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Posts posted by Ampharos

  1. 16 hours ago, Ricey said:

    I loveeee mafia games. I am somewhat interested too. 🙂

    Hi! Unfortunately we're full up for this game, but I'm hoping this won't be the last one - stay tuned for future developments!

  2. Setup has been finalized.

    1x Mafia Jailkeeper
    1x Mafia Rolecop
    2x Mafia Goon

    1x Town Tracker
    1x Town Doctor
    1x Town Vigilante
    10x Vanilla Town

    Still need MU accounts from @Mackc2 and @WeaponsofMassConstruction. Everyone else I've tracked down.

    SmartBomb's going to be hosting the game, either he or I'll provide a link to the thread when it's up. The subforum we'll be playing on is here, but it's currently empty.

  3. Since we're closing in on it, I'm gonna go ahead and say that I'll be hard capping the playerlist at 17.

    Please make an MU account ASAP and lemme know what the username is (unless you know I'm already aware of your MU account's existence, in which case feel free to blissfully ignore this).

  4. Tentative start date is Monday the 17th, with 8 PM EDT phase ends. These times are flexible - please contact me if they don't work for you (Discord probably faster than forum lol).


    e: Tentative phase lengths are 72/24 d1, 48/24 other days.

  5. Quick addendums:

    Phase lengths will probably be 72/24, but are negotiable based on what other people wanna play.

    If we wind up running the game on MU, we can have the automated bot host, which would allow me to play, which is one less person we have to wrangle in. So that's neat.

  6. Greetings, gamers. Reborn's least trusted citizen here.

    As most of you have probably noticed, this subforum is, uh, not very active anymore. And I'm sad about it. I didn't really start trying to integrate into the actual SF Mafia community until after it's glory days, but I still greatly enjoyed the playstyles and personalities of the community and am sad to see it in its current state.

    That said: does it have to be dead?

    No. I don't think so.

    I would like to run a mafia game.

    Now, the elephant in the room that ISN'T "is anyone still alive" is "wow, SF's forum software sure is hot fucking garbage, huh?" As such, I'd like to run this game offsite, on Mafia Universe. MU is a dedicated Mafia website on which Makaze and I are both administrators; the skeleton is vbulletin, but Mak wrote most of the meat of the site from the ground-up, and it's basically the best place to play mafia on the 'net from a pure technology standpoint.

    This would be an invitational game, meaning there'd be no queue, no random goons joining, just "whenever we have enough people, we slap a thread down and go." I could even set up a private subforum so it's like SF has its own little section of the site. I think this would be preferable to necessarily running the game here - though if others disagree, I'm willing to reverse course on that and just slap it down here anyways.

    So tl;dr:
     - lets play mafia
     - lets do it on MU if people want to, or here if they don't
     - lets start whenever we have enough people

    I'll call minimum playercount 9. Setup TBD but probably largely vanilla with one or two PRs. Let's see if we can restart this place's pulse.

    Edit: Updated Game Information
    Start date: Monday, August 17th
    Phase lengths: 72/48 Day 1; 48/24 all other days
    Game start/phase end: 8 PM EDT
    1x Mafia Jailkeeper
    1x Mafia Rolecop
    2x Mafia Goon

    1x Town Tracker
    1x Town Doctor
    1x Town Vigilante
    10x Vanilla Town

    Vague List of the Semi-Intrigued:
    1. Ampharos
    2. Dunn
    3. Bartozio
    4. Marth
    5. Mackc2
    6. Athena_57
    7. supa
    8. Makaze
    9. Shinori
    10. YOLOSWAG
    11. Claire
    12. fairyjigglypuff
    13. woopons
    14. Paperblade
    15. ariadne
    16. Fenrir
    17. SullyMcGully

  7. 2 minutes ago, Athena_57 said:

    Wait didn't we have like slightly over 24 hours. Did I mention I have a hateboner for dumbtells

    it's a 72 hour d1 has it not been 3 days

    i will admit i've been off work for a few days so my timescale is fucked rn

  8. 2 minutes ago, XnadrojX said:

    I hate names that end with 'S' because it ends up like, do I use Ampharos' posts, or like, Ampharoses posts, or like, posts from Ampharos and it's like dksbfjslfuckingenglishnfkekshdue. Walrein was a much better name :c


    Anyways, I think their recent posts are townie. I can get behind their RADicate read.

    ##Vote: @RADicate


    He solves himself if he's Town pretty sure.

    Could always go with Amy.

    Talk to me a bit about why Bart "makes you go :thinking:"

  9. 17 minutes ago, Shinori said:

    Wrong expansion too.

    In my defense I've been off work for a few days and my friends were playing.

    I'm also a cheapskate so I'm just running a blood elf mage to 20 on the free version and then I'll figure out if I wanna continue from there.

  10. The more I read weiner's posts, the more I feel good about his alignment. Just think his general train of thought is something that's difficult for scum to fake.

    Hard null on Athena pending him posting more.

    Feel like RAD's been a bit lacking, think he felt a bit aimless when he first showed up in thread, not sure I'd pursue that without a larger body of evidence.

    I don't know how to read Jordan in a vacuum and might just pass on trying to do so until we have flips to work with.

    Refa's post shows some real thought process behind their words and I can tell they're actually digging in and looking at things. Slightly wary because I've never seen their scumgame before and I feel like it's probably pretty decent, but feeling good for now.

    My eyes glaze over every time I try to read that Sully post I'll have some thoughts on it eventually.

    Shinori and Marth make me feel nothing.

    Claire's defense of her early post seemed fine enough and she hasn't really done anything else that strikes me as alignment-indicative in any way. My early read was super light anyways so I think I'm fairly satisfied there for now? She's also on the "reread this" list.

    Bart... I need to reread his posts in deeper detail, but if there's anything that pings me about him, it's that he feels almost too focused. I hesitate to call it an "agenda" because I almost think it's too early to truly have one, but his actions feel kinda... scripted. I would expect a villager this early in the game to be kind of poking around and looking at multiple avenues, but Bart feels very "explore X, ok X didn't pan out let's explore Y", and the conclusions he's coming up with don't feel super organic?

    I guess I am calling him agenda-y, oops.

    Bart already has votes and Rad needs to do more so I think I'll

    ##Vote: @RADicate

  11. 1 minute ago, Bartozio said:

    Fair enough.

    I'd advice you to make sure your vote is either on who you suspect most or the person you're currently focussing on. That said:


    ##Vote: @Mitsuru Kirijo

    Btw, thoughts on Weiner so far?

    Oh trust me, I know that's how one's supposed to play, I just... don't, for whatever reason.

    Nothing weiner's done has particularly pinged me so far, but I also know (or at least suspect; I've never witnessed his NOC play, mostly extrapolating from outside sources) that he's a good player and so wouldn't give him a townpass yet either. Gun to my head, maybe the mildest of townreads. His comments about Claire don't feel agenda-driven in any way that I can detect.

  12. 1 minute ago, Bartozio said:

    Because I can.

    I feel like this post has impatience behind it? The second line is pretty sarcastic and stuff, lol.

    I kind of get your point, but what I don't get is: why are you not voting her?

    It's easy enough to make sarcastic jokes, but her posts following that don't really follow up on that impatience.

    The answer to your question is: because I'm bad and don't move my vote around nearly as much as I should, as either alignment. I might vote her at some point, still rolling this whole thing around in my head a bit.

  13. 3 minutes ago, weinerboy said:

    Brain not work sometimes see other post for better clarification

    I dunno, she took a firm stance in my eyes, one that requires an emotional response even if not overtly stated. she seemed annoyed w/ how nobody was being serious and then made sure to tell everyone that she couldve done about it but didn't because ta ta

    Like, I honestly feel we have the same idea but just a different way of looking at it


    I dunno, I just... if I'm bothered by a lack of content, I get really antsy about it. Faking a scumread was something I considered, too. For Claire to mention that and then decide to ghost the thread in the same breath weirded me out. It seems counterproductive if the point is to force the thread to generate content.

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