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Posts posted by LCD

  1. Flora's skill is hands down the best in the game and should a PvP scene develop, I'd be willing to wager the metagame would revolve around her and ways to make her as difficult to kill as possible.

    Other skill that is definitely better for PvP than the normal campaign is Charlotte's. This thing can end in a guaranteed critical against a female enemy, and would no doubt be used as a check if not a hard counter for Flora abuse.

    The princes all have great skills. Marx's Chivalry makes for an amazing chokepoint-holder when stacked with his sword's defensive buff, terrain effects and other things like Azura's Voice of Peace. Leon's Cold-Blooded on the other hand makes him great to finish off wounded enemies and synergizes amazingly well with Camilla's Deadly Breath. Just send her towards an enemy formation, let her shave some HP from it and now they're all easy pickings for him.

    Ryoma's personal might as well read "if close to someone, attack and defense buff" because as Hoshido's biggest, baddest, most buttery prepromote he's all but guaranteed to be the highest-leveled guy around. Takumi's is more finicky but it can still be used to great effect, despite turning entirely off once Takumi hits the level cap.

    Ignis's isn't that terrible, you just need to keep him in Guard Stance, something you'll be doing anyways since the last thing you want is your meatshield be subjected to death of a thousand cuts by a horde of enemies abusing Attack Stance.

  2. I dunno about having a lesbian-only character, especially with the waifu-driven direction FE is going. Inevitably someone will want to waifu her as a male character, find out he can't because this chick exclusively munches carpet, will be upset and probably tank sales because that kind of talk gets out of hand easily. The only solution would be to make her unattractive to males, but that means you made an unattractive character and that also harms sales and credibility. Same applies for an exclusively gay man.

    Heather already existed in 10, but no one gave her much grief because she wasn't waifuable.

    "Everyone is bi" would be the safest bet, or at least "Everyone is bi for My Unit".

  3. I don't particularly care much for lesbian/gay stuff, but the way BRS described them, it happens to be the way Bioware handles romantic subplots down to the letter. It also happens that the way Bioware handles romantic subplots is TERRIBLE.

    Seems like what you want is to have gays/lesbians/transgenders in for the sake of having gays/lesbians/transgenders in and be able to say "oh gosh we are like, so progressive!"

    Fire Emblem did homosexual supports fine with Ike and Soren already. It was well-written, it was touching, and most importantly, it was subtle. If I were to have my way, I'd make it so several characters had options to S- (or even just A-) support with both men and women, their sexuality ultimately depending on who they choose to S-rank, instead of being a constant, , blatant, pervasive part of their character.

    Not that having blatantly gay people is bad, I agree with BRS that VC did it right with Jann (but only him, the lesbians were boring tripe), mostly because he was not just "that flaming gay", he was also a funny and charming character and also best girl.

    That's my opinion, hopefully my low postcount and 4chan reaction image avatar won't make people disregard it before reading it.

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