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Posts posted by chickenman

  1. It's very simple: You're not using a cheat device.

    That's all there is. Anything without a cheat device is within the game's scope.

    Arena Abuse, RNG Abuse, Resetting for cast... none of these are things your suppose to do in the game. But none of these things are directly stopped either. The game doesn't prevent them, nor does it condone them. It's a piece of technology.

    Now then, this doesn't mean they aren't abusive as all things, they are. All of it. But honestly, complaining about RNG abuse and Arena abuse is like complaining "You're better at Basketball than me because you spend time working out and staying in practice!" It's a little silly.

    Honestly, that is the best way I have ever heard it described. But I'm more of a hockey guy...

  2. Pretty much, just for clarification, one time, I was playing FE6, and my Dorothy got a point of skill. Someone died, and I came back to my last save state, I moved someone to a different spot, and I used Dorothy again, and she got HP, Skill, Speed, Luck and Defense. Is that considered abuse? It was non-intentional, but I just want to make sure so I don't sound like a hypocrite.

    In a way, yes it was. But sometimes it happens that way. If you don't RNG abuse all the time, I wouldn't call you a hypocrite.

  3. Wow, I did not know this. Thanks. If anything, though, it also confirms my thoughts that the developers didn't keep it with the intention that it would be such a driving force in the metagame.

    Come on people. Your filling this thread with useless garbage.

    Could a MOD, if possible move the recent posts about RNG/Arena abuse into the thread I just made regarding it?

  4. So here is the long overdue RNG/Arena Abuse Debate Thread.

    Is it cheating or comparable to hacking? Then state your reason why.

    Posts such as, "I think it is (or is not) cheating." are not allowed.You must give a good reason why it is.

    No flaming, and your post must be relevant to the topic.

  5. I checked averages and, you've almost hit the bull's eye. I think his only glaring problem would be his defence. Other than that, he's just as you said I(according to averages).

    See, proof that I sometimes know what I am talking about. :)

    My Roger I am using now is a level 17 knight. He has 32 HP 16 STR 13 SKL 14 SPD 16 LUK 15 DEF.

    A simple class change makes averages mean almost nothing.

    But I think I have gotten really lucky too. :P

    Edit: Just realised I am very lucky. He capped speed at level 13 as a mercenary. It goes down 10 upon reclass to a knight. That means four levels straight he got speed with a 10% chance. Thats some crazy stuff. I am wondering if to reclass to a horseman or beserker once he starts capping more stuff...

  6. It depends on what stats you value in what class.

    If you wish to optimize Strength growth in a Sniper you probably want Palla or Est.

    If you want to make sure your Mage has a defense score at all you want Merric.

    Feel you need some Defense Growth on a Horseman... Darros is the man for the job.

    Want a Hero that feels lucky, its up to Roger.

    It's basically a 'who can do anything, who can do magic, and who to avoid' than a question of what character in what class.

    I think Roger makes the best hero. If you keep him a Hero he gets solid growths all around except DEF. Swap him for a general once he has capped speed and then back once he is 20/20 and you get an awesome hero.

  7. This whole thing has gotten out of hand.

    Everyone, just stop the arguing. For years people have been debating if RNG abusing is hacking or not. I doubt we will ever have the answer.

    But I know you've all done it. I've done it too. :)

    Can we get this thread back on track now?

  8. Players name:IHack2win

    Team name:IhackU

    Spotted by:Chickenman

    Reason:Maxed stats( incl. mov.), Forged special weapons, could walk over walls, tomes could attack from anyplace on the map, moves units more than once in their turn.

  9. Uh... I'll check my PMs now. Uh sure, I'm game, lemme add your code in.

    And I don't suppose it has to be a Sniper, its just that's the easiest way to give as much range to doing extra damages. Since all 3 have to be Range 1 to the Triangle'd target. Sniper with Longbow can dish out punishment to separate enemies. My party just happens to have a fair bit of range on this trick.

    Ahh sorry just saw your room then you left! Host again please!

    I know she doesn't need to be a sniper. Thats just what she is best for me as. I may make her a paladin though.

  10. Well, a few test runs without all my weapons say the team isn't bad.

    Fun discovery I've made: Triangle Attack works on Wi-Fi.

    Is it all that useful? Only when you double critical a General via a Brave Sword (after you use your Sniper to hurt someone nearby in the set-up).

    No, I don't plan on using it as a staple strategy, but when it works it works. Also, personal testing proves it works IN SPITE of any Dazzle cards out.

    Hmm... nice find. I would that too, but I don't need another sniper... but... maybe for a 'just for fun' team I will.

    edit* Hey man↑ did you get my PM?

  11. Depends on what else was capped.

    It's possible to have 3 Magic users with capped magic so long as two of them did it naturally (read: RNG abuse). While on average both Merric and Linde will get from 17-20 Magic, if you make sure that they get magic with as many level ups as you can stomach resetting on it should be possible...

    I forgot to add that I had 0 critical , however they could critical me. I guess their team was possible, but I had never seen a balistian with fully capped stats before.

  12. Not really.

    90% defense growth is overkill, no matter how you look at it. On the off-chance that Wolf does miss a level up, he'll still be tinking almost everything as a General.

    Base of, like, 15 defense + 90% growth + 20 levels = Cap, even if he misses one level of defense.

    Actually, Wolf starts at level 3. Thats 17 levels. Anyway people, I in no way intended to say his DEF is not good, I was simply comparing him to Sedgar.
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