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Everything posted by Topazd

  1. Something along those lines, though there's more to it than just that. The mode is explained in greater detail here.
  2. Adding supports with sub-par execution does not automatically make the game objectively better, haha. I do enjoy a few of them (BelfxSirius, AvatarxArran for istance) but the majority just feel forced/uninspired. FE12 is my favorite since I've played through it more than any other game in the series, on top of it having (IMO) the best variety in its difficulty settings to date, but I do think that's where things started going awry - at least in regards to the series' narrative elements. Most notable example of this trend being Kris, who is perhaps the absolute worst thing ever. What little was in FE11's script contributed greatly to the characters, who certainly weren't as fleshed out in 1/3B1 (okay, they're not particularly fleshed out in FE11 either, but certainly more than in 1 ffs). Book 2 was already a vast improvement in the narrative department when compared to Book 1, but FE12 didn't really add much to that - in many cases, it was even detrimental. That's how I'd describe the difference between 11/12, at least.
  3. This is about the intents of the designers, not those of the executives who pressured them to add the mode.
  4. To be more specific, the RNG depends on the time of your system clock. You could theoretically repeat that critfest if you manually set the system clock to the same value as it was when you had it happen and started the game at the exact same time as you did then. Though you'd have to be so specific that it's not realistically going to happen, haha.
  5. It just burns one number on the RNG string, at least in the GBA games. Not sure if that's the case in DSFE. I do know that the RNG's seed is generated by the system clock, though. You were probably just unlucky.
  6. Ah, I see. Thanks. I'd say it's certainly a possibility, since we haven't seen (iirc) two children inheriting major holy blood in cases where the parents have major + no holy blood. Though it's hard to declare anything comprehensively concluding about the functions of holy blood.
  7. Was it ever established that Galzus/Mareeta have major Odo? I know that they have Odo holy blood, but don't recall ever hearing it was major.
  8. @SoC To be fair, at this point this topic has a lot more semblance to a discussion rather than the vulgar debate is was earlier. I, for one, made some really arrogant posts which in hindsight I really shouldn't have. Despite what I might want, in the eyes of IS, there is no reason for them to omit Casual from FE14 and (like many have pointed out) doing so might even fire back at them at this point. If Casual positively had to be made, it just could have been executed by different means, I feel.
  9. I agree on most of the points (Sety -> Ced in particular) even if I don't have a huge problem with the majority of the localized names. To be fair, they didn't have much context whilst translating Sety/Fala and for the character names they did go for many names from Irish mythology, which was the case on a lot of the original names. Out of habit, I'll probably never be able to use Helswath over Swanchika, though.
  10. 7:35 - 8:10 Now that was some damn good keyboard playing if I've ever heard any.
  11. Nice clear. I actually just yesterday did C14 for the first time in H3. I had been able to leave my prior "strategies" I used in H2 in the past (i.e. turtle for 20+ turns or just move units around impulsively) for the bulk of the playthrough and utilize some slightly more blitzkrieg ones, but this one caught me off guard. Eventually cleared at 30 something turns, but yeah, doesn't belong to the list of my favorites. Haha, somewhat surprising how susceptible to Ice Dragon crits units can be.
  12. Well, it might seem like the current conversation is stretching a bit far, but it still resides in the realm of the question "Where do you draw the line on what mechanics to omit/add?" which in turn is paramount to the primary arguments against Casual, so I don't think we're entirely OT yet.
  13. Ehh, I don't know. Permadeath's significance is so prominent that it can't be dismissed. Even the developers (whilst announcing the inclusion of Casual) almost unanimously agreed that it is the definitive quality of FE. Though everyone can still decide for themselves what defines FE for them. But no, neither side can claim purity about staying on the original course of this topic. That is outright dishonest.
  14. The thing about FE12 is just that almost no-one played Casual in that game (or if they did, they are a very non-vocal minority) and therefore the discussion regarding the mode rarely delves there. The same points apply there, though. EDIT Regarding Euklyd's notion, the discussion has basically derailed all the time throughout its course. It isn't exactly a recent trend, haha. That is bound to happen when people have such strong opinions about the subject matter.
  15. @RFoF Of course I would like to see Casual removed, but that's extremely unlikely to happen. Taking that into account, I could settle (not that IS would ask my opinion to begin with) with the alternative involving incentives to play Classic. I'm just strongly opposed against what some have dubbed the 'Michael Bay effect' - generalizing a concept and stripping down its features that make it unique in order to make it more accessible. Yes, in this case the stripped-down version is optional, but the influx of new players alongside it leads to a continuously increasing number of people playing it without ever experiencing what FE is truly about. Perhaps it is not my place to judge, but I do feel this design choice has been detrimental to preserving FE's identity.
  16. Well, the topic (originally) was about whether or not Casual should be included in FE14. If you cannot handle the opinions of the side hoping to see Casual mode removed, you are free to disagree, but do leave your unnecessary provocations somewhere else. If your inability to comprehend the points of the disagreeing side is all you have to offer against them, that doesn't invalidate them in any manner.
  17. FE4 probably utilized that to the greatest extent yet. The ending could change moderately, depending on (other than the pairings you did) the survival of your characters. The ending to FE11 also saw a slight change if Caeda died, but yeah, the series in general could benefit from a lot more of such.
  18. Yeah, perhaps a poor choice of word on my part.
  19. His tone may have been rude, but 1. the argument was not against easier difficulties, but rather the pointlessness of removing permadeath 2. the question why do you care was established a multitude of times throughout the topic. Regardless, the discussion has basically dried down at this point.
  20. Haha, I get pretty emotionally invested to this topic, so apologies to anyone who felt that I came across as an asshole. We can declare almost certainly that FE14 will have a Casual mode, thus the advocating of an incentive to play Classic. It's been done in the series before, there's no reason it couldn't be implemented now. If such means feel inconceivable, though, you could at the very least encourage players to play Classic with some other means than degrading the Casual mode experience. You probably missed the "keeps those for up to 10 turns" part.
  21. Eh, fair enough. Of course, I'm always going to argue that Casual mode would be better left out, but I think this particular thread deserves its rest from arguing already, haha.
  22. Have you been paying attention? Irysa gave (a couple pages back) a link to an interview with some of the most prominent IS developers. Permadeath is certainly an integral part of FE's outright concept. Sure, not everyone might think of it as highly as all others, but such seems to be the consensus.
  23. This has not been about being condescending towards players who play on Casual mode. The primary argument is that Casual mode is an unnecessary and pointless inclusion that conflicts with the developers' own vision whilst riding on the pretense of "accessibility". The point being, FE14 can most certainly be accessible, perhaps though an additional Easy setting. It doesn't have to be through this gimmick that stands against what Fire Emblem was intended to be.
  24. I will conclude on my part that implementing Casual mode was an utter mistake. It was by no means the fiscal savior of the series, and the accessibility it offered could have been simulated just as well with an Easy mode. It might be too late to exclude Casual from later installments (due to reasons XeKr mentioned), but at the very least, advocate playing Classic in any way conceivable. Casual is extremely detrimental to the basic concept of FE, and playing it certainly doesn't offer the developer's intended experience. Not everything should be done just to achieve accessibility that is (falsely) thought to be unachievable through the traditional means. The artist's own vision takes precedence over appealing to as big of an audience as possible.
  25. Asking that at this point in time is a bit redundant. The reason why has been established a multitude of times by now. EDIT Irysa's post above this one has basically everything that needs to be said condensed.
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