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Agent Shade

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Posts posted by Agent Shade

  1. I had Lon'qu!Noire in one playthrough, and she ended up being a tank. Her stats are overall pretty good except her magic and res; at level 20, she has a speed of 45 and skill of 42. Lon'qu and Tharja's support is great too. I married them 3 years ago and I could still remember their support.

  2. I agree with many opinions previously said, with Corrin's bad writing and naivety. Another thing I didn't like was the pressure all three routes had of liking Corrin, for no real reason. Other than Garon, Hans, and Iago, everyone liked Corrin as soon as the met him. If they disliked him, there would always be an excuse for the to come around. Not good excuses either; most of them were the person who disliked them compromising because someone they were closed to liked them. There was no gray zone. Initially, I even felt I had to like them. The only benefit of them is the possibility of Intelligent Systems learning from their mistake and not making a main character a Mary/Gary Sue again.

  3. I've never, ever, ever gotten a Pokerus. I've had Diamond for five years, Black for four, Platinum for two and a half, X for almost two, and Alpha Sapphire for almost one, and I've never had a Pokemon with one. Before my Internet was not compatible with Nintendo products, in Diamond I would trade at the GTS all the time, and I still got nothing. Weird thing is, my brother has White and used to have my current Platinum game, and he's had several occurrences with the Pokerus.

    And just for the record, I have no shinies either.

  4. Almost a year ago, my cousin came out to me as asexual aromantic. She told me not to tell anyone, and I was the first person she ever told. Which was a good call, as I happen to be asexual, though romantic, myself. A couple weeks later, my mom and I were chatting and my cousin happened to come up. My mom then said, "She's really not into boys, unlike her half sister was as a teen. Is she asexual aromantic or something?" As neither my brother and I are...well, not your typical 15 year old heterosexual males, she's quite adapt to terms and such in the LGBT community. Anyway, I sat there for a moment, not sure what to say, and then decided to explain it to her, telling her to not tell my cousin's parents as she wasn't out to them yet. My mom said, "Oh," went silent for almost half a minute, and then blurted out, "Our gene pool is going to die."

    A couple months ago, my dog was refusing to eat the food my mom made him for dinner, and he hadn't eaten his breakfast either. Our dogs can often be picky eaters. Frustrated, my mom said, "Max, if you don't eat your food, you're going to be one skinny bitch."

    Another time was in 2013, on my brother and I's 14th birthday (we're twins), we had done a small celebration thing with our parents, and we were having that damn awkward moment when you've opened all your gifts and you're really not sure what to do. My mom broke the silence by saying, "Well, this is the last time we're going to see our kids this weekend." My brother laughed so hard he almost fell out of his chair on to the ground.

    My dad has said some funny things to, but most of them not as good as my mom.

    Edit: Typo that took me a long time to notice.

  5. I'm sorry, I find that story really funny. It probably wasn't supposed to. But I'm laughing.

    Unless you share a class or three with this guy, you may not see much of him for a while. I wouldn't sweat it.

  6. What CD are you referencing too?

    Anyway, Knu is probably right. If they did an actual character, fans would either be upset or confused. But there's nothing to be upset or argue about if they put in an unnamed maiden.

    From what I'm getting, no pairing in the game is really canon. I mean, if there was, why would they let you hand pick the marriages between characters in the first place?

  7. Is Severa a likable character? No. But is she an interesting character? That's what I like about her.

    I don't know how well some of you know Shakespeare, but one play he wrote is called Taming of the Shrew. It's about a king who has two daughters; the older one, named Katrina, is more or less a even more bitter version of Severa, and Bianca is your stereotypical dumb, sweet blonde. Now, the king has set a rule that Bianca can not get married until Katrina does, which becomes an issue as every man in the 100 mile radius of the royal family loves Bianca, while every man in the country is horrified of Katrina, so no one wants to marry her.

    Personally, I found Katrina more likable, despite her asshole attitude. Sure, she may have been bitter, but she was smart and witty, which made her interesting. Though I can't recall the exact reason why she acted that way in the first place, I can recall it had to do with Bianca and that more of the guys like her. Bianca was nice, but there was absolutely nothing to her. Marrying her was equivalent to marrying a balloon.

    The reason why I bring this up is because Severa reminds me of Katrina so much. She is obnoxious due to her bitter behavior, but I love how witty and cocky she is, and the fact she has a pretty good reason to act the way she does all adds up, and it makes her interesting. So I can see why people hate her, but in reality, she would be a pretty damn boring character if she was Cordelia's sweet little perfect daughter just like Cordelia was thought of to be perfect herself.

  8. Oh man, Warriors was great. They were more or less my middle school years, or part of them, anyway.

    Like with everyone else, I did outgrow them though. And I agree the official site was pretty fun. The Warrior Forums, however, are a complete mess. Hypocritical moderators, useless rules, and stupid drama. Though there are some 15-18 year olds on there who go on there regardless of outgrowing the books, they act like 10-12 year olds, which I find strange. I can probably count on less than all the fingers on both my hands how many reasonably mature people that acted their age I met on that site.

    Besides that, the Warrior books have a special place within me. And the Erin Hunter team actually has five people now, but one of them only works on the series Survivors under that pen name, so there's only four in a sense.

  9. I do agree with Virion being the worst, Ricken in a close second. Virion probably wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for his defense. He's awful all round when you first get him, and when I used a master seal in promote him to a Bow Knight, he wasn't so bad, except his defense was so low that even if one enemy got too close, he would be gone. More or less the same thing applies to Ricken. Thankfully, I play on casual mode.

    As for Donnel, it is a pain in the ass to level him up when hr's a Villager, but he gets MUCH better when promoted, especially as a mercenary. He can actually tolerate more than one hit, and can do more than 3 damage per hit.

  10. I'd take my cartridges of FE to show the inhabitants that their entire existence is a lie.

    If this site allowed you to like posts, I would like this one.

    I'd probably panic and cry while getting important crap like knives, food, clothes, personal hygene stuff, and medicine. I'd probably throw some other less important things in the bag too.

  11. I agree with Gaius, Libra, and Henry's recruitments being hilarious.

    I'm surprised no one pointed out when during some chapter in Feroxi, Chrom was spacing out and Sumia had punched him in the face. I lol'd.

    As for supports, all of Panne x Donnel and Chrom x Frederick's supports cracked me up. Any of Lucina's siblings C support is also pretty out there. Oh, and the C support with any of Brady's fathers. There's more than that, but those are supports I can list off the top of my head that had made me lol.

  12. That would actually be a good idea for Sumia, as Cynthia wouldn't be as easy to miss out on.

    For Chrom, the only downsides would be if he were to marry Panne or Nowi. It would change the plot a little too much for Lucina to be a Taguel of Manakete. And Cherche arrives too late in the game, so that would also alter the plot too much as well.

  13. And I know I will get flak for this, but Owain is truly the most overrated Fire Emblem character ever. Not even exaggerating.

    Actually, I agree with you. And the names he gives to his weapons...it's not the fact he names them in the first place, because that sounds like something I would do, it's that he goes so far with them and tries to make the names sound "heroic".

    If that petition isn't intended to be a joke, I don't know what is.

  14. Where do I begin? I knew absolutely nothing about FE other than Ike and Marth were somewhere in there became if SSB Brawl when I first got Awakening last Christmas.

    A list of some of my mistakes but not all:

    Not knowing how to use Second and Master seals until the end of my first playthrough.

    Not knowing you could marry off characters until the end of my first playthrough.

    Not marrying off Maribelle, as Brady is cute as hell.

    Trying to marry Sumia to Chrom after beating the game, thinking his first marriage with the maiden (who he married in that playthrough due to my avatar being male) "ended" once Lucina was born, therefore I thought he could have two different kids with two separate women.

    Forgetting to recruit Gaius.

    Forgetting to recruit Donnel.

    Accidentally letting Tiki die in Paralouge 17.

    Thinking second generation children inherited their parents' stats, not their skills.

    The list goes on.

  15. Chrom X Aversa for great justice.

    That's not a bad idea. In fact, Lucina would be able to use dark magic and use Falchion. And dark magic has some good advantages.

    If Chrom had more options, I may have gone with Miriel to give Lucina useful magic based skills such as vengeance (Miriel can promote to a sorcerer), which only she, Robin, and Tharja can offer to their children.

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