resets the game and clears all saves. However, emulators are good enough that they don't trip it. The link includes more detail, video/images, and codes to activate these.
  17. Paying cash to repair weapons in fe4.
  18. Yep, i just checked, and i saw codes for everything he did. (there are no max stats codes, but there are codes for free stat-up items.). Like i said, would it have killed him just to tell us that?
  19. Oops. tbh, i didn't buy any dlc, so i didn't remember. I meant something like the mimic glitch in gen 4 pokemon, which allows for nearly arbitrary move-sets. Perhaps conquest is there due to the "nearly", Although the point here is clearly not to be perfectly optimized.
  20. Please explain better. i see that chrom has been glitched or something to have impossible skills (and also you ground dlc a lot). but the way you provided no explanation is kind of annoying. What exactly did you do, and how do i do it myself?
  21. I thought so too, but then they went and retconed in cyas in fe5. (granted, you never see his holy blood, but still...), although i like to think of fe5 as a seperate continuity due to the sheer number of awkward retcons. She has no lopt blood in game, and the fact that the devolopers explicetly coded a way for seliph to not have lopt blood strongly suggests that this is a statement on the part of the developers that the threat was gone for good (which is why i find the cyas retcon so awkward).
  22. I would have to say lopitusu, but since i can't vote that, i'll say fire dragon, because fire emblem is usualy not at it's strongest when it pulls out this plot, and "just there" is better then bad. (it helps that i like nergal.) IIRC, He isin't dying, just being expelled from jlious as julious dies. He is still alive, and could theoreticaly return.
  23. It Didn't underwhelm me, probably because i was expecting them to reuse the pedestal image that shows at power-on
  24. I would have used that excuse too, exept that roy has paired endings, so they had obviously coded in the functionality. As such, they essentualy had to write and insert maybe 20-25 sentances, so this is probably just laziness.
  25. The lack of paired endings for every non-roy pairing in fe6. Two characters will declare their undying love for each other, and proceed to go about their lives as if nothing had happened. You might expect that to happen for some pairings, but every single one that doesn't involve roy? WHY?!?
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