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Posts posted by Pokechu

  1. I really can't allow Ryoma to be related to the Kamuis simply because I ship FemuixRyoma. But I can and will have them be the full blooded siblings of Hinoka, Takumi and Sakura. Hydra/Anakos will not be their father in any way shape or form. The Nohr siblings will all be blood related minus Aqua because AquaxMarx and plot. And pairings will not much to do with the story and they will be doned down the ones more obvious will the Kamuis related.

    Ehh, it IS your fanfic, but I think a lot of people would find it silly to have 3/4 of the Hoshido siblings 100% related to Kamui but have Ryouma 0% related. It'd just feel odd, but that's probably because it'd feel like they're left out, and odd numbers really are odd. Also, there's a few people I've seen who aren't keen on marrying any of the royals, y'know? But hey, the main part of the fic is the story, so this is just my 2 cents. I'm sure the fic will be great regardless though, since one ship isn't that big of a deal.

  2. So, a character can only have one A+ support and it goes one way? For example, if I A+ support Azura to Sakura, Azura can no longer A+ Elise, right? But Sakura could A+ Elise, because it goes one way. After she does she could not A+ support anyone else, right? And is Kamui only able to A+ one unit like the rest? Still haven't fully understood A+ supports and buddy seals :x

    Also, what'd be the best secondary class for Kamui if her S support was Nishiki? A few days back I searched for "nishiki" in the thread but I didn't see this question asked. And just to be sure. the best asset and flaw would be Speed/Luck, because Speed/Magic gives -1 to both Speed and Res, and with Speed/Luck the negative luck would usually be -3, but your asset being Speed makes it -1.

    reposting this ouo"

    don't mean to be rude or anything by reposting, but I feel as if this post was skipped over

  3. So, a character can only have one A+ support and it goes one way? For example, if I A+ support Azura to Sakura, Azura can no longer A+ Elise, right? But Sakura could A+ Elise, because it goes one way. After she does she could not A+ support anyone else, right? Still haven't fully understood A+ supports and buddy seals :x

    Also, what'd be the best secondary class for Kamui if her S support was Nishiki? A few days back I searched for "nishiki" in the thread but I didn't see this question asked. And just to be sure. the best asset and flaw would be Speed/Luck, because Speed/Magic gives -1 to both Speed and Res, and with Speed/Luck the negative luck would usually be -3, but your asset being Speed makes it -1.

  4. Idk, some people might pronounce it Kisarajee or something. And then put the accent in the wrong place so it becomes ki-SAH-ra-jee.

    it's not pronounced like that?????????

    I think I always say ki-sah-ra-gee (gee as in "Gee, so much fun!!" it sounds like the letter G, but I'm pretty sure jee sounds like g, too.) Is that really not how it's said?

    This is Panne, Nowi, and Cherche all over again with me. (Pa nay? No wee? Now ee? Church? Cherchie? Pannie? Pan? Chur chey?)

    i dont know my english anymore

  5. This is real helpful. Thanks! : ]

    One thing, though.. what about Skills? Do they work like in Awakening, where the last skill gets passed down? And could you use a Master Seal after you used a Marriage Seal? Let's say I use a Marriage Seal on my Avatar to turn into let's say Lancer (Oboro's class). Could I then use a Master Seal on my Avatar so they turn into Holy Lancer? Or can I only access their base class, and never their final?

    Also, I've heard that learning skills seems to be different. Another example; let's say I choose Mercenary as my 2nd class for my Avatar. If I get her to her final starting class (White Blood/Dark Blood I think?) and use a Parallel Seal, I won't be able to access Mercenary, right? Because Mercenary is a base class while White/Dark Blood is final. Then how'd I get the skills from Mercenary?

    this turned out to be more than one thing tho sorry

  6. Speaking of Aqua

    Does the game save after the final chapter? I'd prefer to work on the child characters later on, so if the game doesn't save, Aqua would still be in my party.

    Also, even if it does save, would Aqua still be in our party? She's kinda got to have an ending, y'know

  7. So, one question. Does the game save after you finish all the chapters?

    If it doesn't then there goes Aqua. Since Awakening didn't save though, I'm hoping this one will be the same so Aqua kinda stays alive.

    DARN SPOILER fixed

  8. Honestly, I almost think we should just drop using spoiler tags here.

    Anybody coming into a 200+ long hype thread and expecting not to be spoiled, well, they get what they deserve, lets put it like that.


    Plus, it's getting tiring to open up 25 spoiler tags every single page.

  9. So can we say that this game has one of the best FE plots judging by the reactions of everyone?

    Everyone seems so emotional it makes me want to spoil soooo bad.

    You can always, y'know, PM me c^:

    Since honestly it's about 2 AM where I am and I just want to know the juicyness. or don't PM, whatever floats your boat

  10. [spoiler=]Because different players have achieved different results on different playthroughs of the same route. In one Hoshido route, Camilla died. She lived on Hamayama's stream. Ergo, there must be some triggers or actions (that we are not yet certain of) that cause the different outcomes.

    [spoiler=]Really? What happened when she died? I mean, did Marx show up or something? Did a cutscene play? How do we know that she didn't retreat?

  11. That's rather odd, I joined yesterday and have been able to quote from the start. Are you sure you're hitting the Quote button that appears at the bottom right of each person's post?

    Here, it's an English speaker: http://www.twitch.tv/himynameismaurice

    Hoshido stream: http://www.twitch.tv/hamayama

    Chinese Nohr stream is down right now, but here's the link anyways: http://www.douyutv.com/35474

    Oh. I was being silly and using Internet Explorer. Why was I? The world may never know! takumi really did make the ouija board

  12. So. I can't quote for some reason, probably because this is my first post, but @Xanderfells

    I actually came up with the "made the Ouija board" one! I feel special.

    Anyways, I've basically been one of the 200 or so lurkers watching this thread for days. I still don't like how I can't quote. Sobsob.

    *goes back to lurking*

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