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Baron the Shining Blade

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Everything posted by Baron the Shining Blade

  1. Shortly after [FEW's] launch I bought a Switch just for this game. I ignored the ridiculous PR and too-many-swords conundrum and played through the game, got the DLC, maxed out all of the personal weapons, S-ranked all of History Mode, the whole shebang. And I've said it before: I enjoyed it, absolutely. I had a blast. I set it as my favorite for a reason. While I could and would on occasion boot up the game and mindlessly obliterate armies with Owain and Ryoma's C4 till the cows come home, the shortcomings in certain aspects--the roster in particular--left me feeling a bit......empty. Unsatisfied. Glass half full. As a classic-era Emblemier, I found myself wanting...more. Wanting to use characters from those older titles. Personally, I'm in the group that would really love a sequel that improves on the original's shortcomings, but also at the very least has more diversity in the roster. At least draw from Elibe and Tellius, maybe Jugdral; Fόdan would be fine if they must have something to represent the modern FE era. And this time we gotta have playable villains. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the Black Knight (/and Zelgius alt costume for the umpteenth time. ...Sorry) simply needs to be among them. He's one of the few characters in the series who is actually canonically strong enough to mow down thousands upon thousands of soldiers all on his own with ease; He's practically MADE for Warriors. FEW did at least manage a respectable ~1 million copies in sales, and IS has started to acknowledge the older games more recently (if Heroes and, mechanically, Three Houses are any indication). So as long as KT's still considering it, as long as there's still a chance......well, as a certain laguz puts it, "All I will do is stand here, plant my feet, and wait."
  2. That's pretty nice handing out the physical version of the game at midnight (EST), the same time as the digital version.
  3. Since this is a more appropriate thread for it, I'm gonna throw my Metal Slug protags' moveset in here and give it a major touch-up while I'm at it. I'm a little rusty with Metal Slug, so I used the Metal Slug wiki to refresh my memory. Everything in this moveset comes from the first 6 games, as I only have the Metal Slug Anthology which contains those games.
  4. It is a shame, but it's better than nothing. I kinda wish I had a reason to actually open my Fire Emblem series amiibo (even the Alm and Celica amiibo dungeons weren't enough incentive for me). But @Timlugia does make a good point. It's hard to strike a balance in function vs rarity. Between the amiibo functions in Codename S.T.E.A.M. and Fates, it's no wonder FE amiibo are so coveted. Fans of other series could even see it as unfair that the FE amiibo got such good functionality while others never got anything quite that good.
  5. At this point I haven't any predictions. Anything can happen. So I'll list the two I want to see the most. 1) Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia) -- Yes, I'm in the Lloyd boat. I want him as the 2nd Namco rep. One of, if not the, most well-known Tales characters. His dual sword moveset and artes are unique and would be easy to implement. He did have a mii costume in Smash 4, so there's always still a shred of hope. 2) Marco Rossi (Metal Slug) w/Tarma, Eri, and Fio as alts a la the DQ Hero -- SNK rep, Metal Slug was a popular run n' gun arcade series though dormant nowadays (never stopped Castlevania or Kid Icarus, now did it?). Moveset could revolve around utilizing the various weapon powerups (but with more variety than Samus'). Examples (Marco is used here since he is the default): Normal attacks could involve punches, kicks, bludgeoning w/ weapon, other weapons for a quick strike, and using the knife (or sometimes a fork like when he has the fat status) Down Special: Cycle Weapons -- Cycle through various weapons and use them with Neutral Special. Weapons include Pistol (functions like Falco's Blaster but faster), Heavy Machine Gun (default weapon; even faster than Fox's Blaster, but individual shots only deal 0.1-0.3% dmg to avoid being OP), and Shotgun (akin to Samus' custom Neutral Special 3, "Melee Charge Shot" from Smash 4 but w/o the charge and a bigger blast radius). HMG and Shotgun have limited ammo that replenishes over time akin to Robin's weapon durability (When Kirby copies Marco's ability, it functions like Robin's copy ability, in that [since HMG is the default weapon] Kirby loses the ability when he runs out of ammo). Side Special: Grenade - lobs a grenade like in Metal Slug. Explodes on contact. Move can be charged up (but not stored) to throw a more powerful Fire Bomb. Up Special: Prisoner Boost or Slug Flyer/UFO Lift -- Took a moment to think about it how Marco would recover, but I came up with 2½ ideas: A Prisoner of War boosts him up from below (akin to Mega Man) or a Slug Flyer/Mars People UFO lifts him up (akin to Duck Hunt or Snake). Final Smash: Slug Barrage -- Cinematic attack. Various Slug vehicles barrage the opponent with vulcan gunfire, then Marco comes in with a Gold Metal Slug tank and finishes them off with an Armor Piercer cannon shot. The animation of this last shot resembles the shot fired in the title sequence of the original Metal Slug game (but probably a bit quicker for pacing).
  6. Received RD for Christmas the year it came out. How lucky I was in hindsight. When I was hunting down Melee to play on the Wii, it never occurred to me to try looking for PoR as well. Much too late to bother now. I've seen a few LP's, and that's good enough for me.
  7. We forget that this here Forest has a music section? In any case, it's surprising what you can find when you look in the right places. I like a few of the tracks in this album: Fire Emblem Theme, Declaration of War (such a beautiful piano piece, actually made me tear up a little), Counterattack (very interesting take using that funky synthesizer), and Prayers of the People (has one of my favorite renditions of the FE theme, made better by being an ending theme). FUN FACT: Chosen People was one of Super Smash Bros. Brawl's "Lost Tracks". I actually know of another obscure FE album called "Toy Music 2: Fire Emblem" done by Akihabara Electric Circus (which I know is not on SF's Music page). I only remember one of the tracks being some, I dunno, beach/carribean-esque(?) version of the FE theme. Well...before the Summer Scramble version came along, anyway.
  8. Well in all fairness, Xbox came out over a decade and a half ago, and 90's systems were considered retro or "old-fashioned" even a decade thence, in the 2000's. This coming from a 90's kid whose first Nintendo console was a Wii. ':) Let me tell you; Game Boy, MS-DOS, and Windows 3.1/95/98 were my childhood. Ohhhh so much. I still have a cooler chock full of Game Boy games (no idea if they still work though...). Meanwhile, DOS and early Windows are what defined PC gaming for me for a very long time. Wolfenstein 3D (yes, I played an M-rated game as a little kid...), 7UP Spot, Lemmings, and more on the DOS side; Microsoft Arcade Pack, ports of classic Sonic games, and a bunch of surprisingly fun edutainment titles (Jumpstart, Super Solvers, etc.) on the early Windows side. It was glorious. GLORIOUS, I tell you! Sound Blaster 16 is music to my ears. ^_^ What's more, in recent years, despite not previously being interested in emulators, I found myself using DOSBox to relive those glory days of DOS and Windows 3.1, whilst also successfully finding disc images of Windows 95 games from my youth (such as the Sonic ports, though not without some help. And I know, legal grey area and all that) and actually getting them to run natively on this modern Windows 10 system. It's pretty awesome. I'm always happy to go into detail or ask questions about using DOSBox for those who are curious or in need of help (not that I know how every single feature works, mind you).
  9. Well yeah, of course. I know how business works. Bear in mind Conquest was given to me as a gift, so it's not like I spent money on it myself. If I were to get Birthright as a gift, I would still play it, but I don't care enough to spend money on it (or Revelation) myself. Besides, Three Houses is around the corner, and it looks promising. History repeats itself. ;) Also, addendum: I wanted to mention Kaze as another of my top units. He had a rough start, but after promoting to a master ninja he really got going, ending up as a fantastic debuffing res tank. Proc'd Lethality a few times too, plus that one Miraculous Save. He also made the perfect pair-up partner for Ike, each boosting the stats they lacked.
  10. Took me long enough, huh? I initially skipped out on Fates after all the flak it got plus Shadows of Valentia was around the corner and looked much more promising. But I recently got Conquest as a Christmas gift from my sister, and I'd never turn down a new Fire Emblem game regardless of how bad it may be. I finally got around to playing it the last few weeks. The result...? I enjoyed it. The gameplay of Conquest is as good as I'd heard. Very engaging, well-balanced, and fairly difficult enemies and enemy placement. I'm pretty good at keeping my units alive, but this game really kept me on my toes, even on Normal Classic. I had to restart a couple of chapters, though it was mainly towards the beginning or middle of the battle (but Kaze did proc Miraculous Save for my Mozu once). I made good use of the rebalanced Pair-up mechanic once I understood the changes. I found Dual Guarding and stat boosts much more useful than Dual Strikes. Overall, this was a nice change of pace compared to what I'm used to. I also really enjoyed the My Castle feature. I honestly wish it had been in Awakening first. I know Fates' story is considered utter garbage, and though I can't vouch for the other two paths, Conquest's story did keep me engaged throughout. I did like the concept of undermining the true villain from the inside. Between this and Warriors, I got a pretty good impression of Xander. Or maybe I was just lucky... SPOILERS FOR ALL PATHS (I THINK), IF ANYBODY CARES As for what units I used, besides Corrin. It was an...uncertain start, but in the long run I used Felicia, Silas, Kaze, Selena, Elise, Mozu, Kana, Xander, Sophie, Camilla, Azura, and Shura (Izana was briefly used for Rally Luck and extra healing). I also used Ike, a near-maxed guest Dread Fighter Avatar named Claire, and an einherjar of Anna (only for the final two maps though). I'm not at all ashamed for using these guest units or fighting other My Castle teams to get guest units and skills, because to be honest it's practically warranted for Conquest. Even with Claire, I still had to play carefully and strategically. And I still almost lost her a few times. But she still came in handy, no doubt (especially with a Pebble, believe it or not). Quick thoughts on Conquest Corrin: I found him nowhere as jarring as other people do. As for how my unit turned out -- I picked +Str -Res, and I became quite the juggernaut. With an Inspiring Song buff and Swordfaire, I even one-rounded the final boss. 30x2, no joke. I surprised even myself. My top five non-guest, non-Avatar units are: Kana -- No surprise there, and you know how much I liked the child mechanic in Awakening. Inherited Swordfaire and Aptitude as well as a +3 forged Iron Sword did wonders for her. It is also so endearing how she calls you Papa. I still like Morgan a little more, but Kana is up there, higher than I honestly expected her to be. (On the topic of child units, I will agree that the Deeprealm was simply a throwaway to justify recycling Awakening's child mechanic, but I honestly didn't mind it too much). Mozu -- My spouse for this playthrough (It was between her and Felicia. Also, I very much prefer this "watered down" version of the Private Quarters; I don't like any of the characters enough to want to stroke their faces with my stylus or my finger). I didn't expect Merchant to be so good for her, but she really got going when I taught her Certain Blow and Quick Draw. Selena and Silas -- I know I'm cheating with this one. Either Selena has a good speed growth or mine was just speed-blessed. And as a Hero, no less. I paired her with Silas (currently the only other pairing I've done) and he made a pretty decent Great Knight. While paired with his spouse he had enough defense and speed to easily deal with the endgame Faceless. and Xander -- Again, no shame. His strength, defense, and 1-2 ranged Siegfried w/o drawbacks was incredibly helpful. He really helped carry the team. The soundtrack was good, though I'd still say Echoes has my favorite soundtrack. I must say, Lost in Thoughts All Alone might just be my favorite song in the series, if not all of gaming. Wonderful leitmotif too within tracks like End of All and Return to Elegance. Overall, Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest was a fun experience. Of the two, it was the path I wanted to try because 1) It mainly has the traditional classes and weapons, and 2) The idea of treading a dark path and rooting out the evil from the inside sounding much more interesting than just retreading a straightforward Awakening-style plot. And so...I can finally say I've played Fates. Even if it was only one path of the story. Probably won't bother with the others. Thanks for listening to me ramble. Here's my My Castle address (should I put it in my sig? Let me know): 16593-06984-78981-52169
  11. Any other day I'd have thought this was an elaborate, if belated, April Fools' joke. But this is actually real. Oh gods... Well...I suppose this could be my birthday movie this year, if only because I like the Sonic franchise enough to give things like this a chance. It'll be an interesting ride, at least.
  12. The more I thought about it, the more I started to think she simply said Aether something. *shrug* Oh well. Pay it no mind.
  13. I commented on this in the main 4/4 Feh Channel thread, but it's already getting buried in all the buzz about the summoning change and will probably go unnoticed. At the end when Feh drifts off to sleep as per usual, she utters what sounds to me like "May 13th." It may have just been nothing but sleepy gibberish, but if she did in fact utter this date of May 13th, I have to wonder what this could mean. Could some FE-related event be occurring on that date? It's not the FE Expo, that's this month, right?
  14. Let's take a break from this summoning change quarrel for a moment. ...Now is it just me, or did it sound like Feh said "May 13th..." when she drifted off to sleep at the end? If that is what she said, what FE-ralated thing could be happening on that date?
  15. Themes used in this clever fashion are known as Leitmotifs. When used correctly, like you showed with Robin's theme "Id", they can greatly enhance the experience of the game (or movie; leitmotifs are prevalent in any media that involves music). Fire Emblem is known for it's use of leitmotifs, mainly starting with a simple theme and then having a battle theme being a faster, more intense version of that theme (variations like the Ablazed tracks in Awakening don't count. Those are an example of variable mix). "Id" makes enough sense. The Japanese version is simply "I".
  16. Prior to Smash 4, I'd have went with FE13 Einherjar Roy, but then I saw his Smash 4 render, and loved it immediately (and I finally got his amiibo recently). His Ultimate render is nice and all, but why of him doing a side tilt? His render on the Everyone is Here! panorama is cooler imo. Back to his actual Smash render: I echo Etrurian Emperor's statement; it's endgame Roy, promoted and standing proud in the wake of Zephiel and Idunn's defeat. Btw I always found it interesting how he keeps his scabbard on the same hip as his dominant hand, rather uncommon for swordsmen. Though his GBA animation w/ the Binding Blade could suggest he is actually ambidextrous or close to it. Not bad for a 15-year-old boy.
  17. Well well...the one time I want a rumor to be true, and it is! After 5 months, we were a bit overdue for a new regular Direct. To my knowledge, this is the first time a Fire Emblem game has been the main focus of a regular Direct. Aside from other potential FE announcements, the only other info I really want from this Direct is a release date for Daemon X Machina.
  18. I actually got all 7 votes in this time. Bit annoying to do though, since the touch screen function on my laptop only works about half of the time.
  19. The OVA took a different turn by having Elice hand down her tiara to Marth, and then use her Warp staff to whisk him along with Jagen and Ogma away to Talys. Props for showing us how Marth got his tiara, but in this day and age we'd probably expect more creative explanations for how he escaped than just being Warped to safety. "ELIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE!!!!!"
  20. I came up with The Shining Blade because I wanted a light-based epithet like that of a legendary weapon in the FE GBA era. "Baron" came from my love of armored units in FE; though Barons aren't my favorite of the bunch, I wanted to have a shorthand that didn't sound tacky. Still, I'm considering to drop the Baron part as now I simply stick with "ShiningBlade" which has grown on me. Since it doesn't fit on my Switch profile, there it is shortened to "ShinBlade". I like this since in Japanese "Shin" can translate to "true", so my name could also be translated as "TrueBlade", which works wonderfully as I love the Myrmidon line of classes just as much as armors. So if I get to doing the above adjustment and you want to use a shorthand for me, then I'd prefer Shin. But I mean, you can still call me Baron if you want.
  21. As one who really wants an FE6 Echoes to happen next, the main things I'd want to see fixed is: Assuming GBA stats are used again, bring all of the weapon stats up to FE7/8 standard. Those low base hit rates were not a pleasant sight, especially those poor axes. We've long beaten a dead Cavalier at this point, but it bears repeating one last time: buff Roy's stats. The memetic notion that "Roy sucks in his own game" needs to end. After all that Smash has done for our boy, this here's a debt long overdue. I would like to see that actually. Yes, make Lilina our first anima Mage Lord. I know this means we'd yet again have a case of male swordsman + female mage like with Alm and Celica (who uses swords in addition to magic, but still), and for two Echoes games in a row, no less. But she's Hector's child for goodness sake; no reason Eliwood's child can't share some of his spotlight. And after clearing Lilina mode, you unlock (or can buy DLC for) a set of bonus prologues where you play as Al, Gant, and Tiena from the manga who then join Roy's party at the start of the campaign proper, and you can choose whether to play or skip these prologues whenever you start a new game. I can already imagine the debut trailer (or potentially the game's intro cutscene) showing old Eliwood and Hector introducing Roy and Lilina to each other, they go play; then the former ponder about Athos' prediction, the sudden assassination of King Desmond in Bern, and Zephiel inheriting the throne. Basically FE7's epilogue and continuing straight from that point. And then the usual intro about the Scouring. A very SoV-like intro, sure, but you know what, that's fine with me. Show me just this as a teaser trailer, and I would be even more pumped than I am for Smash Ultimate right now. Seriously, I would. And I FINALLY got a Roy amiibo recently, so...give me more reason to use it X) Here's a question to chew on: Would you expect this remake to be on 3DS or Switch (regardless of carrying the Echoes moniker)? If on the Switch, do you think it would use SoV's engine or Three Houses' engine?
  22. In case it doesn't give you a "someone quoted you" notification, I edited my previous post with recommended skills and attributes.
  23. I'm about to have dinner, so I'll edit this with my skill/attribute suggestions when I come back. Ahh, that was delicious. Now back to business. I would replace the two flat stat-boosting skills. Aside from Luck+20, these flat boosts are very minuscule and barely make a difference. So I would instead get Luck+20 (from Celica) and Trample (from Camilla; you do 10% extra damage against anyone on foot, including unmounted heroes). If you use pair up often, I also recommend Solidarity on the units you use as support, as this boosts the vanguard's (the one in front) overall damage by 25%. Once you get the DLC I recommend Lethality (from Niles; your crits have a {Luck/2}% chance to deal 400% damage, complete with a quick red flash effect), Galeforce, and Iote's Shield (from Minerva; not on Lucina, but it's great for all your mounted units especially fliers plus Tiki and Corrin, as this negates their effective weaknesses. All of them, not just bows against fliers). For attributes (in general, not just for Parallel Falchion) I recommend as before a -slayer (two -slayers if it doesn't have one already. Don't worry, the might penalty doesn't worsen), a Strong # skill or two for the ones you use most often, Critical Focus (one of two 4000 KO-sealed attributes; you do twice the damage to an enemy's stun gauge, making it much easier to get crits in one reveal of the stun gauge) and Armor Strike which will make those crits cut your enemy's def/res in half (careful not to get hit by strong attacks or your armor will break and incur the same penalty). Once you get the DLC I highly recommend getting Amped which boosts all stats except Mov by a respectful 20%. Percentage-based boosts like this are much more significant than the flat stat boosts. The season pass is the best value, yes. Plus you get Lucina's bride outfit. ;)
  24. A Private/Incognito window doesn't use any saved cookies when they are first opened nor save any new ones when you close it, thus auto sign-in's will not work in these windows. So try not using it on Serenes for a bit and see if that is indeed the problem. I too use Private windows (I use Firefox) for the same reason. But I don't use it on Serenes unless I want to view a topic while signed out, so as not to update my "currently" status. It's dumb, but what the heck, I like the privacy.
  25. Actually, I think it's easier on the Switch since it can render more mooks on screen at one time. But I have the Switch version and only a standard 3DS, so I can't vouch for New 3DS users. Yeah, Shadow Elimination is tough starting out. -slayer weapon attributes make most of them much easier, well worth the small might penalty. I highly recommend putting -slayer attributes on everyone's personal weapons, especially the ones you're good at using. Rowan, Ryoma, and Marth (because of Paragon and easy-to-acquire weapon scroll) carried me through most of the base game's History Mode maps. Yes, I like the abundance of sword users. If you still have trouble, try to go for as many personal weapon scrolls and opuses (the latter are DLC) as you can. These will maximize their respective weapon's might (tripling their original strength or more) as well as remove the might penalty from -slayer attributes; this makes everything that much easier to fight. Let me tell you, being a completionist I acquired and activated every single weapon scroll and opus, and by that point there was nothing I couldn't tear through (the lvl 130 Anna battle only took me two tries to S-rank). Meanwhile, you should also get tons of A supports with Chrom (and maybe Olivia, if you have her) so you can give the Luna skill (and Galeforce) to as many units as possible, especially those with high luck. Luna reduces enemy def and res based on your luck stat, while Galeforce fills a portion of your Warrior and Awakening gauges with every major kill (that is, any enemy with a health bar). Definitely give the latter to Tiki so she can stay in dragon form longer. If you aren't sure what skills/attributes to use or how you should farm certain materials, I recommend checking out this guide (Google Docs spreadsheet).
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