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Baron the Shining Blade

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Everything posted by Baron the Shining Blade

  1. Damn... and Ghost Rider happened to be on TV yesterday. With great power comes great responsibility. And with great writing comes great comic adventures and thrills. No one understood it better. Rest in peace, big guy.
  2. I should ask, are you playing the New 3DS version? I know that one has a lowered kill quota, but the Switch version requires 2000 kills to S-rank. Mow down large groups of mooks when you see them. If they continue to spawn, just keep mowing them down. You may wish to keep some enemy captains and commanders alive while you do so, since killing them usually makes their group of mooks vanish. Rinse and repeat till you're at or close to 2000, then finish the map. Even with a 15-minute time limit, so long as you're not underleveled and lacking in effective skills; enemy captains, commanders, and even heroes will go down with relative ease. Besides, most maps require that you clear them in under 15 minutes to S-rank in that category, so having a 15-minute time limit ensures you will always do so. Once you've got the hang of reaching the 2000 kill quota, even maps with the Test of Skill restriction become a non-issue. I usually end up with 3k to even 4k kills without even realizing. Also don't forget, don't gauge your total kills by just the kill count in the lower-right corner. That only shows your kills and not ally kills. It can be less than 2000 kills and still be S-rank so long as your total kills are at least 2000. You can view your total kills and the amount needed for S-rank on the pause/map screen.
  3. Well, it isn't Marth because spoilers, which I'm not going to get into. I think this is somewhat remedied by the fact that Itsuki's Carnage Form bears a striking resemblance to Marth (even Marth's bridegroom outfit in FEW reminded me of it). In fact, when I first saw it in the debut trailer (of actual TMS, not the "SMT X FE" teaser) I thought it actually was Marth.
  4. Leitmotifs are a great part of music in various media, especially in video games and movies. Fire Emblem's got an abundance of them, particularly with a character/faction's theme and their battle themes, most of them from Tellius. I liked Radiant Dawn's soundtrack a lot because of this frequent use of leitmotifs. Land of Dragons → Battle for Whose Sake (an exception, as Battle for Whose Sake doesn't seem to draw from Zephiel's Theme as far as I can tell) Dark Priestess - Idoun's Theme → Shaman in the Dark Black Fang → Softly with Grace Black Knight/The Black Knight Lives → Against the Black Knight/Unstoppable Destiny His Father's Son → Moving Up {The repeating part after the class change} Ike's Resolution/Like Father, Like Son [FE9] → Champion [FE13] Brave General, Brave King → King of the Sky Lion King Caineghis → March of the Lion King Zelgius the Brave → The Strong Tranquility of Goldoa → Wisdom of Ages {This was plenty obvious, are you kidding?} Sephiran's Sorrow → Origin's End Id (Serenity)/Id (Sorrow) → Id (Purpose) Prelude → "Don't speak her name!"/Old Battlefield {and I think a few other tracks. It's basically the Shepherd's leitmotif, or at least Chrom and family} Echoes → Twilight of the Gods And more I probably overlooked. Here's to more FE leitmotifs in the future. ♪♫
  5. How can we forget the two popular Falchion boys: Yuri Lowenthal (Marth, Eliwood) - He nails their gentle, humble personalities. And who'd have thought he'd make such a good Spider-Man/Peter Parker? Matthew Mercer (Chrom, Ryoma) - We all love this guy. Serious one moment, using specials with Exalt Chrom the next. "I'M BEING HELPFUL!". XD I'd need to listen to all the voices some more before I could really pick favorites. But I'll echo all the previous posts. Heroes has done a damn good job with voice acting for the most part. An impressive feat for a mobile game.
  6. Perhaps so, though Onion Knight would also be......faceless, if you catch my drift. Ramza afaik has more of an identity. Ah, but I'm no FF expert. Tactics is the only game in the series I've played. An interesting place to start, I know. And I know both Ramza and Onion Knight are playable in Dissidia NT. But I can't help it, I love FF Tactics. At least the possibilities are there now thanks to Cloud. I bet Ramza would get a similar reaction to Richter, "Huh, who the heck is Ramza? That one girly boy from Dissidia NT!?" At least Marth would finally catch a break from the Dude Looks Like a Lady comments. :P
  7. There is one Final Fantasy character I would love to see in Smash, and I daresay this character could boast a moveset that better represents FF as a whole moreso than Cloud's FF7 repertoire of skills. And that character......................... is Ramza Beoulve. --Now now, hey! Put down those swordreavers and pitchforks! He doesn't wield just swords, ok? Just hear me out. *Takes a deep breath* ...OK. Now...why do I want this squire-turned-heretic-but-actually-a-hero, whose heroic actions were left out of most Ivalice history books, to be in Smash? Well, putting aside my clear bias for Final Fantasy Tactics, I implied earlier that Ramza's moveset could represent the series as a whole. How? Simple. The Job System. In FFT you can change units in your party to an assortment of "Jobs" (that is, Classes), learn skills from those Jobs and use them as a secondary skillset in another Job. i.e. A Knight, who has Battle Skills for breaking enemy's equipment/reducing stats could also use Black Magic, or White Magic, or a Mediator's talking skills if s/he has learned them. Now even though Ramza is a Squire by default, he can change to any of these classes (once you meet the level prerequisites), learn a huge variety of skills and use many different weapons. Sounds awfully familiar, doesn't it...? It's kind of like Fire Emblem Awakening's Second Seals and learning skills. But unlike that game, you are encouraged to learn as many Jobs and skills as you can. FFT is no cakewalk, so you're going to want that variety of skills so you can have multiple ways to strategize and tackle each story battle. These various Jobs and their weapons and skills, but mainly the weapons. This is what would make up Ramza's moveset. Something along these lines: (And keep in mind I'm going by the PS1 version's blind-idiot translation; I never played the PSP version, only watched the cutscenes) Phew....at last. I've wanted to list out that moveset for years. Glad I finally got it off my chest. Ramza is a great way to bring Final Fantasy classes into the game all through one character. Instead of a mere swordsman, you get a swiss-army knight, and not of the Link variety. Much better than a Echo Fighter of Cloud, wouldn't you say? That said if he got in at all, even as an Echo, I would still sure be hyped.
  8. I think I did this for Smash 4, though it might not even have been on this forum. But anyway. This is in series order according to the main site. Athletic Theme - Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins Another remix from Link's Awakening. Could be a medley of the miniboss theme, boss theme, caves, certain dungeons, whatever. I just want some more Link's Awakening to battle to. Facing a Huge Reaction - Metroid Fusion. Basically the game's answer to Brinstar as far as upbeat Metroid tracks go. I'd like to hear a remix of this one. Kirby: Planet Robobot's main leitmotif. It's my favorite Kirby leitmotif. Be it world 1's outside BGM or 100% menu, original or remixed, I want this in in some capacity. Battle for Whose Sake (Zephiel's Battle Theme) - Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. My #1 most wanted track on this list. I want a remix of this badly, and I want it to ROCK! More Binding Blade songs are welcome too. We got Beneath the Skies which is a good start. Twilight of the Gods - Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. We all want it. Oh yes, it is my favorite endgame song. If it's not remixed, then please do us a favor and don't shorten it like you did with Id (Purpose), ok Nintendo? I forgave that one, but TotG is too epic to be shortened. Some FE4/5 remixes would be nice. We're getting lots of FE music this time around, so we're bound to get some great remixes. Game & Watch Gallery. This series had some good music. Any of it would do for a remix. Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3. Smash is in desperate need of some Wario Land music. I only played the first game so... take your pick. Main Theme - Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. It was a "lost track" from Brawl, so here's hoping it makes it in this time. Oh, and at the ending snippet, add the extra part from MGS3's version before looping. It's so much better with the extra set of notes at the end. A remix of Theme of Solid Snake - Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. I know the original was in Brawl. It's great, and great if it comes back, but I'd also like a remix. But that's stretching, I don't expect to get both. The Final Fight - Sonic 3D Blast (Saturn). My favorite Sonic boss theme. It would be perfect for a final showdown on Green/Windy Hill. These two boss rearrangements from the (official?) Sonic 3 & Knuckles Remix soundtrack. One is of the Minor and Major Boss themes, the other is of Final Boss and Doomsday Zone. And yes, these two tracks are called The Boss and Boss The Boss. Don't ask, I have absolutely no idea why they called them that...... 'Course, I'm not opposed to getting new remixes of these instead. Pac-Man Game Room - Namco Museum Vol.1 / Title Screen - Pac-Man Vs. It's the exact same song, but the former is the full version. I expect they'd use the latter since it's already looped. More Namco songs. Personally I'd like to see some from Tales of Symphonia and SoulCalibur IV, and also some more classic Namco arcade game medleys (Tank Force, please and thank you). Final Fantasy Tactics. Anything from that game, really. This of course assumes Square Enix is willing to be nice. Given what Sakurai said on the matter, I don't expect more FF music, but it would be a pleasant surprise.
  9. Looks like people were right on the money with tomorrow being the new date for the direct. Also if you can't watch it live, here's a better tip on preventing getting spoiled: Go to the Direct's video page, window your browser, then highlight the URL and drag-and-drop it to your desktop. Presto, instant shortcut to the Direct, no spoilers to heave through. Seriously, pasting the link in a Word document? What the heck was I thinking? Well of course we'll still be able to use the eShop and download updates and demos and stuff. It's just like with Xbox Live Gold and Playstation Plus; they're only required for online play, but you can still access and purchase stuff from their online game stores without them. You didn't really think they'd restrict basic things like that behind a subscription, did you? And If I'm somehow wrong about this, well......I imagine there would be a lot of torches and pitchforks pointed Nintendo's way.
  10. Wind Edges hands down, because I love the idea of emitting sword beams. I have Zephiel, Ike, and BK to thank for that. I want wind edges to return, so long as they fix their god-awful accuracy. Seriously, 60, 50, and 55 hit? FE6 axe levels of accuracy? On swords!? Absolutely not. Never do that again, IS. (Even though I once read that their hit rates were swapped by mistake) Throwing swords in Awakening was a little weird to me. Amatsu I could understand. In fact I would surmise it's made to be thrown like a javelin, since that's how myrms/swordmasters throw it (and Ragnell...) and only they can wield it. Throwing Ragnell on the other hand... was just wrong. Ragnell emits sword beams, I expect to see as much (Smash was forgiven. Until Cloud happened...)
  11. *crosses fingers* Binding Blade remake, Binding Blade remake, Binding Blade remake. PleasePleasePleasePlease Pleeeeeeaaaaase! I know I shouldn't hype myself up, but to avoid repeating myself, simply put, I want it! You don't know how often I imagine the remade cutscenes in my mind (even easier now that I can connect voices to them). Knowing our luck it'd be for 3DS, but I would still be totally hyped. If it did come to Switch, I would expect it to come out after Three Houses. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go tamper my expectations.
  12. I see it as a small inconvenience you have to adapt to and work around. It also makes sense in a chapter like Ch. 28E of FE7, where your freshly-promoted Eliwood is forced to traverse and solo the middle of the map, moving up towards the boss and maybe reuniting with your other units. Why they don't relegate it to this kind of scenario, I could not tell you.
  13. I think the phrase is generally meant to be a compliment. I've heard it used a lot in movies and other media, and that's the vibe I've always gotten from it.
  14. I was very tempted to make a thread where we'd guess what FE track (or at least from which game/era) would be sampled on the site. Too little too late now... I was honestly expecting them to sample the new Beneath the Skies track which is used in Roy's showcase video. But it's nice to see some music from Heroes.
  15. This might not be a "classic" design, but I would like to see Young Prince Zephiel, the happy, striving boy that he was before the assassination attempt on his life. Just give him a new-and-improved Eckesach that the adult Zephiel can refine his own into, as has been done in the past. And make sure at least one of his dialogues is him reminiscing about playing with Guinivere, 'cause really... It may just be FE7 official artwork, but still, this is just too adorable! <(-^o^-)>
  16. I think delaying it was a very smart move on Toys for Bob's part (and good on Activision for letting them do so). What better way to solve a controversial issue like forced extra data downloads than by avoiding the issue altogether. TfB has said they really care about making sure the game is polished and ready before release. They care for this as much as Sakurai cares for Smash. Might be stretching it a bit there, but so far they've earned my respect and patience. I will gladly wait till November. I just hope the supposed Switch port doesn't take a year to release like Crash did.
  17. First thing: holy Creiddylad! I honestly did not think Sakurai would make Chrom playable at all even as an echo. And I don't think any of us expected him to be a Roy echo. The altered Ike Up B on the other hand is exactly what I expected. Tbh I'd have been a bit more hyped if this Roy echo had been Alm or even Eliwood. Second thing: 7 FE reps now. Hoo boy. The Smash community can complain about having yet another FE rep and sword user, but you know what? We also got two new Metroid reps, one (highly-requested, at that) new DK rep, and not one but two Castlevania reps debuting the series into Smash. The way I see it, they have no right to complain about another FE/sword rep, because we're all getting things we want. With all that said, if we should somehow get an 8th FE rep, be they base or DLC, I do hope it's not a sword or tome user. No, we need something new. We need a pure lance or axe user (at least Simon Belmont gives us another axe to play with). Now back to our regularly-scheduled program. I do like this idea, but at the same time I don't want it. If Robin keeps Pair Up, I think Lissa or Frederick could fill the role just fine, maybe take some cues from FEW with the barrage of attacks. I only suggest this because I want Morgan as a Robin alt, perhaps as free DLC. Sounds like a good DLC idea, right?. Should I make a thread for it? And that Killing Edge, dude, yes! We finally have an FE item. Now everyone in the roster can be an FE sword user. XD Also, we need to change the title of this thread. just replace "If" with "Now that". ;)
  18. I maxed it at 99,999 coins from normal gameplay, before factoring in the treasures. Though I think you still have to have all the treasures to see the best ending. Nope, there's nothing beyond the planet ending. It says "Perfect game" after the credits, after all.
  19. WL:SML3 definitely holds up. It was probably the Game Boy game I played and replayed the most; I even maxed out the coin hoard. Also, not to brag, but I could actually cheese the final boss (the genie fighting you on behalf of Captain Syrup) with Jet Wario by boosting at his head and repeating right when he's vulnerable again, literally beating him in 10 seconds flat. And then there's all the fun I had with debug mode... Here's to more Wario Land titles in the future. *glug glug glug* "Repeat after me: I'm the bad guy in Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3, where greed is good, and being bad is good. Eehehehehehehehe! Come and get it on Game Boy, Greedy!" "Greed will get you everything, even if you have to piledrive your enemy to do so."
  20. Here's the dialogue in question: I've been watching a recent LP of FE7, and they recently finished Ch. 21: Kinship's Bond. This thought had crossed my mind long ago when I played through the game myself, and it finally dawned on me again: When Nils collapses at the start of the chapter (most likely from giving all his energy to Ninian in the previous chapter), exactly why did Ninian not want Nils to be moved? I don't think there was ever an explanation for this. I mean, yeah, they're manaketes and granted it's several chapters before the Lords find that out the hard way, but I still don't see what harm there would've been in moving him. Was he perhaps so low on quintessense that moving him could've shook the last bit of it out of him and killed him in the process? That's the most sound reason I can think of. But it may as well have just been left up to interpretation. If there actually is a reason and I either overlooked it or it's only in the Japanese script, I would love to know. This question's been eating at me for years. In any case, munch on some brain food and share your thoughts.
  21. He doesn't have to share all of Ike's animations. Look at Daisy. While she shares some of Peach's animation, Daisy has new animations which help her stand out as the more adventurous, tomboyish princess.
  22. I don't remember exactly what hack it was, but there's one for SSB4 that inserted BK (probably over Ike's model) and they gave him warp powder as his Up B (appeared to be basically Mewtwo's Teleport but a bit faster and w/ the warp texture) and the ranged shockwave as his Neutral B (w/ his true-to-home, over-the-shoulder slashing animation and everything, but with Cloud's Blade Beam as the shockwave, I think). That was pretty much the only noteworthy stuff I saw in his moveset. The warp powder makes sense and the fact that it drains BK's strength could be disregarded since Smash is more than willing to sacrifice a bit of historical accuracy to make movesets work. ....Or if you really wanted, he could have a debuff that greatly reduces his damage and knockback for 5 seconds whenever he uses his Up B. It'd have to be a pretty solid recovery to make up for it. Whether it's his Neutral B or Side B, I want the shockwave to be somewhere in his moveset (but not Ike's custom up B "Aether Wave", please. That did not do it justice). It can be chargable, but the charge cannot be saved. I'd say make it normally as fast as Cloud's Limit Blade Beam, but without the extra slashes and with less knockback. I've suddenly got the urge to fill in the rest of BK's moveset, so let's see here... Down B: either Counter, or he momentarily brings out Wishblade for a unique attack. I know there's the idea switching between a sword and lance moveset , but as much as I would like to see that, I wouldn't expect Sakurai to go to that much trouble for an Echo Fighter. So I think a lance attack Down B would suffice. Side B: one of Ike's custom Side B's from SSB4, Unyielding Blade, since that one's slower but stronger and has super armor. Final Smash: Eclipse. Or I like to call it, "B****slash Deluxe". If BK gets that first hit in, he proceeds to use Eclipse on his opponent(s), yes all five delicious slashes to the face. If that's too drawn out for you, he could use the map version instead. Less b****slashing, but that's ok. Taunts: Side Taunt: He points Alondite towards his opponent(s), turns it sideways, and says "At your ready." Just like Zelgius does in The Crossing cutscene in RD just before facing Ranulf. Up Taunt: Holds his sword upwards towards his chest, like if he were about to proc a crit in RD. Down Taunt: Similar to Ike's down taunt but he plants Alondite gently, keeps his hand resting on the hilt instead of folding his arms (resembling Ike's official SSB4 render), and gives a more sinister "hmph". Victory Poses: He raises his sword past his non-dominant shoulder then brings it back down (RD victory pose). BK says, "You were a fool to challenge me." He plants Alondite on the ground, both hands on its hilt (PoR official artwork) and says, "You were no match for a Rider of Daein." If using a Zelgius alt, he says "You were no match for the Commander of Begnion." If he wins against Ike, BK says, "Well fought, son of Gawain." while Zelgius adds a line to make another RD reference, "Well fought, son of Gawain. My dream is realized at last!" He points Alondite out to his side (like when he first unsheathes it after offering Ragnell to Greil in PoR), then sheathes it. BK says, "No challenge? No...resistance?" (you all know this one, I hope) while Zelgius says in an almost berating tone, "You only wasted my time..." (RD's The Crossing cutscene once again) BK/Zelgius is of course my first dream roster character, and I've always known that it had little chance of actually happening. Even with renaming of Echo Fighters suddenly making them more acceptable plus having had a Mii Fighter costume, I still do not hold my breath. Personally I think BK as an Echo Fighter can actually work pretty well. Likelihood is one thing, but c'mon, Ridley is playable now. Anything (that still abides by the golden rule) is possible.
  23. Not to my knowledge. I've owned the game since it came out, and not once did it ever prompt me to update. It's a shame, sure, but the bug isn't really game-breaking like say the FE8 pierce glitch is, which is probably why there was little to no priority to fix it. While I would love to see them fix it and also throw in an amiibo update like they did for Animal Crossing New Leaf: Welcome amiibo, I fear it may be much too late for them to care.
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