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Posts posted by Pokechu

  1. 18 minutes ago, DaloDask said:

    I think it'd be fine if all ten were in the game, but the blatant overlap between Leo/Elise and Takumi/Sakura is honestly absurd, especially given how they have unique pref weapons to push them further along. If they were going to not have 2 royals in the game, they'd likely cut Sakura and Elise simply because of the insane overlap. Then again we still got Lucina so whatever

    There is the point of there just not being many exceedingly relevant Fates characters. You can stretch for Kaze, Silas, Jakob and Felicia by association, and maybe even Gunter, but the retainers exist as extra muscle and are tag alongs. Yukimura's about the only other exceedingly relevant character I can see getting in and that's because Mechanists are cool as shit.

    I guess we'll have to wait for the trailer to crush our hopes and dreams by featuring Oboro and Rinkah instead of the little ones.

    I don't think the overlap is blatant or absurd at all, considering Sakura and Elise are also clerics. If we can have 8 or 9 sword users, 3 of them using the same sword, I don't see the problem with two archers or two mounted mages. It's not like there's any other relevant archer besides Jeorge and maybe Gordin or Virion. The only other mounted mage I can think of is Maribelle honestly, and Elise outclasses her in both popularity and importance. I don't see a reason to not have Elise, you could say well Leo has his own weapon and you're right, nothing will change that. But that just goes to show that he might overshadow basically any mage (at least in my honest opinion), because he has his own weapon. Might as well have Elise because she can be pretty unique. If you have Elise, might as well have Sakura.

    And I honestly don't see Rinkah getting in, especially alongside Oboro because I think they'd want to keep the kingdoms equivalent.

    See, one thing that makes me think we're getting all 10 is how Fates takes up a good 3 of the 5 orbs on the shield. You could say it's because there's 3 special weapons, Yato, Siegfried and Raijinto, but there doesn't have to be an orb for every weapon. Otherwise, Takumi and Leo would also have orbs and possibly Lucina (Falchion) and Caeda (Wing Spear). I think it's three orbs to represent each of the three paths, because as far as I know Fates hasn't really been referred to ever as just one thing but rather all three, Birthright, Conquest and Revelations. They could use Yato for Revelatons, Siegfried for Conquest and Raijinto for Birthright. If you're going to put in characters for each route, it'd make the most sense if they all have relations with each other. So I'm of course not saying 10 characters for each route, that's insane. But the royals for their respective kingdoms and Corrin + Azura for Revelations makes sense to me. If they chose to make the crossover point for Fates in this game at around Chapter 6 in order to not alienate any fans for not picking the path they did, then I feel that they would want balance between the kingdoms, otherwise it's "Why does Nohr have more characters than the path I chose!!!!!!". With the royals, you get characters that appear regardless of what path you choose, and most of the royals (save for poor lil' ol' Sakura and Hinoka) have plot relevance.

    I know I'm definitely reaching and grasping for straws, but Fates taking up 3/5 of the orbs is a bit strange when the other 2 games just take up 1 orb each, you know? I probably haven't noticed something that completely shatters this theory though:lol:my bias towards my precious cinnamon rolls is just really strong, I apologize

  2. 5 hours ago, Tolvir said:

    I hope not. I would be completely ok if some of the Fates royals were left out for retainers or like Xander and Ryoma or something instead. They can leave out Sakura and Elise without much issue I would imagine. They really aren't all that unique combat wise like Lissa. Maybe Sakura due to bow use. 

    Sorry, I'm a Sakura and Elise fanboy and I'll have to really disagree with you.

    Lissa isn't any more combat unique than any other axe infantry from Awakening. As an archer, Sakura faces very little competition. As a mounted mage, Elise faces very little competition. Sure, their brothers may be very similar to them. But it's still baby easy to make the little sisters unique. For example, Elise? One idea would be to have her switch between Thunder, Fire, and Wind magic.

    Not to mention how Elise is very popular (4th in the Fates poll) with Sakura not far behind (7th), and before you say wow 7th kind of low, unexpected for a royal, there's 6 royal girls. So someone had to be last, and the only reason Sakura's 7th and not 6th is because Oboro scored real high. How would retainers be any more unique than their royal? And to be honest, not many retainers are that popular, and a lot have class overlap with another retainer or with their respective royal.

    There's no reason to not have all 10 royals. They're all the "main" characters per se for their route. There's also the fact how it'd be very strange for one royal to not have their opposite, for example, imagine if we had Elise but not Sakura. Awkward, especially considering how they're mostly in the same position; overlap with their brother, etc. Vice versa, why have Sakura but not Elise?

    This is just my two cents. I'm terribly biased though because I love Sakura and Elise but I really can't find a reason to not have them. The only non-royal characters I could see in Warriors are Felicia and Kaze, and not both, probably one or the other.

  3. Just now, DIO said:

    Hidden Weapons; retroactively giving the thief a set of daggers would go a long way to avoiding giving Awakening another sword type character. Besides that, having a character focused on sabotaging enemies via debuffs or infiltrating key parts of the map would be an interesting angle to take IMO.


    I haven't seen any consensus about the trio not getting in, especially if they could be implemented as representatives of Valla with costumes based on their Awakening appearances.

    Gaius uses a sword, though. They could give him kunai but it seems real unlikely to me.

    And by Awakening trio, I meant them in their Awakening forms. Not Fates forms. My bad :lol:

  4. I honestly don't see Gaius getting in, because he'd just be another swordsman with nothing special to him besides popularity. Don't we already have 8 or 9 swordies? Tharja and Cordelia use dark magic and lances so they make sense, but there's better picks than Gaius who couldn't really add anything. Popularity may be a factor, but when the character likely wouldn't be unique/add anything unique, there's no point in adding them. The Awakening trio is real popular but the general consensus is they aren't getting in. Imo if we were to get an Awakening swordie it'd be Gangrel because he would be unique in being some type of spellblade with the Levin Sword.

  5. 6 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

    I don't recall her calling Ike immortal, by saying this are you implying Chrom is immortal?

    Arthur isn't implying that Chrom is immortal. Chrom dies in the plot, doesn't he? :lol: He meant that Ike isn't immune and invulnerable, at least not as much Anacybele is making him out to be over Chrom. At least, that's how I took it.

    edit: ninja'd by Arthur himself! :lol:

  6. 3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I know, I was just offering my opinion. :/

    I apologize if I was too much! But I couldn't really tell if you were offering your opinion or not :(: Sorry! I was just confused :lol: Regardless, you DO have good taste. Kaden>Keaton all the time!

    Hmm, to be honest, I'm really glad Orochi's on here though. I love her character, and she was really good as a Dark Flier for me in Birthright. She was a beast!

  7. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    So Xander's the only cav knight for Fates? (both Leo and Elise would be magic cavalry, I'm assuming) That's a bit uncool seeing as the game has Silas for a solid choice there too. And also Gunter, even though I feel Frederick makes him redundant. Otherwise, your list looks good to me. I'd prefer Kaden over Keaton though, and Nowi over Nah.

    This is what Jedi himself wants. This is what he would do if he had free reign over the game.The title of this topic has "Jedi's Dream Roster". I don't think this is the topic to be saying that some of his picks are uncool or you'd prefer this character over that character. If his dream roster doesn't include Silas or Gunter, then it doesn't include Silas or Gunter. It makes sense why he chose Keaton over Kaden and Nah over Nowi. Why? Because they're his favorites.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I don't mean to bring this kind of stuff up so much, but how about we just talk about how awesome it's going to be to hear Kyle Hebert voicing whole conversations for a certain knight in this game? :3

    Yeah! I just know he's going to kill it as Valbar! He's very unlikely though because he's from Echoes and not SD/Fates/Awakening :'-( 

    It might just be me but I don't mind people having some debates here at all, and they're being pretty civil about it. This sub-forum is pretty dead to be honest. There's not much we can discuss that we haven't already lol, and it'll probably be a while until we get more news. But this is just my two cents :lol:

  9. 28 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

    They apparently didn't care too much about the FE ones and that's what matters here.

    Hmm, SD didn't have an official popularity poll and it's possible that KT's picks mostly aligned with the Awakening/Fates popularity polls, but for some specific choices that scored high, IS made a request for them. That may be how we got Lucina and the other (unrevealed lol) ones.

  10. 6 hours ago, YotsuMaboroshi said:

    First, I do think that having 8 swords shown so far means that we have more than 24-26 characters, mostly because they've asked us to be patient with the fact that mostly swords were upload.  'Nothing can truly change the roster's overwhelming weakness to lances' except, you know, including more axes (and bows if they get thrown in with axes like fates).  The fact that they've put emphasis on the weapon triangle in interviews, but have still revealed 8 swords, is the main reason I think 24-26 would be too conservative.

    Second, KT is aware of the hubbub surrounding their decision and 'too many swords'.  As per interviews, this happened internally as well, before it was announced.  While I don't doubt the roster will be weighted towards swords (FE as a whole is weighted towards swords, just look at FEH), I will give them the benefit of the doubt, and assume that the PR speak wasn't just lip service.  If it isn't lip service, that means they made an effort to balance the available weapons.  If we assume Tome/Bow/Dstone are neutral, the roster could be roughly split into 4 weapon types with those three falling in the fourth category.

    They have used weapon choice as an example of strategic decision making in the game.  You send a sword to fight axes because he's good at fighting axes.  Having a map where almost a third of the roster is disadvantaged but only an eighth of the roster is advantaged is bad design.  If they want the weapon triangle to be a core mechanic for FEW that separates it from other Warriors titles, they need to balance the weapon diversity.  Otherwise, the game will get bad press ('too many swords lol'), might not sell as well as it could have, and then they won't be able to make the sequel they want to that would bring in other games of the series.

    Third, on Subaki specifically, what if KT wants to have a male and female rep for as many classes as possible (they did say they were looking for representatives for classes)?  Subaki, Severa/Selena, and Jakob's chances increase significantly in that specific instance because they are the opposite gender that their class normally is.  Jakob is a promoted Troubadour and Subaki is a male Pegasus rider, which were female only classes up until Fates (though Jakob as a Troubadour rep is stretching a bit).  Severa is the second female Mercenary in the series, and Malice doesn't seem to be in consideration due to coming from FE3 (FE12 she was a Myrmidon).  We don't know the actual criteria they used to pick the playables, just vague talk from interviews.

    Fourth, on Rowan and Lianna using swords:  The twins being designed to use swords doesn't mean they didn't try to balance the roster and there are design reasons why they might want the protagonists of this story to use swords.  Swords are traditionally heroic, and for FE specifically, sword and board fighting was originally used by Marth (and later by Chrom in Awakening as a nod to this) by using the Falchion alongside the Fire Emblem as a shield.Their design is probably a throwback to this, since Marth is a fencer in this game, and Chrom and Lucina use a shield-less style.  Also, their swords from the cover art look more like real world falchions than the Falchion does, which might be a subtle nod to the Falchion.

    Okay, but if there's over 30 characters then it just makes no sense at that point to not have all of the royals, especially when they're all so varied. And yeah, you can add more axes and lances, but nothing will change the fact that if a roster was 26 characters, a third would still be weak to lances. That was my point. You can't change the overwhelming weakness to lances in a 26 man roster because trying to include more axes would just let you not include weapons outside the triangle like tomes and stones. You have limited space, just 26. I made a 26 character roster. So why would you expect it to be perfectly balanced? I've stated by now that was just characters who came to mind at the time. Yeah if I had more spots then I would had given them to axes but once again, it was hypothetical. I never said "My roster WILL HAPPEN! Get ready!" You're taking my words out of context imho : ^ (, either that or I'm not explaining myself well, probably the latter :lol:

    You say they need to balance weapon diversity and I'm agreeing with you, that's why you add the royals?? all of them are very strong candidates and have their own niche and though the sisters besides Camilla have a bit of competition/hurdles against them, even then Sakura wouldn't be that irrelevant (another bow user for an alternate to Takumi and for the weapon triangle, fits in because you might want more neutral-to-everything people, also fits for pegasus knight bonus damage).

    And I honestly don't see how gender is such a big deal. Okay, Subaki's the first male Pegasus Knight, it doesn't make him the face or a representative of Pegasus Knights. They said they're fans of FE too, and that they're choosing the roster from a fan perspective. That won't be true if they're shoving characters in just based off of what's between their legs. Even just "they're popular" would be a better reason imho.

    And I never said that oh because the twins use swords they don't care about balance. No! I said if they were extensively worried about balance of weapons, then they would make the OC's something else besides swords. It makes sense for there to be a bit of balance in weapon types but it doesn't require them to be exactly equal in quantity. And while it makes sense why the twins use swords, they could also come up with a reason why they would use lances or axes.

    I really don't think I have anything else to say past this since I feel like we'll just go in circles.

  11. Just now, Jedi said:

    Thats fair as well, although I will note that Koei-Tecmo tends to focus more on the Japanese side of things when it comes to Warriors related polls, but you raise a good point with Heroes, although it might just be partly that the pool is so much larger or what have you. 

    Both have their merits, all we can do is wait and see haha.

    True! You have a point, especially after the last interview where it was confirmed IS showed the popularity polls to KT and requested some characters. The pool is significantly larger so that may have played a part as well. At least there's only two months until we find out! :lol:

  12. Just now, Jedi said:

    Just noting that Virion was the 8th most popular male in the Awakening Poll 


    I knew that would come up. I know in Japan he's pretty popular I assume but he didn't even break the top 100 in the Heroes poll, he got 173rd place. His popularity may have declined or he might just not be popular in the U.S., but I honestly haven't seen any fans of him. It's 99% just me though so I shouldn't let my personal experiences get into my reasoning, but that 173rd place in the Heroes poll is still kind of telling, even if the poll isn't too reliable.

  13. 5 minutes ago, YotsuMaboroshi said:

    Subaki happens to be the only male Pegasus rider, which could be enough to get him a spot.  The Whitewings have the triangle attack, which is unique to them among the rep'd games.  Virion is somehow notable enough to have made it to TMS and be the first summon ever in FEH.  Jeorge has Parthia (probably).  Gordin is the first archer of the series.

    I don't doubt that they can make all the movesets relatively unique (in fact, I brought up how their movesets could be made unique).  Potential for a moveset isn't the issue here, weapon diversity is.  Robin will have the coverage on the weapon triangle as Leo, with the main difference being movement type (they've mentioned horse-mounted characters would be generally more mobile).

    Like I said, I'd prefer they balance the available weapon choices, even if they have to pass over some main characters to do so, because that is the reason they gave for not spanning the series.  I want them to actually stick to what they gave as a reason, even if it means some of the characters I'd like to play from the games they chose don't make it.


    Using your example, we'd have:

    - 3 Axes (Camilla, Lissa, Frederick)

    - 5 Tomes (Linde/Merric, Robin, Tharja, Elise, Leo)

    - 5 - 6 Lances (Camus, Cordelia, Hinoka, Azura, Hardin and maybe Caeda if they don't give her swords)

    - 1 Dragonstone (Tiki, maybe Grima!Robin falls here?)

    - 8 - 9 Swords (Marth, Chrom, Lucina, Ryoma, Xander, Corrin, Lianna, Rowan, Gangrel, and maybe Caeda if they don't give her lances)

    - 2 Bows (Sakura, Takumi)

    Say there's a map where all enemies are Lances.  Almost a third of the cast is then weak to the entire map, while only 3 out of the 25-ish characters are strong against that map (assuming Tome, Dragonstone, and Bow are neutral).  They could force the issue by putting Tomes in with Axes, Dragonstones in with Swords, and Bows in with Lances, but that doesn't match up with any FE game I know of.  Fates had Tomes with Swords, and Bows with Axes, but that makes a full 13 characters minimum (almost half the roster) weak to this hypothetical Lance map, and only 5 strong against it.  That's not good if they want the weapon triangle to be a consideration for what characters you pick for a map.

    This also gives us all of one possible armored unit, Hardin, and only if he's from FE3/FE12, which is not one of the games they mentioned pulling from.  He was a Cavalier in FE1/FE11.  Guess armorslayers, heavy lances and hammers don't have much of a special effect anymore.

    Subaki being male isn't that big of a deal, and it certainly won't be the reason why he would ever get into a Warriors game. Gender alone won't get you places. Caeda is the main Pegasus Knight, the face of them. We certainly aren't getting her and all of the Whitewings. Virion is the first Heroes summon and he did get into TMS but he isn't very popular, and isn't very noteworthy/memorable compared to the other archers. I left out Gordin and Jeorge because I think they stand a (albeit small imho) chance.

    In my honest opinion, it's a bit late to balance out the weapon choices when they've already announced 8 sword characters. They could have fixed it if Rowan/Lianna used say an axe and a bow, some weapon besides a sword. I'm not sure if they're worried about having all of the weapon types be balanced in quantity, I think they're more focused on having enough characters of each type. They've kind of already shot themselves in the foot because I don't think we'll be seeing like 6 axes to make up for there being 8 swords.

    And for that lance map, while a HUGE chunk of the roster would be at a disadvantage, I don't think the weapon triangle would have that much of an effect. It still certainly won't be favorable, but it won't hinder you in a major way. I'm probably wrong though since I haven't seen much gameplay footage.

    And honestly, those characters were something I just said for examples. Just brainstorming. Hardin isn't an armored unit in FE1/11, you're right, but he was just a character that came to mind at the time. Replace him with Draug. I said Grima and Gangrel in case they wanted villains (plus Gangrel as a spellblade since he has the Levin sword sounds cool). And the roster may be bigger than the characters I speculated on, who knows. That's just what I personally would hope it would come out to be. I don't see many armored units because there's not many notable ones (who does Awakening have? Kellam? Kjelle? Fates has Effie and Benny and I'm not sure on SD). I'd much rather the weapon triangle be lopsided on swords because there's not much of a reason to not have all the main characters of the games they're focusing on. The royals are all unique in weapons. While the roster would have three axes, once again it may turn out to be bigger than what we all think. The way I see it, we shouldn't have to miss out on main characters because they wanted to include 8 characters who used a sword so they have to include more axes and lances to balance it out. This is my honest opinion, but if they were really worried (not really as in honestly but really as in extensively) about having too many swords, once again, Rowan and Lianna wouldn't use one.

    Regardless, if we have around 25 characters, maybe 24, maybe 26, we know that 8 use a sword. That's about a third of the roster. Nothing can change that. If we want swords, axes, and lances to all have the same amount of characters, in that roster of 24, it'd just be 8 swords/8 axes/8 lances. There'd be no room for Robin (who's already confirmed) and any archers or Tiki, or Leo (who's hinted at), etc. Since nothing can truly change the roster's overwhelming weakness to lances, you might as well include all of the Fates royals for weapon diversity (1 flying axe 1 foot lance 1 flying lance 1 bow 1 cleric/bow 1 tome 1 tome/cleric 1 foot sword 1 horse sword 1 manakete sword. That's a lot of diversity!) instead of trying to balance out the quantity of each different kind of weapon. Too late for that. That's how I see it.

  14. 2 minutes ago, YotsuMaboroshi said:

    The only actually important royals are the brothers due to their connection to the Yato.  Two of the brothers of which have been confirmed, and one of the other two has been hinted at.  Takumi's the only one missing completely so far, but I think he's pretty likely, given that the Fujin Yumi is a lightsaber bow.

    Also, keep in mind that they are 'competing' against units from other games as well, not just Fates.  KT has also stated that they wanted the weapon triangle to be a factor in the gameplay, which means they probably want some balance in the weapon types available.

    - Camilla and Azura have very little competition as an Axe Flier and infantry lancer, respectively.  They're the most likely of the remaining royals.  Azura is more plot relevant, is a dancer, and her only competition as an infantry lancer is Oboro.  Camilla is more popular, but competes with Minerva, Michalis, and Cherche (Beruka, Percy, and Gerome are probably unlikely).

    - Hinoka is a lance flier.  I think Caeda is very likely as one of the SD characters, and SD gave her the Wing Spear (since you couldn't give her Jagen's Silver Lance like in the original).  There's also the Whitewings, Sumia, Cordelia, and Subaki.  The SD fliers could be sword fliers (in fact they're really the only options for that), but Cordelia has a notable popularity lead on Hinoka.  Hinoka and Takumi are the only notable royal sources for a flying Archer, though Takumi is far more associated with Sniper, since Fujin Yumi lets him ignore terrain movement penalties already.

    - Elise's only troubadour competition is Maribelle, since SD doesn't have troubadours, but staves aren't a weapon in this game so far.  However, Elise's 'main' promotion is Strategist, which is a mounted Tome user like Leo.  She can be differentiated by using staves alongside the tomes like Lissa uses staves and axes, since Leo is known for fire and gravity magics.  Maid Elise seems unlikely as she loses her horse, and would compete with Felicia, Flora, and Jakob, as well as potentially any ninjas or thieves (depending on the weapon type).  I'd put her more likely than Hinoka, less likely than Camilla/Azura.  Also depends on how tomes fall into the weapon triangle.

    - Sakura is an infantry healer like Lissa was.  If they move her towards Priestess, she overlaps some with Takumi due to infantry bow, though like Elise, she could use staves alongside the bows for some variety.  This also overlaps with Gordin, Virion, Jeorge, Tomas, Norne, and Setsuna (Noire and Kiragi are unlikely due to being second gen), for similar reasons as Takumi.  If they move her towards Onmyoji, she starts overlapping with the SD cleric promotions, and possibly with SD and Awakening mage promotions, though she would have some distinct visual differences (assuming they depict her 'tomes' as Hoshidan scrolls).  I'd rate her chances pretty close behind Elise, giving Elise the edge since she's slightly more plot relevant than Sakura and has less competition.

    - There have been statements that some characters will show up (presumably in the story) but will not be playable.  Of the royals, Hinoka is the most likely to be hit by this, since she has the least plot relevance in Fates and the most competition in her weapon and movement class.  Elise and Sakura are also potential casualties, as Elise is an NPC for her most notable story scene, and Sakura has about as much plot relevance as Hinoka.  Camilla's got similar plot relevance, but she's got a massive amount of popularity backing her inclusion as playable, and Azura is as plot relevant as the brothers.  There's a chance Leo and Takumi could get hit with this, but i think it's unlikely.

    I would like for them all to be playable (though I only really care about Elise personally), and I think they have the better chances to make it in compared to most of the other characters in Fates.  But since they've stated that they want the weapon triangle to be a core gameplay element, I personally would rather they focus on weapon diversity than exclude literally everyone but the royals from Fates.  It is the reason FEW isn't Lord-fest 2017, after all.

    ...That reply ended up a lot longer than I expected.

    A lot of the characters you mentioned have like no chance though. Camilla's definitely beating Cherche. For Hinoka, Sumia and Subaki definitely aren't getting in. And I don't see us getting the Whitewings; just put in Caeda. For Sakura, Tomas, Norne, Setsuna, and I wanna say Virion have no chance. I also don;'t see Maribelle getting in, so Elise is a bit more safe.

    And if I remember correctly, Lissa can cast thunder from her staff in this game. I'm not too sure though, I heard it on this forums though. I think it's very likely Elise can get in and kind of have a focus on staves. It would be awesome to use staves like Freeze offensively and this would allow her to play differently from Leo. Sakura is kind of harder to pinpoint, but I think that since archers are going to have bonus damage against Pegasus Knights, that we'll have an alternate archer to choose from, so that that bonus doesn't apply to just one character. If they can come up with movesets for 8 swords, I think they could brainstorm 2 archer movesets. I think the little sisters could play different enough from their brothers, because their brothers have their own special weapon that would of course have an impact on their moveset. Leo can summon trees, but have somewhat small hitboxes and high damage. Elise would be limited to just Fire/Thunder/Wind magic, and she could be more focused on larger crowds but have lower damage. That would completely change how they play. Or shoot, have Elise be able to do Fire, Thunder, and Wind and be able to switch between them. Wind could have a large range, Fire could have high damage, and Thunder could stun. For Sakura/Takumi, the two could have different niches as well, by kind of copying Leo/Elise and giving Takumi high damage, short range and giving Sakura low damage but high range. Or vice versa. Just a bit of brainstorming but I don't think it would be difficult to make the little sisters unique. We do have three Falchion users after all :lol:

    I don't think we'll see a SD archer because they've stated a few times that representation will be uneven between the three games, and that one will seem smaller than the other two. I believe that one is SD. If we get Marth/Tiki/Caeda/Camus, that's four. Add in Hardin and Linde or Merric and that's 6. I think that, depending on the roster size, that's a reasonable amount to expect if SD is truly the smallest one of the three games. This saves all of the archers for Fates, specifically Sakura, a magic one, and Takumi. With Awakening, we already have 5 characters confirmed, and if we add Tharja and Cordelia, it's 7. If we round it off with a villain pick, say Gangrel, that's 8. That'd make the roster 6/8/10 split for SD/Awakening/Fates and that sounds pretty fair to me. They could say the 2nd Awakening villain is a Grima moveset for Robin and the Fates villains are like Xander (who could be against you at first for a bit) and Possessed!Takumi. This all has like no chance at all but it's just a little bit of brainstorming. Regardless, I think that since they've been praising the roster size forever now that they'll find enough room to squeeze in all the royals.

    And you don't have to worry about weapon diversity when adding in all of the royals. Just from those 10 you get a dragon Swordsman, a foot lancer/dancer, a legendary tome, two legendary swords, a legendary bow, a Wyvern Rider, a Pegasus Knight, a cleric/archer and a cleric/mounted mage. Each one is different from the rest. The only weapon not in these 10 is like kunai/shuriken I think? I think all of the royals are pretty likely, even though some are more likely than others. I really want to see how they'd take on Sakura and Elise in particular (those two are my favorites so I'm really biased but they have a lot of potential in my opinion). It'd really suck to have some royals but leave some out because they're all pretty popular and the face characters of all of the routes.

  15. 1 minute ago, YotsuMaboroshi said:

    KT has stated an interest in remaking notable scenes from the games.  They don't have to have the exact same context as they originally did, but they can still use the scenes for each story without picking a side.  Admittedly, they can also play with the characters in each scene; using my previous example instead of Elise and her retainers, they could have Elise and one of the twins show up while you're playing the other twin.  Maybe the monsters in the scene are from the dragon that attacked Aytolis, rather than being Faceless.

    Though we do know that Xander, and some others, will start out as enemies because of stuff said during the E3 segments for the game.  We're probably going to end up fighting through parts of both Conquest and Birthright (and maybe Revelations) during the plot (it'd be odd not to have some maps based on maps from each of the games anyways).

    If they do use any retainers, it'll probably be no more than one per royal.  I just don't feel that they're going to limit Fates to the royals (or any of the games to just story relevant characters), though that could be baseless hype based off of the PR talk we keep getting about the roster size and picking characters from a fan's perspective.

    Ooo, true, they did state they had an interest in that before. It's completely possible they could remake scenes from it

    The plot when Rowan/Lianna crossover onto Fates is probably going to be really complicated tbh since there's three paths they could pull from and reference. There's not much we can say about it now since we don't have much to go off of :lol:

    In my opinion, it makes sense to limit Fates to the royals because they're all pretty unique and popular, and there's already 10 of them so there's not much room to add more characters. Maybe if the roster is really bigger than what we think it is there might be room for other characters, but if they've said they're picking characters from a fan's perspective then that makes the royals even likelier imho because as a fan, it makes sense to include all of the important characters of a game. Especially when they're all so different from each other. Also as a fan, it would be frustrating for there to be side characters (retainers) over important characters (royals).

  16. Just now, YotsuMaboroshi said:

    Not actually true.  You see a lot of the retainers in the dream sequence in the prologue. 

    Also, the crossover is stated to happen around the split doesn't mean that they won't do later scenes from each route.  For example, say there's a map against an overwhelming amount of monsters in the Fates world.  Elise could show up as reinforcements some time after the map starts, and then sometime after that Arthur or Effie could show up, just like like they did in Conquest Ch 7. 

    It's not like the retainers stop existing just because the story hasn't introduced them yet.


    The prologue isn't really relevant imho. Yeah, you see them but it's the prologue, it's supposed to be a sampling of what's to come in the future. That's it.

    And they chose to make the crossover at the split because they didn't want to alienate the players by choosing one route. This tells us that there may not be later scenes from each route, especially since Rowan and Lianna are going to throw everything off by coming in at such a crucial point. It'll kind of be it's own route then lol.

    You're right, the retainers don't stop existing, but they'll have to try really hard to fit them in, considering how all of the royals are basically guaranteed to make an appearance. Not necessarily as playable, mind you, but if you're going to give them all models and story involvement you might as well take the extra step. Your example with Elise, Arthur and Effie makes sense but since we're seeing all of the royals (there's 10 of them, it's a lot) in some way I just don't have much faith in a retainer making it in as a playable character.

  17. This might just be me but I'd rather have it be a dull choice and get all of the royals + Corrin & Azura rather than only get some of the royals and have it not be a dull choice. I wouldn't find getting all of the royals dull as they could do a lot with Elise in particular (it would be AMAZING if she used staves such as Freeze offensively). They're all crucial characters and have a lot of potential for movesets. They're all also the most popular characters (besides Oboro) and they make the most sense if Rowan/Lianna do really crossover into Fates at around Chapter 6. That's the only chapter where we see ALL of the royals. And it wouldn't make much sense to get any retainers, considering how we don't see them until after Chapter 6.

  18. 30 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Isn't the great fairy technically a joke character, seeing a she tortures Links in her special moves? And then came Tingle in the DLC. I think Arthur being a joke would give him an edge against Charlotte because she's to minor a character without the joke character status to make her fill into a special roster niche. But realistically speaking I think we get some of the royals and only Kaze when it comes to recruiting outside the royals.

    I wouldn't consider Tingle a joke character, considering how he's pretty prevalent in Zelda compared to most characters. And the Great Fairy being a joke character, I guess it depends on your definition? Charlotte's pretty popular, enough to get her 9th place in the Fates popularity poll. Regardless, I think Fates will just get all 10 royals and nothing more than that.

  19. I don't think we'll have a "joke" character. Hyrule Warriors didn't have any, as Agitha was just many of the developer's favorites. I don't think they would add in a character, solely to fulfill some obligation that there has to be a joke character. Especially when you could give most of the moveset to Charlotte, should they choose to add characters past all of the royals.

  20. 10 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

    One could also argue that KT may not even be bothering to put much effort into special requests. Really, Nintendo has every right to lay down some rules.

    Ooo! I'm really curious, could you elaborate the part I bolded? I know that KT sent the roster to IS and Ninty and they both wanted characters to be added, but what makes it seem as if KT isn't putting much effort in?

  21. 1 hour ago, Baron the Shining Blade said:

    FEW was a day 1 purchase the moment I saw that reveal trailer. Granted, I've never played a Warriors game before. And I regret not trying Hyrule Warriors when my sister rented it. I still hope they release a system bundle with the game. It's no Smash + Splatoon Wii U bundle, but bundles always help game sales, right?

    Anyways, @Jedi, I completely understand where you were coming from. It's hard watching vids of FEW these days when all you ever see in the comments is "Why is there nothing but sword characters?" and "Such-and-such character better be in, or I'm not buying." The former type of comment, I'd swear they think the demo is the whole freaking game or all that's been made so far, which afaik is almost never the case. The latter type of comment, really pisses me off (especially when they give no reasons. Kudos to Xaos for breaking that mold) and also kind of worries me. I'm sure the last thing any of us wants is for this game to not get a sequel because no one bought the first game just because it didn't have characters they wanted. It's an utterly ludicrous reason in the first place. It'd be like not buying Smash Bros. just 'cause a character you like didn't make it in. It's Smash Bros., dude, you just don't do that. Yeah it's not the most apt comparison, but.... still. I should hope that number of people that make those comments is a small minority, small enough to not impact the game's sales. Of course, there's no guarantee they'd be working on a sequel regardless of sales, though I kind of hope they are anyway just to see how it fares with characters from older entries. Though all in all, we should wait till the end of September before tearing the roster apart.

    Also, I actually agree with Jedi in the way he said to support the game. Let's put it this way: Whether you aren't fond of the roster or aren't into Warriors-style games, or both, at least buy and try the game. If it doesn't suit your fancy, then you can sell it and get most of your money back. Either way, it's +1 towards the game's sales, and every bit bolsters the game's chances for success, and hence the chances for a sequel with characters from older entries we really want to use. I think this is along the lines of what Jedi had meant, and to be perfectly honest, I'm all for it. Now, I know it's not exactly an ideal compromise. No one should have to feel they need to ask people to buy a certain game just so it will sell well, and no one likes being told how to spend their money. From an outside perspective, it admittedly sounds rather selfish. Though in his defense, Hayashi had said himself in that interview, "If this game is well-received, we may be able to make a sequel." And who wouldn't want to try and help tip the RNG scales in its favor?  At the very least, we are all Emblemiers here, so those of us willing will pitch in however we can, because we love this dang series too much. :)

    Honestly, I think you're a tiny bit in the wrong here.. You enjoy a game the most when it has characters you like. If Smash Bros. didn't have any characters I liked, I know I wouldn't get it. It might not be that crucial to you, but the roster is a major selling point to a lot of people. Especially in a Warriors game, where some objectives may force you to use a specific character. If you only like 2 characters out of the 20 they have, you're not going to be playing as them often.

    And if I'm not fond of the roster or am not into Warriors-style games, why should I buy the game? That flat out says it. If I don't like the genre of game, chances are, I won't like the game. Especially if there's none of my favorite characters in it. You say we can sell it, but that's time out of our schedules, and we wouldn't get our whole 60 bucks back.

    I would love to see a sequel to this, and I'm really hyped to play as a variety of Fire Emblem characters. But I think saying (not saying you said this, this is just how it comes off to some though) "oh get over the roster", "if you don't know what Warriors is like buy it regardless", and "get it so we can get a sequel" is the wrong way to go about it. If they have taken an interest in the game, yeah definitely try to sell it to them, but telling them to just "at least buy it and try it" isn't very fair.

  22. 47 minutes ago, AmericanBuizel said:

    They probably didn't want to bring attention to themselves. They probably gave you funny looks when you weren't looking.

    Haha, that's real cute, considering how there's a whole market for adult coloring books. And I'll call you out on your bluff, It's not any more embarrassing than your Twitter name being "Decidueye's Faggot" and having ahegao of an anthropomorphic bird.



    47 minutes ago, AmericanBuizel said:

    I'm talking about consoles though. You know, their main source of income? Besides, the 3DS didn't sell as well as the OG DS.

    That's really to be expected. Mobile gaming back then wasn't nearly as prevalent as it is today. Most of the casuals the OG DS attracted are now content with the apps they can download on their phone. There's no reason for them to buy a 3DS and $40 games when they'll be just as content with games like Candy Crush that they can get for free.

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