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Game Janitor

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About Game Janitor

  • Birthday 05/20/1910


  • Member Title
    I am smelly cat

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Interests
    Barging into people's houses and living in them tax-free.
  • Location
    In your fridge eating cheese

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Mystery of the Emblem

Game Janitor's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  2. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  3. Happy Birthday :D

  4. Happy Birthday :D

  5. Wow, grats on your 100-first birthday.

  6. Congrats on turing 100!

  7. How did you--

    I thought the counter reset after 99? O_o;

  8. Wishful thinking, but I wish Square Enix would put I-IV on the virtual console. Not so much DQIV since it was rereleased for the DS, but the NES and gameboy cartridges are hard to find.
  9. So, who here is a fan of the legendary Dragon Quest series? I am, though a pretty recent fan. I've only played two games in the series so far, Dragon Quest V and Dragon Quest VIII. Still, I've known about the series long before I even knew about Final Fantasy, when I was first read about it in Nintendo Power. Is anybody looking forward to Dragon Quest IX when it comes out this year? And Dragon Quest X when we find out more about it?
  10. Most generic: Ralph. Nuff said. Least generic: Oliver. I mean, COME ON.
  11. well, we are both old XD

  12. Just look at this ferocious beast eat a terrifyingly delicious breakfast. It makes me wet my pants. So ITT: We talk about dinosaurs.
  13. Okay, so maybe you ARE older than I am. I'm still one of the oldest members on this site! :P

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