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Posts posted by Modern

  1. 7 minutes ago, Cysx said:

    Looks like considerable potential for drama right here. And it is peculiar admittedly.

    I'd rather it not spread because I can already see the headlines, but it's not like I can stop people from looking at things.

    I'm honestly not offended since I seriously doubt they're going to pull something like having a twist involving future-nazis, just found it to be a surprising resemblance. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Helsionium said:

    I noticed that too! But it's gotta be just a coincidence. Nevertheless, it's strange that it's there and got past Nintendo's "censors" in the first place. That's the kind of content NoE/NoA would never allow in the games they publish.

    It most likely is a coincidence, but I'm still extremely surprised of the visual in general. A skyscraper of all things? Does this mean we're getting some future-sight stuff at the end of the game? So many questions from a blink-and-you'll-miss-it shot, god damn. 

  3. 14 minutes ago, evoyvoy said:

    I agree it's a step towards the right direction but when it feels like wlw made a giant step forward, I think many expected mlm to be similar...but in reality, it kinda just took a small step forward in comparison which was a disappointment. In terms of female options catering to the straight male audience, I definitely know straight men in real life that have a weird and problematic fantasy of seeing lesbian relationships. When 3 of the most popular female students in the game are wlw options and someone that historically attracts a very controversial and specific demographic dominated by straight men is also an option, one can't help but feel the wlw options were chosen with straight men's preferences in mind. The fact that 3 wlw options are plot relevant while mlm gets a whopping 0 is also another disappointment to many.

    I hope you'll be right in that the supports will be high quality and can explain their sexuality (especially Gilbert and Alois) in a way that doesn't completely dominate their personality and dismiss their previous relationship as something casual. But seeing how they're willing to make Claude hardcore flirt with M!Byleth but keeping him straight made people a lot more pessimistic I think.

    I believe the person that leaked the same sex options have said that F!Byleth can S rank Claude.

    Fair enough. I can see the reasons to be disappointed and your justification for the way you feel towards the wlw choices, though I don't really get the same vibe from them as others. I do have to disagree though, I feel like the mlm options are a much bigger step forward both for the series and for queer representation in general since I can count perhaps on one hand over the past few years the amount of times we've seen games have actual queer grown men that weren't exaggerated or treated like the butt of some kind of joke. I understand though that this is just my personal preferences, but for me I was expecting another 1 or 2 queer options for this game in general with them obviously going to the "hottest" characters, so my excitement comes more from seeing how IS plan on handling mature gay relationships. If it's done well I think it'll be a surprisingly big step for the series since being able to write queer characters without the typical tropes that come with most of the other supports in the series between younger characters will show some genuine maturity in the way IS does its writing. While I love Leon and Niles and do like how progressive the series was with their characters, to me it felt like they were treated as somewhat different in terms of handling solely because they were bi/gay. Alois and Gilbert don't give off the same sort of vibes at all to me, which I think is a great thing because I love seeing characters who you wouldn't even know whether they're gay or not because they're just ordinary people like the rest of us, if that makes any sense.

    Then again it's entirely possible it won't work. After Fates I don't want to get my hopes up too high, but to me this marks a hell of a lot of potential for queer characters in the series, and I hope IS only continue to learn and move forward with this.

    Ah, is that so? I personally want to take it with a grain of salt since people have said before they're avoiding giving details due to spoilers. Would there be as big of an issue if Claude was found out to not have S supports with either gender Byleth due to story reasons? 

  4. 14 minutes ago, evoyvoy said:

    I'm glad that at least someone is positive about the options but I have to disagree with what you said about 'pandering' and 'genuine diversity'. First, the game already went the pandering route with the wlw options as they satisfy both actual lesbians/bi girls and straight men (I'd argue especially straight men). The fact that they aren't willing to do the same for mlm options feels like a double standard.

    For diversity, it almost feels like IS is being too afraid to make a young, masculine character bi. Of the handful of bi/gay characters since Awakening, there is not a single character that can be considered as a young alpha male. I'd say Leon, Niles and Linhardt leans toward the slightly feminine side with how they look and the way they act. In TH, they included two more masculine options but the fact that both are older men and have pre-established families sends a very weird message. Even when they increased the amount of bi men, they still manage to avoid a very specific type of character that is the most popular among gay/bi men (and also straight women). Literally, any of Felix/Sylvain/Dimitri/Claude/Caspar/Raphael etc. can potentially fulfil that spot but nope, IS decides that gay men want a feminine looking student and two daddies with children. 

    I can see what you're saying and I do understand why so many people are upset over the choices, but I'm personally happy with them and think overall it's a good step in the right direction. I'm not sure what you mean with the insinuation that the female love options cater especially to straight men, though that might just be because my friend is quite happy with the amount of variety in the female choices for her to pick (Rhea and Sothis in particular, which surprised me, especially Rhea since I was wondering if the game was going to be a bit more... Conservative with her considering her ties to religion in the game?). I'll admit I'm a bit jealous there though since god, Raphael checks all the boxes for me aside from being younger than Byleth 

    I wish the choices were equal for both sides, that I do agree feels a bit like a double-standard on their part, and while I do see what you mean with the lack of a young alpha male-like character as a gay option being a shame I personally feel like Linhardt seems like a good choice as is in terms of being a bisexual student. In terms of Alois and Gil's status though I'm almost certain it'll make a lot more sense why they're bi options when we actually get the game and see how the story unfolds in relation to their characters. While I believe everyone's complaints here are valid, as a gay man I'm just happy to see two gay reps that are unconventional, it feels a lot more natural in a sense since they didn't seem like the types to be "obviously gay" if that makes any sense. I'm more than intrigued to see how IS handle their supports, who knows, they might turn out to have the best gay representation in the series up till this point. If this marks progress that IS will go forward with including more diverse queer representation in their future titles I'm completely for it.


    Also, just a bit off-topic here but do we actually know if Claude can S rank female Byleth at all?

  5. Well this is surprisingly refreshing. My fear was that the game was going to go the pandering route of making the obviously hot students bi. I can understand why everyone's upset but to me the idea of romancing your students seems a bit gross (post-timeskip is still a bit iffy with me but more acceptable) so seeing them go for making less conventionally-attractive adult men as the gay options is pretty good. That's the sort of genuine diversity I was hoping for considering it's an even rarer sight to see in general. If their supports are well-written then god damn I'll be quite happy. Linhardt is cute too though. 

  6. Try Leo/Takumi. It's the most romantic support in the game.

    Yeah, Pieri is a mess when it comes to supports, which is why I'm baffled by the amount of people who like her support with Lazward just because it's her least offensive one. They treat her wanting to murder people so lightly, almost as if the game goes "oh that little rapscallion!". If she were interesting, sure, but she's a little child that loves to kill and that's more or less it; I can't stand her.

    Okay I admit I was not expecting Leo/Takumi to end up in a complete bromance, I'll be damned. That was a funny read.

  7. Well I suppose for one, I'm honestly pleasantly surprised at how well they handled the same-sex S-Supports for Zero and Shara, it didn't come off as badly as I thought it would. Anyways aside from that I really liked Lazwald/Pieri for explaining Pieri's backstory with Lazwald of all people, Kaze/Luna was pretty nice but the ending left me feelsy, still a great support though. Aqua/Harold was a pretty big surprise and is now one of my favorite supports currently.

    Aside from that, I've found some of the Hoshido royal's supports to be a bit boring if anything, only exceptions that come to mind are Asama/Hinoka and Takumi/Oboro but that's literally it.

  8. I'd love to say Mustafa but I didn't feel like he was a villain of sorts, just doing his job. But he was very well fleshed-out for an enemy general. Aside from him I just really like Walhart, he had good reasons but his execution was bad plus he looked like a complete badass. Lobster armour best armour!

  9. Male: Virion, Chrom, Yarne, Stahl

    Virion's and Chrom's have already been talked about here, and I don't have anything new to say. It's great seeing Virion get flustered. Yarne's is hilarious, and Stahl's is just really genuine. He's an honest guy, y'know?

    Female: Sully, Cherche, Aversa (mostly the entire s-support)

    I find Stahl to be one of the more underrated lovers in the game, his confession was great and his love seemed pretty genuine.

  10. You know, while I definitely love the fun you can have with the confessions in game... A lot of the bitterness I hold for the Awakening fandom was caused by it.

    I hope that none of you here are as bad as I've seen.

    Especially when being "loyal" to 2D characters like this:


    Virion's was just a glorious in Japanese. "Suki da... iya... AISHITEIRU YO." "Utsukushii, WAGA TSUMA YO".

    "I love you... No, I LOVE you so very much. My beautiful wife."

    The difference between "Suki" and "Aishiteru" even though they both mean "I love you" in context is HUGE.

    It was more cheesy than Chrom's and yet the way he delivered those lines... It was magnificent.

    Chrom comes in at a close second though. Let's face it, Sugita's the man.

    Frederick was up there for me. Was.

    Olivia's and Sumia's are a tie.

    Gentleness and femininity is a thing.

    ...where the hell is my FeMU confession?

    Edit: If this wasn't obvious enough, I have unlocked the English ones, but I am referring to the Japanese copy and VAs here.

    Virion's japanese confession was perfect too, I find it better than the english one considering how in the english dub Virion sounds a BIT too excited. Speaking of the japanese dubs, I wish they changed the subtitles for the japanese confessions to match what they're actually saying though.

  11. OMG, I love Inigo too! lol

    If I were to marry an Avatar to one of the children characters, it'd be him, no contest. :3

    I've honestly swooned over him a lot too ;w;

    I love Virion's. Its adorable and hes almost stammering all over himself.

    I love Libra's because its very honorable sounding and boy, that melts the butter. Hoo...

    Henry's i love for the comedy. I have a tendency to love morbid stuff so, yeah Henry's makes me smile.

    But....i play Male Avatar more than Female.

    So out of the ladies, i really love Cherche's confession. A lot.

    Lissa's is actually really sweet.

    Sumia's is cute.

    Aversa's is actually kinda sexy. /shrug

    I like Nowi's because its actually really depressing when you think about it.

    Tharja's appeals to my morbid side a bit. Next Loki!Avatar run is going to have Tharja as his wife. Angrboda parallels are fun.

    I should've put Lissa's down too, the way she sounded in her confession was friggin' adorable.
  12. For English confessions, I really enjoyed Maribelle's; I think hers is my favorite. Other ones I liked are Lon'qu's, Tiki's, Sully's, Anna's, Gaius's, and Gregor's. Basically just the ones I found humorous lol...

    As for Japanese confessions, Inigo's confession is probably my favorite... I also liked Chrom's, Lon'qu's, Sumia's, and Tiki's.

    As an Inigo fanboy, I have to agree that his japanese confession line (His line, not the voice acting sadly) was a lot better than his english one.

  13. I know! He's the perfect knight in shining armor. x3 And he's the only character that gives the Avatar a kiss of any kind! You never see a guy kneel and kiss a lady's hand anymore either. It was just so adorable to see Freddy do it!

    I'm never NOT going to marry my Avatar to him lol.

    God you've made me realize how much of a Freddy fanboy I am ;-; He's by far the most chivalrous husband as well!

  14. Well, for me it's Hoenn > Sinnoh > Unova > Kalos > Johto > Kanto. Hoenn was my first region and by far my favorite, on the other hand I feel that Kanto is the most overrated, especially considering the amount of times it's been revisited.

  15. Hello fellow fans of FE, I'm a fairly normal guy who's become addicted to Awakening and thought it'd be nice to join a forum about it (Since irl friends have never heard of the game ;n;) Aside from FE, I'm a pretty big fan of anything Nintendo related, Pokémon in partiuclar. I'm hoping to have a nice time browsing these forums and chatting with others ^ ^

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