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Posts posted by TheFreshestSlice

  1. "As of 3/20/14 this thread follows the principle of 'if you don't have anything nice to say, then clap your freakin' lid.' "

    It wasn't exactly bashing, but not all of the posts really followed this principle.

    Again, that says nothing about not giving criticism. Also, the point of that statement is likely not to bring up characters you don't like. Responding to someone else will always be free game as far as I'm concerned.

  2. Chrom, Elincia made the decision to sacrifice her sister in all but blood for the good of her country. You can't let the avatar, whom you've only known for about 2-3 years and isn't even guaranteed to be your wife (or female) choose to sacrifice him/herself for the good of the entire world and for future generations? ;/

    Do keep in mind that by this point, Chrom has tried to be Emmeryn Jr. for going on 3 years +. I definitely don't condone it, but that's something.

    Sincerely, if every ruler took the best course of action every time in every story, there would be no stories to tell.

    Um, not necessarily. This implies that when a ruler makes the right choice, no one else will be acting in kind.

  3. Elincia gets forced to fight pointlessly (in RD p2), because her first action was to seek Ike's help at the hint of Civil War. Something that would've prevented the conflict from escalating to war [even if it wouldn't have been a "strong" showing, it would've prevented armed conflict]. Of course Bastian is a dumbass and thinks that civil war is a smart idea so he made Ike "disappear" so that option was off the table.

    Elincia is a better ruler than Emm. Elincia sought to avoid war, but knew that when it came time to fight, to ****ing fight, not blunder into a trap.

    Of course, then again, I could also point at the Valm arc and point out that Chrom is a better ruler than Emm, despite him worrying he might not live up to her. [No, he's her superior.]

    True, she's a good face for Ylisse, but by no means is anyone that I would give political control to during a time of crisis. Chrom may be more hot headed, but I much prefer his style of leadership to Emmeryn, who let such things continue in the haildom for many years. I think even Emmeryn knows/knew that. .

  4. Guys, seriously, don't try arguing as to why a character is bad in this thread, there is another one for that, which tbh is kinda depressing.

    I'm neutral about Emmeryn, but it is not pleasant for a fan of hers to see criticism of her in a thread that is supposed to share positive opinions.

    Regarding Yen'fay, he is awesome as well, forgot to mention him.

    The OP says only talk about the characters you do like. It says nothing about not being able to criticize them, and it also says nothing about only talking about the positive parts of a character.

  5. She's only respected by them as she is a girl. If it were a guy like her attitude, then it would be as you said. She could have had backup from her men, though she didn't need it. Shows on how strong a ruler that she really is by taking matters into her own hands. Sure she's not very smart at some of the decisions that she made, like allowing Cordelia's henchmen die doing nothing about that, but she tries her best to be a good ruler like Elincia.

    Taking matters into your own hand is not a sign of a good ruler. Knowing your own limitations and realizing that your subordinates can just as easily be your betters in certain things is. Also, being female has nothing to do with this really. Female or male, you can hardly let your morals stand between you and protecting your people. Ylisse hardly even has a standing army because, "Peace." I like that she sticks by her morals. I like her kindhearted nature, but that only goes so far. There's a point where it needs to stop. The dead care little for peace that one pretends is there.

  6. If anyone, I repeat, anyone has even a glimpse of her thinking and compassion, the world would be a better place.

    Or more likely, a very empty one. She's a good person to be a figurehead leader, but she has actual power, and is thus not very competent in her role. Outside of Fire Emblem, no country with her as a leader would last very long.

  7. 2. After gaining only 8EXP per kill, that map is by then...nothing.

    There are 50 enemy units on this map. So: 50*8= 400. That's four levels of growth. Then combined with Paragon that's 800, so eight levels. But then what if you are using Veteran? That's 800*1.5 for a grand total of 1200. So that's 12 levels of growth, just from that little 8 EXP that seemed so insignificant a second ago. That's hardly what I'd call nothing.

    Edit, missed a unit.

  8. Because they couldn't write it any better and have slightly more exposition? and sacred stones had a narrator and it worked well even though the game had a world map.

    That's because there was a lot of backstory that needed to be explained, as well as the setting because Sacred Stones was in an entirely new world with no self-insert with amnesia to ask stupid questions like, "What's Plagia," while wearing clothes from there.

    Also, the timeskip is narrated. That's something.

  9. The wider fandom (read: Not Us) doesnt mention FE4 that much and the reason is obvious. The silent majority of the fandom has not played FE4. Now, i think it would be a fantastic idea to remake that game in the wake of Awakening's success, so us Silent Majority can really access the title that supposedly set a standard. But right now, FE4 is still very niche.

    When the phrase, "a cycle of FE4 hype" was used, it doesn't give the same connotation as, it's unknown. It sounds like FE4 is suddenly seen as a well polished game, before becoming a well polished piece of plastic.

    And I'm sure the silent majority of FE is still in Japan. :P

  10. I am, however, reminded of something else I dislike about the fanbase. The passing implication that “true fans” or “veterans” inevitably prefer older games, or newcomers will adopt that opinion once they play a “real FE”. While it’s true there are many players who probably haven’t experienced all the games, no need to blindly speculate or generalize them one way, individual people will always have their own preferences. This can already be observed from a subset of our niche community (which ebbs and flows, like I’m again seeing a cycle of FE4 hype), so just imagine the general larger one.

    That's something that happens across pretty much anything in any fanbase anywhere. "I played an older game. I liked it. Didn't like this one, so...." It's going to be said by the vocal minority at one point or another, so I let such things go by without a care. And too my knowledge, FE4 has always been one of the more popular and successful titles, and for good reason. It's less of a niche and more of a classic in that regard. It's just simply not as relevant so it'll only be spoken of as a reference of how one thinks a game should be.

  11. Well firstly, remember that skirmishes are grinding. Choosing to grind because encounters you would only see while grinding are too strong is circular and, uh, weird. Secondly, they aren't that strong that quickly - unless you're grinding in the first place, which again, is a circular argument. I'm not sure if it's known what enemy strengths are based on, but it's either your units stats (most likely your unit with highest rating), or how many battles you've beaten up to that point, both of which will only get especially high if you grind.

    Lunatic does limit your grinding options, - it makes it close to impossible sans DLC, actually (since it's be kinda unfair to make extra content you've paid for impossible or unrewarding to play). In terms of making a tough but fair difficultly, I feel that's the right move to take.

    No, they start out that strong, right out of Chapter 3 with no grinding even being possible before that. Also, while encounters are technically grinding, that isn't circular to the topic, which wasn't about the fairness of grinding, but about the rating itself. It would be circular if I said it wasn't a fair rating because it was difficult. Not if I said it was unfair because I said it super charges enemies well above what anyone could feasibly do before Chapter 25 right after Chapter 3.

  12. How does Lunatic 'cheat'? Granted, it's earlygame is pretty nasty - but you can't grind for that outside of water trick anyway - but beyond that, it's not exactly doing anything unfair. Enemies are strong, and have good skills. Lunatic+ I can possibly see it possibly as an argument, since it can easily throw essentially impossible combinations (i.e. incredibly luck dependent) at you repeatedly, but Lunatic isn't really anything but a tough but fair difficulty (again beyond earlygame).

    Well I almost agreed with you, until I remembered the fact that every random encounter is boasting units with 280+ combat rating from Chapter 4 onward.

  13. But on topic, I would have loved some less generic parent child supports with the Exalted family. Especially something better suited for Brady and Chrom. Maybe a conversation that deals with Brady's frustration of not being a fighter worthy of the Exalted line. But I think that the Ingio/Chrom lines are perfect as is because of the Ingio/Lucina/Chrom/Olivia family dynamic.

    The family dynamic didn't stop it from being something even the most generic of soldiers could have said to their son. Chrom could have said a lot more about him trying to raise Inigo better, as he did Lucina, where as right now, it's more of, "Why did I get this child when Lucina." However, unlike Lucina, not only does Inigo have a much larger pool of potential fathers,he's not guaranteed to even be me at any time during the story, nor to exist in the first place. I can understand him being generic. Aside from Lucina or Cynthia, the two characters with the absolute least amount of potential parents, I would just chuck everyone else out the window tbh.

  14. How about Vaike x Maribelle? Vaike and Maribelle's mods almost cancel each other out, although Vaike does give Brady Axefaire.

    (It's actually a pairing I'm using in Lunatic+ but I like their supports so I don't care lol).

    The last Vaike!Brady I did worked out fine as a War Monk and then Dread Fighter, so it won't ruin the the unit or anything. You could do much worse.

    Don't think about class pools, think about potential postgame builds, and if it's not possible to completely wreck those then do everything possible to trash mods instead, starting with Spd and then the preferred out of Str/Mag. You can pass out Thief for example to a whole lot of characters and they'll be just as good as without it (in almost all cases) because it doesn't give anything that a non-utility/Streetpass unit would want. Because Brady already has all his skills and you can't deprive him of anything he wants, go after his mods instead.

    Manaketes don't have crazy Spd, and their Str isn't good enough to make up for the lack of Faires, Braves, Forges, and sometimes double attacking.

    I get that I do, but I'm weird. I've accepted that. I've learned a bit about optimizing stat growths and such, but MOAR, is a flaw I can't shake.

    As for Nah, I've gotten here to work with Stahl and Dragonstone +, but I'll certainly take what you are saying into concderation. I've just never had a problem with any of the Manakates maxing any of there stats pretty high. Still, I know I'll have to take such things much more seriously in Luna+.

  15. Stahl gives Laurent VV. That's very very good. Brady needs nothing but mods (and an optional Vengeance) so Ricken is good for him as well if he isn't needed elsewhere. And there's something important Manaketes can't do: use Braves.

    Thinking about class pools, though. Ricken doesn't add to Brady. I'm just all about adding more to a character, I guess. As for the last point, true. But Manakates have crazy stats, so I try to focus on the other children. Nah can be an greatly above average, to just great unit no matter how you make her, in my case usually. Lunatic + might change my outlook though.

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