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Posts posted by Pokechu

  1. 13 minutes ago, AbsoluteZer0Nova said:

    Niles and Oboro are the most popular retainers from Conquest and Birthright respectively and Jakob is more popular than Felicia according to the Fates poll and because they picked Female Corrin is makes since that they would choose Jakob and have there be a dagger unit (not to mention having Jakob fight Frederick would be cool to see the battle of the butlers lol). Kaze and Felicia were 10th place for males and females (though Felicia is actually 11th if you count Nina who is 10th but a Fates child). 

    Niles and Oboro face competition from Takumi and Azura respectively. They're both foot archers and lances. And in general, Fates just has a large character pool. It's hard to pick side characters when there's 10 main characters. Also, Female Corrin will get both butlers regardless and she actually gets Felicia before she gets Xander, in both Revelations and Conquest.

    While Jakob scored higher on the Fates poll, Felicia scored higher on the Heroes poll. She was 14th out of all the females! That's really good! She was 29th overall, compared to Jakob who was 62nd. Not to mention how Felicia is the only character who got official artwork for Fates, besides the 10 Royals (I don't mean the 4Koma art, she got art similar to how the royals did.)

    EDIT: Arthur97 had a good point too, there's no retainer more popular than their royal (besides Male Corrin :lol:)

  2. 9 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

    So, no Sumia, we're all counting out Hinoka... good thing Caeda exists!


    I feel Hinoka has a small chance. She is a royal, and if they have all the other ones they're kind of obligated to put her in. She does face serious competition with Cordelia and Caeda though.

  3. Just now, Arthur97 said:

    You know these are the same people who make Dead or Alive, right?

    Oh. Judging from a Google search, it's a game with a lot of fanservice, right? And Kagero, due to her "assets", would make sense then.

    Didn't Koei Tecmo say they wanted to include some of their favorites, but they couldn't because IS had a list of characters they wanted though? In that case, I only really see them putting in Tharja for "assets" and characters like Cordelia for popularity. I don't think IS would allow too many "asset" girls :lol:

  4. 15 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

    The little sisters just seem a bit...redundant, especially with Lissa. Granted, we don't know how healers will work, so it may be best to wait and see. As for balance, they could add a Hoshidian from elsewhere. Probably Kagero for obvious reasons.

    Hmm, may I ask why Kagero and not Kaze? Kaze is a character we get regardless of route and seems to be more popular than Kagero.

  5. Just now, Arthur97 said:

    Well, except maybe the little sisters and Hinoka. Though, yes, I would take villains from the other two any day. 

    I don't see why not those three. I get how Elise is a tome user and Hinoka a Pegasus, and there's likely going to be Robin, Tharja, Leo, and Merric/Linde and Cordelia and Caeda, but Sakura is like one of the only archers they could add. Elise is also mounted which sets her apart (though not from Leo, whoops) and she and Sakura have staves. Hinoka, well, you got me there. Maybe put her on a Kinshi? Either way, I just hope that they don't go with just Xander, Camilla, Leo, Ryoma, and Takumi because that unbalance between the kingdoms would trigger me forever.

  6. Hopefully all of the Fates royals. It's unlikely we'll get them all but they all have their sizeable fan bases and are different from each other. None of the Fates villains are popular anyways and it'd suck to be screwed out of a character or two just because they wanted a villain from Fates. Make Takumi possessed in a chapter or something but please don't put Garon in.


  7. That doesn't mean he's likely, though. While he is a foot lance user, there are many more of those that are more popular than him, such as Azura and Oboro. Also, he did place surprisingly high in the Heroes popularity poll, so that may be why they said he's a fan favorite.

    I don't know what else people expect them to say when a specific character is mentioned. You could probably ask about Yen'fay and they'd say "Oh yes! He is very unique and certainly a well known and liked character. We can't say much about him right now, but we know the whole fanbase loves him!" It's not like they'll outright say "Yeah, duh! Of course Donnel is playable! Why even ask?" or "What the hell? Do you really expect a pothead in Warriors? We didn't give him a single second of consideration."

  8. I fixed the problem, but that wasn't it. Right when it said their name and went to the map selection, it immediately disconnected and said "Communications were cut off"

    If you find out what exactly caused it, please make a post about it! Someone else may encounter this problem and it'd be cool to know how to fix it.

  9. I just had the CRAZIEST RNG luck in PvP.

    First. My Saizo got two Lethalities. Not one. TWO. Then, my Sakura hit a Selkie with a 55% hit rate and my Avatar chimed in with her 58% rate.

    THEN. ZOOWEE MAMA. You won't believe this.

    Azura was in range of their Corrin. They sent them to fight my Azura, and I knew it was over for her. They would deal 42 damage with a 100% hit rate.

    But then... she activated Pavise, and lived at 2 HP. THEN. THEN. She procc'd Luna and I knew it wouldn't hit because she had a 38% hit rate.

    It hit. And she also critted it, with an 11% chance to do so. My mind was literally blown.

  10. Do you mind keeping it up for more than a day? I forgot to buy him for my logbook xD And replace Inspiration with Tomebreaker. I bought that yet it completely passed my mind that I could buy units even though the option was right there.

    If you bought a skill from the unit they should already be in the logbook.

  11. Oh, by the way, I just wondering about something also:

    1.) What hair color for male Kana does he get when Female Corrin marries Fuga since he's bald?

    2.) I did heard that the children as enemy units (and possibly other units as well) gets fought in the upcoming Xenologue chapter, what's the promoted classes do all the children show up as?

    3.) What's the difference between the Capture and Kidnap Skills?

    1) It's brown, but sort of in the middle of dark and light.



    Dwyer is a butler, Sophie and Siegbert are Great Knights, Percy is a Wyvern Lord, Midori is a Merchant, Caeldori is a Falcon Knight, Mitama is a Priestess, Ignatius is a General, Selkie/Veloruia are Nine-Tails/Wolfssegner, Shigure's not here but iirc he's a Falcon Knight, Kiragi is a Sniper, Shiro is a Swordmaster, Forrest is a Strategist. Hisame is a Swordmaster, Asugi is a Master Ninja, Rhajat is an Onmyoji, Soleil is a Hero, Eponine is an Adventurer, and Ophelia is a Dark Knight.

    3) No difference. They probably just wanted them to have different names because they belong to different characters.

  12. Wouldnt Camilla make a better wife?

    Yeah, the order is Effie/Charlotte>>Camilla>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>literally anyone else. Imo Hana makes Velour way too glassy. Camilla gives her a lot of defense and Velour doesn't need any extra speed.

  13. Rinkah and Orochi are the worst mothers in my opinion. Orochi's -3 speed mod is terrible beyond belief and Rinkah's mods are just...weird and don't really work out for a lot of children as well.

    Orochi has a -2 speed mod, so it's not that bad when she's using scrolls because they can increase speed.

  14. Finally typing up the dialogue. S for Sakura, T for Subaki and H for Hana. RS for Rainbow Sage. Annabella is my avatar and * are the informational text boxes, like the ones used in *So and So reached S with So and So*.

    S: W-wow! We won the battle. And it's all thanks to you two!

    T: No, this is your victory.

    T: We couldn't have triumphed without your flawless orders.

    H: That's right! There's no finer master than Lady Sakura!

    S: S-stop it, you two...

    S: You're making me blush. This is so embarrassing!

    RS: Interesting... So the victors represent the vitality and virtue of Hoshido.

    S: Did you doubt us, Rainbow Sage?

    RS: No, I can't say that I'm terribly surprised. Congratulations, nontheless.

    RS: Now then, would you be so kind as to place your hands together?

    S: OK...

    RS: I, who forged the sacred blade...

    RS: I, who committed the great sin...

    RS: I, who wove the divine colors,

    RS: I request a bold, new power!

    RS: Excellent, it seems as though the ritual worked perfectly.

    RS: Thanks to your extraordinary victory, new objects of power have been born.

    S: Umm, what are they?

    RS: This is called a Seraph Robe, and the other is known as a Dread Scroll.

    RS: They are proof of your party's triumph.

    RS: I'm certain that they will be a great help to Annabella in the other world.

    S: I'm so glad that I could be useful. Thank you, Rainbow Sage.

    RS: No, I should be thanking you, Lady Sakura.

    RS: Regardless of the path she follows, you and Annabella will always share a bond.

    RS: Your feelings of Annabella will transcend the distance between worlds.

    RS: Should you wish to grant her more power, come to me again.

    RS: I will always be waiting.

    *This Seraph Robe and Dread Scroll are courtesy of another world's Sakura.*

    *You got Seraph Robe.*

    *You got Dread Scroll.*

  15. Ello!

    I was going through paralogues looking at the childrens' stats for funsies. However, I noticed that my Kana already had three stats maxed; Strength at 34, Skill at 30, and Luck at 28. I was curious on the max stats for Feral Dragon, and in order of Str Mag Skill Spd Luck Def Res they are

    60 32 31 28 32 27 29 32

    I noticed that this couldn't my right for my Kana, though; My avatar is +SPD -LCK and she married Kaden. Wouldn't Kana have a 0 modifier in Skill? If so, how is it 30 instead of 28? And he has 34 Strength instead of 32? 1 extra Luck?'

    I mean, it is highly probable I chose something else as a bane, but I seriously doubt it because how could I miss "Unlucky" when I had the Avatar Creation page right in front of me?

    Anyone have any idea on how my Kana has higher stats? I'll add in pics soon but I can't rn.

  16. Anywho guys I have Rinkah and Camilla and Ryoma and Silas, who should go with whom?

    Rinkah x Ryoma

    Camilla x Silas

    Camilla is one of the best moms for Sophie and Shiro is one of the few kids that Rinkah doesn't make bad and Ryoma benefits from her skills such as Lancebreaker.

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