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Baron the Shining Blade

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Everything posted by Baron the Shining Blade

  1. It's a bit misguided since it always says to press L and R to connect. That's specifically for connecting two Joy Cons as one controller like when used in the Joy Con Grip. To connect single Joy Cons as sideways controllers, you have to press the SL and SR buttons on the thin black side of the Joy Con. If you hold just one of the buttons, the animation will cycle between the two prompts to show you which formation the Joy Con will assume. But you don't have to do it specifically when that prompt shows up.
  2. Immediately you made me think of one of Myrrh's quotes in Heroes: *Timestamped to start at that quote* In her case it's love. I presume you already know how love feels, so I'd guess it's one of the aforementioned anxiety or heartburn. Then again you say it's near the bottom of your belly, so it could be digested food moving through your intestines, becoming soft stool ready for the excretory system. Sorry if that sounds disgusting, it's the nicest way I could put it. *ahem* ...I'll just see myself out. Gotta get to bed. Toodles! ._.
  3. Oh, I can sympathize with you on putting up with dogs whining, Ertrick. Surprisingly, the ones here just bark a lot rather than howl during fireworks. But then there's the one across the street that howls whenever an emergency vehicle, especially paramedics, goes by with their sirens blaring. Oy vey...... Btw I didn't notice it at first, but acrapella should be "acapella", without an R.
  4. I wish it were that simple. They don't do it frequency enough, so idk if it warrants calling the sheriff. What also doesn't help matters is that he doesn't even crack down on people using illegal fireworks, major holiday or no. It's hard when you technically live outside the county (not country) border.
  5. I wish my neighborhood had a 9 pm curfew. Perhaps then it would put a stop to the late night parties I've had to put up with. Life is hell when you can't even sleep in peace, and earplugs only help so much.
  6. A mobile Mario Kart app, huh? Sounds good. The fact that Miyamoto is co-producing the movie is a good sign. He'll make sure Illumination is kept in check. Let's hope he doesn't go and pull a Sticker Star on the whole thing.
  7. Once I got my 3DS, Wii U, and Switch, my older systems began to collect dust (and my house gets dusty often). For years now my GBC and GBA have sat in the Game Boy bag (actually a cooler. Don't worry, there's no ice in it). My original Xbox, PS2, and Wii have simply sat on the top of the TV cabinet in my room, though I recently cleaned up, rearranged the shelves and the TV and replaced the cabinet with a better one. Now those systems sit in the cabinet underneath, with the PS2 ready to be hooked up whenever I wish to play it again. Since we got a brand spanking new smart TV for the living room for Christmas, my parents got a bigger cabinet to sit it on, while the old cabinet went in my room. I haven't hooked the Wii U or PS4 back up, but I plan to move the Wii U to my room anyway. I just wish my mom would stop trying to get me to get rid of my old systems. -_- If you decide to do that, make sure you do it before the Wii Shop Channel shuts down next year. It's the last online function the Wii still has left, and once it's gone, you may no longer be able to use the Transfer Tool. But don't quote me on that.
  8. I missed a day too, so only 6 votes to work with. Here's what I will vote for. (Once I have voted, each one will be struckthrough): Zelgius (Radiant Dawn) - I don't care if it's a wasted vote. I/We want our red-armored Zelgius. I won't let IS live it down until this is rectified. But I will refrain from further complaints on the matter from now on. Morgan (female) - Goes without saying. Marth - Of all the popular recurring lords, Marth still has no alt even after a year. He needs more love. Luckily, I think Warriors has helped his case. Nergal - We have Zephiel and we're about to get Lyon. We need Nergal to complete the trio of GBA main villains. Leif - If it means we'll get our last remaining Lord in the game later on, then it's worth it. Myrrh(Confirmed in the Sacred Memories banner) Nvm, guess that vote's going to... Oswin - 1) I hear lance armors are very lacking in Heroes, and 2) I think Heroes could use more mentors/retainers like Oswin. Maybe Marcus could follow suit.
  9. No, you do not need any of the DLC to beat Thabes Labyrinth, not even the pitchforks. Along with grinding your units, what you should also do is dread loop (this means getting your Dread Fighters to level 10 and promoting them back to villager, then grinding them up again. Rinse and repeat until you max out their stats). You should also give your units weapons with useful, powerful combat arts. The main SF site has all the info you need on that. Oh, and once you beat The Creation on the tenth floor, don't forget to pick up the memory prism before you leave. On a technical note, you can't end Act 6; it goes on forever since it's the postgame.
  10. Huh. But your next vid is available in 480p60 and 360p60. Anyway, it does bother me a little. If a game, especially a GBA game, is originally 60 fps, then watching a vid of it at 30 fps is a bit grating. But there's one that bothers me more in particular when it comes to the GBA FE's. I brought it up a really long time ago, but nothing ever came of it. Animations seem to play at a different rate (and I don't mean frames) in an emulator vs an actual GBA. It's especially noticeable to me with tomes like Fimbulvetr and Ereshkigal. Now that I know it's not a difference in framerate, I think it's actually refresh rate/CPU clock speed/something of that nature. Compare Ereshkigal's animation in an emulator (top) vs actual cartridge in a Game Boy Player (bottom). I want to know for sure if it is indeed a difference in refresh rate, clock speed, or whatever. For all I know this might be obvious and well-known, but I've never seen anyone bring it up. It's something I've always noticed and it's always bugged the heck out of me.
  11. The Radiant Dawn banner at last. I did not expect Zelgius to be in this one. That is very awesome and I would be hyped as all get out. However... And I see this has already been run into the ground, but I gotta get my opinion in here. I am just...utterly... pissed that Zelgius is not in his red armor. Why, IS? Why!? What reason was there to use the BK armor again? For Alondite? His official art depicts him with a unique sword not seen in game. They could just consider it a forged Silver Blade and I think that would've worked just fine. I agree on the notion that this was an unnecessary spoiler even though I already knew. Honestly, all I want is a new official version of Zelgius in his red Begnion armor. Now I have to bank on Cipher to deliver on that front. They seriously better not repeat this there. Well, if nothing else, at least he's in the summoning pool now, so I don't have to wait for BK to return in another Tempest Trial. Considering I'm still unable to play this darn game (I will not emulate it, so don't suggest it) and thus am gonna miss out on this banner only irks me more. On the bright side, we just need Leif to complete the set of Lords. Don't keep us waiting, IS.
  12. I played it, and I really enjoyed it. Almost enough to cite it as my favorite FE, except Warriors was on its way in half a year. ':) Having gone into it as an FE fan with little knowledge of SMT or Persona, I was rather immersed in both the gameplay and story. Yes, the J-Pop and performing arts motif used throughout were an acquired taste, but if you can get over that you will have a good time. I loved the concept of the main characters having FE companions and transforming into FE-styled "Carnage Forms" (try and tell me that Itsuki's Carnage Form doesn't resemble Marth. I bet you it was intentional). The RPG gameplay was easy to grasp, having only lost one or two fights before realizing what to do when it came to (de)buffs. As a willing grinder, I did all but Kiria's side quests, and the reward of extra moves such as Ad Lib Performances made it very worthwhile. Let me just say that Mamori Minamoto is best armor. Forget Amelia, this little girl surprised me more at how well she performed (pardon the pun XD ) as an armor unit. Once you get her, use her! Do her side quests. She gets no Ad Libs, but instead she gets extremely useful Special Performances that revive and fully heal your party or protect you from status ailments. She's so good, she's nearly broken imho (made the final boss much easier to deal with, that's for sure). The bunny-themed Carnage Form wasn't my cup of tea, but aside from that, Mamori again is best armor. Again, great game. If I ever get my sister to play it, I think she'd really enjoy it since she took drama class in high school. Made me appreciate the performing arts even more.
  13. I won't deny female characters are attractive, and certainly in FE. I just think Lyn and Celica were added mainly for old FE7 fan nostalgia and Echoes promotion respectively, while them being attractive women was a secondary reason. But for all I know it's the other way around. Also, forgive my use of Camilla as a comparison. It's still based on first impressions since I still do not have Fates.
  14. Ana... what is this about? I'll not speak to the reasons behind Lyn and Celica's inclusion, but... really? You're using the boob excuse? In the one Warriors game where even freaking Camilla was kept tame? This is a rude excuse you should not be throwing around lightly. Just because Japan made this game, doesn't mean boobs is all anyone cares about. You know why these two were added. I know why these two were added, and it sure as heck doesn't involve their cups. KT's done a damn good job at keeping the female models to a Nintendo-respectable standard. For them, that takes restraint (not to mention an IS dev behind their shoulders, figuratively speaking). Everyone wanted Ike. Goes without saying. I knew Frederick would sate your thirst (I played the distortion where he tries bear meat. It was glorious X) ), but let's not insult other characters' inclusions regardless of why they're there. There's always the possibly of more DLC, or a sequel. I'm sure Ike will make his way back one way or another. For now I think Ryoma's a good stand-in. Spam that Strong IV shockwave goodness. The waiting game's no fun, but someone's gotta play it.
  15. They both look like pretty fun characters to use. I gotta pick up that season pass. Btw, do they have system voices? I hope so 'cause that means Owain will have one, and who wouldn't want some hamminess with those battlefield reports? ;)
  16. Well, I've got to go with Lyn's callback to her Sol Katti crit (or is it her normal Blade Lord crit? Maybe it's a mix of both...) Here's hoping Owain gets an epic Awakening finisher while calling some more FE title attacks like "SACRED STONES!!"
  17. Most characters' Strong III (X+X+Y) are pretty much made for clearing out mooks fast and efficiently. Marth/Celica and Lyn have some of the best Strong III's, as the former has a very wide hitbox and the latter is multi-hit with a similarly-wide hitbox (I gave my Lyn Astra so it's even better). Ryoma's Strong IV (the shockwave) and Rowan/Lianna's Strong VI (golden sword swipes) are also great at cleaning house. Personally, as you can see, I find the infantry units to be more efficient at mook-clearing than mounted units. Yes, always make sure to pause and check your total KO count before finishing a map. I forgot once and was just a few hundred KO's short that I had to try a third time to S-rank Together to the End. Wasn't as hard as I expected it to be.
  18. '_' That......wow. Literally made the whole theater go "what!?". Which admittedly made me chuckle. I'm reminded of an episode of one of the first seasons of Pokemon that showed some pokemon acting on a stage and actually speaking English, via some sort of trick, but I can't remember how exactly that was explained. Like some sort of magician's trick or something. That at least was a one-time thing and justified by some sort of trick. I haven't touched Pokemon since Sapphire, but I'm willing to believe Pikachu is pulling a Lucario here with the whole Aura thing. All the same, that's quite a shock. So what next, make Kirby speak fluent English? (Granted, he did speak fluent Japanese in a few 90's Japanese commercials such as for Kirby's Pinball Land, but he never spoke fluently since.)
  19. Same here, with two T's and all. ^_^ My last name is also frighteningly close to that of a nation in Tellius. Yes, I know I left it in plain sight. It's fine. Yes, there is a Laura in Radiant Dawn.
  20. Favorites: "What happened to Dorcas?" (When I first heard "MUTTON! FRESH MUTTON!" in Tales of Xillia it immediately reminded me of this), "Shut up, Tobin!", Roy's our Boy, We like Ike, OVA quotes such as "What black magic is this? Only Khadein wields such power.", and Walhart and Ryoma being compared to lobsters. I would also count MageKnight404 and co.'s reactions to characters with low magic growth getting magic, especially in FE4 e.g. " *big gasp* HE GOT MAGIC!!". But my most favorite in recent years is "Respect the ration ball" from Cipher Legends II DLC in SoV. It's just such a random thing to say, it's hilarious to me. I liked it enough to put it in my sig. I feel like I'm the only one that likes this meme, though I imagine plenty of players got the Cipher Legends II DLC. But I suppose an unpopular meme is better than one that's been drove into the ground. Least favorite: Suggestive memes such as thot, incest (including "disgusting", but I don't mind that one too much), etc; condescending memes, especially recent ones towards Warriors. The way I see it, there was gonna be "too many swords" no matter what the devs did. But I digress.
  21. "Unity, duty, destiny." -The creed of the Bionicle in the first three movies I love Bionicle. Started collecting them in the mid 2000's. I've still got two shelves full of them on display in my room, and I even got all four direct-to-DVD movies. A little cheesy, but they're actually not that bad. Like Ronnie, my favorite figure is Tahu Mata (the original red/orange one with the flame sword). "It was in those days [as a Toa], I learned our destinies are not written in stone; we have to find them for ourselves. I found mine. Now it's time for you to make new legends, for that is the way... of the Bionicle." -Turaga Vakama at the end of Bionicle 3: Web of Shadows
  22. Thanks. I think I'm getting a lot better at not accentuating the negative so much. :)
  23. "Getting a little presumptuous?" ~Matilda right before a crit to the face. Owain is my second favorite Awakening child unit, so I'm glad he will be playable after all. I know it's disappointing that the NPC's are part of this DLC and not free, and I agree that it's disappointing. But to those it may concern (you know who you are) (and I'm sorry if this is beating a dead horse already) let's make one thing clear and please stop calling them "on-disc DLC"!? A model, a few quotes, and literally one or two moves does not a playable character make. Because unless you can hack them playable and be fully functional without having to hack a moveset in as well, it's not exactly a whole lot on the disc to "rip-out", now is there? Paying for a full playable version of them is not so bizarre, is it? A small portion of a $20 season pass. It's no Hyrule Warriors, but then again almost none of FEW's development followed a pattern similar to HW. I think perhaps we should stop comparing the two. Yes, it's all disappointing. We can live with it though, can't we? Oh but no, everyone's gotta complain, complain, complain. *deep sigh* ...Alas, the world ain't perfect. It was a far cry to ever expect this game to be exactly what we want, or even close to it. Being a bunch of crybabies won't get any fruitful messages across to the devs. I understand the issues, I really do, but I'd swear every fanbase was full of nothing but crybabies. Yeah I know, it's the whole vocal minority business. Even the FE fanbase has a lot of crybabies, more than I would've liked, even extending to this here Forest. I thought we were better than this. I can only try to set a better example for everyone. Life's no cakewalk, that's for sure. I know we wanted the NPC's to be playable, but not at a price. But you know what? I'm grateful they're gonna be playable at all. We really should feel more grateful about things. That this game even exists, even if it wasn't quite a dream come true for everyone. We have to make with what we've got. If you ask me, that's the mindset the less hyped of us ought to have when getting into this game. It can go a long way in forming more positive opinions and perspectives.
  24. Nuts. That free copy would've saved me good moneyz since I'm just short of affording the game and system (Switch) at the moment. :'( Oh well. There's always Black Friday, yeah? Congrats Breezy. Savor that free copy of FEW once it arrives. Cherish it, never let the heroes within leave your side. And thanks for having all of us, Jedi. It was a fun questionnaire. We should do this again sometime. ;D
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