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Posts posted by Pokechu

  1. Imo Sakura is a god. It does take time for her to get a C in Bows for the Shining Bow but once she gets it she'll kill everything. She was much better than Elise, because she has higher HP and can actually take hits worth stuff. In Revelations, since you only have like 5 units by the time you get Sakura chances are your servant will be fighting, and she can level up A LOT on the Mokushu chapter. She has self heals in Renewal. By the time Felicia gets the Flame Shuriken Sakura would likely be promoted, and she makes for one of the best tome/shining bow users in the game.

    She's also a great mom, too. Works for any magic child, and even some physical, and can pass down healing. Personally, the worst royal for me is Hinoka since while she can double, her strength is always so low.

  2. How are you guys beating this on your first and second tries? I tried doing this myself five times, then went to YouTube. I watched three different people play it, and copied their moves exactly. None of which worked. Then I looked at this forum. Tried taking your advice and played the map seven times. Needless to say, I lost every time. Will someone help me? I just want Corrin to be a grandmaster!!!!!!

    The first time, not gonna lie I lost. I kinda hovered in the middle but enemies come from all around. There were about 10-15 enemies left, too. sniff

    The second? I moved my units all down to the bottom left corner. I forgot if I put them in a column or into an L shape, but I'd suppose either would work as long as Odin was in the corner, since the others don't have ranged weapons.

    So, from the start I was moving all my units south. I think I killed the first enemy with Inigo, and then after that it was mostly whoever was in range since reinforcements hadn't came then. I also tried to make sure to use every statbooster. Owain LOVES THE Spirit Drop or w/e it's called; 4 extra damage on the Levin Sword since he'll most likely double? AWESOME. I'd give the defense one, if there is one, to Severa so she isn't as affected by silver sword uses. Or w/e it was that's lowered by it.

    Make sure to have Severa and Inigo talk! By doing so, you get a Parasol which is a ranged weapon they can use. I basically stood in the corner for a while until the enemies at the top started coming down, and I aimed for the cleric first and then the others, then finally Sumeragi. I think I had Severa paired up with Inigo in the back because he was kinda at low health attack him first, then Odin so he'd get the attack stance. Since Severa got low, I used Owain as bait somewhat (he was pretty much at full health) to unpair Severa and Inigo. After that, with all 3 attacking it went by kinda easy.

    If you're still having trouble, I'll try to do the map again and think about what I'm doing each turn! Good luck!

    EDIT:Make sure to make lots of Battle saves! I'm not sure if it's a Casual only thing, but that's what I did and it prevented me from hoping for crits but not getting one, etc.

  3. One I remember is Revelations. When it's Marxander and Ryoma facing each other down with IK enemies around, if you have Selena go up against Laslow, they'll have a discussion iirc. If you have Camilla fight Marxander, they'll talk too.

    Selena has dialogue with Laslow? I thought someone said she didn't?

    Does anyone have a link to any of these dialogues (Besides the Saizo/Kotaro one)? Also, I made Sakura fight Ryoma (c'mon... she was my only unit capable of beating him.. *sniff*) and they had no dialogue. Kinda weird. You'd at least expect "sis why u fighting me?"

  4. The problem is

    that Corrin was a baby when Mikoto met Sumeragi, and since Takumi and Sakura are younger than him/her, they would'nt be around at that time.

    Hmm, where does it say that? If that's the case, then maybe Corrin could be like 2 or 3, Takumi 1, and Sakura a few months. I'm kinda stretching here tbh *sniff*

  5. I think that Mikoto

    [spoiler=Revelations Spoiler]Had Corrin with Anankos, but then when he turned evil she fled with Corrin and met and married Sumeragi, and by that time Sakura and Takumi had been born and Ikona had died.

    The Nohr siblings are all children of concubines besides Xander who's the child of the Queen.

  6. Looking for other thoughts on these Birthright/Revelations pairings for MU going +Mag - Luk/+Str - Luk marrying a 2nd gen Mitama or Asugi that Jayvee provided
    and for Revelations

    Hm.. I'm not the OP but if I wanted to marry a magic child, I wouldn't choose Asugi or Mitama. Mitama's a physical unit; I don't see why people make her mom be Felicia when Azama's and Felicia's mods mix together as well as water and oil. She isn't a good hybrid at all imo. I'd choose children like Forrest or Ophelia who are for sure going to have a very high magic stat. Rhajat, too. (Felicia!Forrest is good, Felicia/Sakura/Orochi!Rhajat is good too, and Orochi/Elise!Ophelia are the best Ophelias.)

    Also, I don't really agree with many of OP's pairings but different strokes for different folks, y'know? a lot of those pairings might be good but since I'm pretty biased towards some kids I gotta ALWAYS make them great.

  7. Lord. I'm on Team Sakura, killed everyone besides Ryoma/Xander's teams. Xander is literally impossible to beat. I think it's just my luck, but he gets 3 percent crits, and just a normal attack of his does 20+ damage. Subaki only does 8. I could try and reset the rng by pairing up, since that worked when I was trying to get Sakura to hit Hinoka but since both bros are chasing after me...

    And Hana. PLEASE. Crit. You can take Peri without critting, yeah. But WE NEED Astra + crits on Xander. In fact, I don't think she can even deal any damage to Xander. And Sakura's sitting at a small 10 STR after the Silver Bow uses... Ryoma's kind of easy to beat but please. xander. please. im begging u. i will marry u if u dont kill any members of my team. No one has died so far and I'm planning to keep it that way. love me xander sry 4 killing ur siblings

  8. -Mag's speed deduction on Ninja is as good as nonexistent. It doesn't affect your speed base and the growth deduction's like 5% and you have a fuckton of speed does 60% vs 65% really matter that much it's like, 2 speed at 20/20 you're gonna double everything anyway

    Since it's Revelation, pick your talent to help your spouse instead. Get your ninja off Saizo/Kaze or Kagero depending on who you play.

    this is the best advice. Personally, I went Fighter because I've been planning for my Kana to marry Mitama. Choose a boon/bane that's good for your spouse and spouse's child, and make the class good for the spouse or Kana's spouse. That's what I always do, at least.

    psst psst i love your posts thor your rinkah is god

    notice me senpai chan

  9. really confused why everyone is going +spd when you don't need it to double... even in lunatic...

    aside from that, also really sad everyone basically throws away ophelia with elise as her mom, seeing that trab is basically worthless for her :< Guess it doesn't really matter when you have decent mods and just buy skills off everyone else :(

    How is Elise bad for Ophelia? Even without buying skills she can get DLC skills like Awakening, she has natural access to Vantage, Lifetaker, Astra, and a few other good skills too I think.

    Orochi is the best mom for Ophelia. For normal play, yeah Elise but for minmax stuff Orochi is the best because she gives way more skill, gives innate access to Rend Heaven, can pass on Death Blow, etc. The extra skill is worth the speed loss because Ophelia can marry Ignis and get Wary Fighter.

  10. Topic!


    I'm really worried about Setsuna!Percy and Peri!Dwyer. Should I switch Peri and Setsuna around? Setsuna and Arthur are real cute together but I'm not sure Lutz needs that speed. Are those two good pairings? Should I make it Peri!Percy and Setsuna!Dwyer? Like, how bad is it right now? Is everything else good, too? Is Elise!Nina good?

    *asks more and more questions*

  11. Well, as you can see i care.

    I just don't like it, that's all. I don't see why would you do that, it makes game easier and more booring, at least for me.

    It's my game, though. If I shelled out 80 bucks I'd like to be able to play the game my way, without anyone saying "that's cheating :^(((((((((((((("

    And even then, I'm on chapter 22 of Revelations but just don't want to do the last 4 chapters just because that'd mean finishing it, kinda like how after you watch a movie you're like "what now?". Eternal seals are costy, too, and I'm planning to max out my favorite characters just like I did in Awakening (tbh though I didn't cheat in Awakening at all because while it was tedious, it was pretty easy.)

    Plus, a 10% boost isn't that much. But hey; different strokes for different folks.

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