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Posts posted by Rayhaku808

  1. I'm having a hard time prioritizing what I want to spend my renown on for my first NG+ playthrough. Professor level? Supports to recruit former students? Or weapon ranks? I'm leaning towards Professor level. I can get through the game fine with the students that I already have in BL I think.

  2. 5 hours ago, Xenomata said:

    If you go fishing on a day where there's a lot of fish, you get Professor EXP for each fish. That's at least 150 for Excellent Red fishes, and even a cool 25-50 for the small fishes.

    And oh man getting Yellow fish... one Excellent catch is like 2k in Gold Fish. Made buying all that bait over the months worth it to reach A+ Professor Rank.

    Oh... Well then.

  3. 2 hours ago, Anomalocaris said:

    Pegasus Knights have nothing on Camilla when it comes to wrecking Timed Onslaught missions, though. Try just spamming Camilla's Strong Attack while dashing. It's brutally effective.

    I tried yours out, it's very effective. The only thing is that the controls aren't as responsive to dash cancel into the dash strong attack right away so you need to be pretty precise with the timing of your inputs. It's also sometimes hard to land where you want but with such a massive aoe that isn't an issue most of the time.

  4. -Timed onslaught missions in history mode are really good for leveling up fresh characters. Just make sure you bring one stronger one to take care of the higher leveled units that pop up here and there.

    -while on the topic of timed onslaught, Pegasus knights are extremely efficient at this. They get around quickly and you only need to spam one mind numbing attack.

    y, y, x

    y, y, x

    y, y, x

    its so stupidly fast and efficient that I fall asleep at night doing this. Spin for days. Not even exaggerating. I semi-built a spear just for this.

    Power Up, Strong III, First Class, Divining, Pair Up+, Dracoslayer(but probably don’t need it)

    K.O. count is usually around 4000+. If I actually tried I could get it higher.

  5. Not to be pessimistic; but I wouldn’t expect ANY unique move sets for any of these characters. Here’s what I think is going to be recycled. I hope I am wrong but will laugh and requote this if I’m right here goes:

    Azura/Oboro (the only time I think a new moveset will be introduced.)

    Niles/Takumi/Sakura/Anna (obvious to everyone)

    Navarre/Lyn (also a given)

    Minerva/Camilla (duh)

    Owain/Ryoma (pretty obvious too)

    Linde/Tharja/Robin (Validar, Iago, and Gharnef borrow attacks from Robin. Don’t count on Tharja being that much of a different dark mage aside from specials.)

    Olivia/Marth/Celica (kind of a stretch but out of all the currently existing movesets, I could see her with this one the most if they don’t make her an archer or another Oboro.)

    That said, I’m looking forward to Oboro. I always thought she was cool. No other reason.

  6. Favorite is definitely Lyn despite her Strong attack 4 being one of the worst in the game. So fast, fluid and her moveset is like a vacuum. Strong attack 6 is retarded.


    Least favorite is either the mounted tome users or Lissa. I’d actually really like Lissa if you didn’t have to constantly press X for the attack buff every 20 seconds then dodge cancel it so you don’t get hit because the animation for that thing is just as long as this run on sentence.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Thany said:

    Would it be a good idea to play my Hyrule warrior legends game while i Wait for Fire emblem warriors to come out? (since i already essentially completed all the maps on the wii u version except for like 5 stages)

    Meh. Though this game is the spiritual successor to HW, it’s not really necessary. If there’s FE characters and games you’re not too familiar with, brush up on that lore there instead. Looking up Sheeda and someone else allowed me to appreciate them more.

  8. Indeed. I promoted Tiamo first and foremost and I don’t even like her. Just super useful. I’d suggest Sheeda because her musou attacks have faster animations lol. 

    Camilla next and I do NOT like her either. Same reason as Tiamo.

    Sakura over Takumi solely because of staff utility and Liz is beyond annoying to use.

    Frederick is a good one to promote for defensive pair ups and to cover Camilla’s weakness to archers.

    Rowan/Lian honestly don’t really need a promotion. Maybe if you find them too squishy. Further reasoning would produce some minor spoilers.

    Marth, Chrom, or Lucina. Any falchion user because manaketes are tanky af and are a pain otherwise. Tiki is useless imo.

    i don’t like how any of the tome users play. Edge-lord Leo, vanilla Reflet, loli-Elise.. pick your poison. I go with Elise for more staff utility.

    i promoted lyn cause of fan service. I think I covered every type with some extra seals to spare by the time you get to endgame right?

  9. 11 minutes ago, LucinaRobin said:

    Hello guys.

    If I upgrade my characters, does the outfits of the character change?




    You didn't just want to ask this in the general warriors questions thread that you've been posting in lately?

  10. 17 minutes ago, LoboKD001 said:

    Before you start the map, go to the option under start battle. Hover over a unit on a blue tile (controllable) and press X. The third option is change units. If the unit you want cannot be select, then it's probably set in a green tile (npc). Just switch the position back to the blue tile. (the option above change units)

    Below are photos I took for a friend of mine if you need (Sorry that it's not in japanese)

      Reveal hidden contents








    Oh wow! Thank you for taking the time to answer this and even use pictures!

  11. Alright, you listed Henry twice, forgot Sumia and Tharja gives Noire, not Cynthia. Might want to fix those. Apart from that...

    My first playthrough I had Gaius with Sumia (Biggest mistake ever) so I attacked Cynthia with Gaius rather than Sumia. I still don't know how that happened.
    Henry with Lissa was supposed to be Libra. I must be drunk.

    You didn't mention Sumia, but she really should go with Chrom or Henry.

    Would make Cynthia a Dark Flier?

    I personally consider Stahl x Cordelia to be outclassed by Lon'qu x Cordelia (Severa gets more Spd/Mag and worse Def, along with Breakers), but Stahl is definitely not bad.

    I used Lon'qu on my first playthrough but alright I'll do so again.

    Henry x Lissa is generally considered inferior to Libra x Lissa because Henry is in higher demand elsewhere, but it's not bad.

    Alrighty good. Henry x Lissa was supposed to be Libra but idk what happened there.

    Donnel x Nowi: Nah is going to wind up supporting with anyone but Avatar as a father, save Donnel for Sully.

    Alright, I don't really wanna sac a girl just for my own selfish reasons. So for Nowi it's... Kellam? Gregor? Stahl?

    Ricken x Maribelle: All Brady needs is a father who doesn't lower his Mag, if Ricken isn't needed elsewhere then this is fine.

    Would Ricken be better somewhere else? If so, I'm not sure who to swap here.

    Vaike x Cherche: This is arguably Cherche's best pairing.

    I was considering Stahl for Cherche instead but I'll try not to think about this any further then.

    Henry x Miriel: double class overlap and Laurent doesn't get Vantage, which is what he really wants. Swap for Lon'qu, Stahl or Gregor.

    Lon'qu is going back to Cordelia. This leaves Stahl or Gregor. Also depends on what I do for Nowi.

    Avatar: Lucina is generally regarded as Avatar's best pairing, though Avatar x Nowi is the only way to make Nah a lead unit. Do note that Avatar x Nowi requires benching a girl somewhere, so don't do it unless you're prepared for that. Cynthia (do you mean Noire?) works, but the best Cynthia is Chrom!Cynthia who is completely eclipsed by her sister Lucina as a wife for Avatar, so I don't recommend her. Anna is bad. I suppose it boils down to personal taste between Lucina and Nowi.

    I do want some supports so I'll let someone else have Nowi. In case I ever do move Chrom to Sumia, who'd replace him for Olivia?

    Thank you very much for your input. My mind is nearly at ease!

  12. I've been playing this game on and off since release. I'm not too big on all the terminology here and have been snooping around for quite some time. I'm going to play hard classic because I don't want to get frustrated with lunatic or L+. I know the pairings I want aren't necessary for this difficulty but I still want my pairings to be more or less optimal. With that in mind, here's what I have so far.

    Chrom x Olivia (physical Inigo)

    Kellam x Sully (tank kjelle?)

    Gaius x Tharja (galeforce Noire)

    Stahl x Cordelia (this Severa seems to have good rep. I'm willing to try her out)

    Henry x Lissa (Dread Fighter Owain?)

    Donnel x Nowi (idk)

    Frederick x Panne (support yarne)

    Ricken x Maribelle (sage)

    Vaike x Cherche

    Libra x Miriel

    MU x Nowi, Lucina, Cynthia, Anna

    Not sure if I got everyone and I'm not sure who I'm going to pair the kids up with. My MU options are what they are because I like spunky chicks.

    I'd also like some supports but again, I'm not hardcore stat anal but Galeforce kids would be great. Thanks

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