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Everything posted by Topazd

  1. Casual mode being a potential boon in the game's sales does not mean it is a good design choice. A bloated fanbase does not contribute much to restoring the series if its majority is going to draw the series away from it was intended to be. It isn't a matter of keeping the difficulty unplayable to newcomers - the easiest modes are already quite accessible enough and most likely will be even easier in the future (even without Casual). Casual mode just isn't Fire Emblem, and therefore the direction the series is taking is worrisome.
  2. I'm going to have to agree with this. I'm not going to deny that the standard FE type of gameplay is something I get very emotionally attached to and defensive about (even if not for any particularly good reason), but I do honestly think Casual mode is better left out. Though I'd be somewhat satisfied with the alternative that Casual mode be included whilst being a 'bare bones' version of the Classic mode, and playing Classic was actively advocated. But ideally, the easiest available mode would already be easy enough for new players to get into without the inclusion of gimmicks such as Casual.
  3. Second that. I'm going to miss the occasional ambience of you furiously tapping your keyboard, but cut the sections out if you feel the need to.
  4. Even if the difficulties didn't discourage non-DLC grinding, I think the argument would still be a little silly. When analyzing any given difficulty, people tend not to take grinding into account; you can basically trivialize any RPG with enough grinding. Just because you didn't grind the additional 10 levels even if the game technically allowed you to do that, you aren't "artificially restricting" yourself. I can't speak for the difficulty as a whole, though.
  5. Tbh, playing the game without speed up isn't too bad. I almost never speed up any game, since I kind of have the mentality that I have to experience the the game 100% like it was originally intended to be experienced or it will just come off as inauthentic to me, haha. I tend to listen to something other than the game's own OST during the arena portions, though. That does make them quite a bit more tolerable. On a different note, Janne is my actual name, so uh, I hope she doesn't immediately die horribly.
  6. I guess the aforementioned "whenever" still applies. You can basically promote them anywhere between 10-20 and they'll still end up fine. There really isn't one right answer for when units should be promoted, but you can consider whether or not you currently happen to need their promotion gains at the beginning of every chapter (gains found here) and make a decision taking them into account. If you're honestly worried, you can go ahead and promote the staff-users immediately to attain peace of mind, it won't hurt them in the long run.
  7. You can promote practically anytime, since it's FE8 and you're not going to be facing any problems either way. I tend to promote my FE8 units in the level 15 range, though.
  8. Devil Summoner 2: Zigludo's Jihadist Army vs. King Manfroy
  9. As far as series go, I'd say FE wins by a long shot. I do enjoy some games (the Devil Survivor games, Valkyria Chronicles, etc.) to a greater extent than many FE games, but when the overall series is concerned, my sentiment stays the same.
  10. Amiti because Elincia bias. Pugi, Wing Spear and Forseti were easy choices. Lughnasadh is a pretty decent weapon by itself, but is forever condemned to be used only by Leonardo, and therefore somewhat undermined. Thus I'll have to pick Yewfelle.
  11. The likelihood of such a remake happening was not the topic here. I'd suspect (on top of the things already deducted above) that the growth for Build could be omitted - if there was a Build stat to begin with, seeing as it hasn't been a thing for three of the latest games. If capturing was still a thing, it'd be necessary, though The overall direction IS has been taking with their later games doesn't really fit in with the style of Thracia at all.
  12. That couldn't have been more out of place. "Hebdo" means "weekly", though. I don't really have anything to add to this, since probably everything I could have said has already been said by someone by now. i.e. I do hope that no-one will feel an obligation to suppress their freedom of expression/speech due to this.
  13. I clean up my controllers/portable consoles on a regular basis, even when they're not really dirty, just to be safe. And I never let anyone use my portable consoles. I remember quite vividly how my little sister tore away the upper screen from my brother's DS a few years back, which has left me wary about the possibility of such happening again.
  14. I remember being all over 3-5 back when I played the games more frequently, but it's been a while since those days. 1-4 and 2-4 have also remained firmly in my memories, but that's probably due to heir story significance when compared to the other cases. I'd probably have to replay most of the cases to say anything conclusive. As for the least favorite, I'd say 3-3. I don't particularly like the characters involved, and I've replayed it way too many times to find any reason for doing it again.
  15. Jugdral or Tellius, though I'll probably have to settle on the latter. I've gotten so attached to the lores of these games. When it comes to Jugdral, even the countries with simpler concepts (Verdane, Silesse, etc.) alongside their respective predicaments were genuinely interesting to me. However, I enjoyed the Thracia-Lenster affair/dispute and how it affected the central characters of those countries to the largest extent. In the end, I'd say Tellius still wins. It accomplished just the same as Jugdral, but at the same time, involved much more exposition via dialogue, etc. Besides that, the Beorc-Laguz racial tensions were very well illustrated, among other things.
  16. In a sense. Practicing any a manner of religion was prohibited for some time, but the restrictions were eventually eased and the majority of Cubans are (Roman) Catholic.
  17. Yes, one of the few occasions. Julia can defeat him at base, even if it's a bit risky. It isn't as satisfying as it would be to defeat him with a substitute, but I thought it might have been too tedious to deal with the low hitrates whilst one-damage chipping. The berserk method would be ideal if one wouldn't want to break the substitutes only -rule.
  18. I guess there's nothing to be done about it, since in the general consensus Australia is seen as a much more stable (and to an extent, less 'foreign') country than Pakistan. Therefore people tend to be more shocked about the Sydney events, even if they were smaller in scale. But I agree with the sentiment, an absolutely disgusting incident. From Reuters: And the Taliban even released a statement prior to the incident, claiming that the gunmen were instructed to "direct their attacks towards military personnel and not harm any civilians". Hah.
  19. I strictly banned all of the non-substitute characters (except for a few occasions, e.g. Janne can't do her portion of chapter 7 without some help), and it is quite possible. The major challenge was defeating Ishtor, since almost no-one could survive an attack from him. I essentially had to rely on crits. Arvis is also tricky, since his 70 atk with Valflame is quite lethal. Your best bet would probably be to ensure that Hawk gets adequate stats in order to survive an attack from him AND deal sufficient damage w/ Lightning. A good Amid can also potentially be of use.
  20. Well, on the Law Route in SMT2 you get Satan in Lucifer's place. I personally liked Soul Hackers a lot, even if it hadn't aged too well. The gameplay had so much versatility that I kind of overlooked its flaws. Besides, it had the option of changing the difficulty to hard from the very beginning, which is a huge plus. I think the Devil Survivor games are the ones that most prominently suffer from a lack of a harder difficulty. SMT4's Normal-locked difficulty (for the first playthrough) also kind of draws back my enjoyment of the game, since the game isn't really difficult on Normal.
  21. True, the problem tends to be fixed on the higher difficulties since, as someone put it (can't remember who), the enemies are hitting their caps at around the same time as your own units are.
  22. I always tried beating Mikhail before going through the eastern path. Perhaps that's the reason for my horrid misfortunes, haha.
  23. The rather mediocre Cavalier promotion only means that Atlas was pretty good prior to promotion, due to how it functions here. Have fun with the Shaman boss to the north, haha.
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