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Everything posted by Topazd

  1. Well, you'd be right on FE5, but Verdane's army did consist entirely out of brigands (both in-lore and in-game).
  2. FE11 H5 earlygame is, for me, one of the most consistently enjoyable strings of chapters in the entire series. Though I will definitely sign the sentiment that FE7/8 earlygames are quite tedious and uninteresting experiences.
  3. I think in FE3 that only applies to the character's HP and Wlv, every other stat is increased in the more familiar fashion.
  4. At least the fake Gharnefs were mixed up a bit equipment-wise in FE3, in FE1 every fake one just had a Worm.
  5. For me it's basically a tie between the FE4!Baron, Trickster and Horseman classes. My absolute favorite changes on a fairly frequent basis.
  6. I can't think of any video game influences other than those already mentioned, but many of the FE plot arcs (older ones especially) seem somewhat influenced by history revolving around Joan of Arc/Jeanne d'Arc.
  7. Well, the FE universe functions with its own rules and isn't necessarily comparable to the real world, even if it does take influence from its historical events. Thus I don't see a problem with the absence of the invention of guns. The Thracia-Korea analogy actually isn't that far off, haha.
  8. Societies in FE have never been fleshed out extensively well, and that area IMO still has the most room for improvement. That said, I'm not too much for speculation, so judging by what's already there, I liked how Sacae and Thracia were handled. We get to know (through supports) about the religion of the Sacaen people, and we have a comparatively unequivocal idea of their peculiar housing and lifestyle, etc. Thracia was the first example of the country "archetype" that consisted mainly out of land unfit for agriculture and lacking in natural resources, and therefore got its primary income out of mercenary work for foreign countries. I'm a bit tired at the moment (I can barely produce any coherent sentences by this point) so I won't go into too much detail, but long story short, I do think Travant is one of the better antagonists in the series, as his character is quite central to the Thracian setting. I've yet to finish FE5, so I cannot comment all that much on what it added to the mixture.
  9. I second this. Though I remember preferring the DQVI system myself, due to how you could keep every single combat skill after reclassing (and IIRC DQIX was slightly more restricted on that).
  10. That reminded me how Lorenz actually exploded in FE3 when he committed suicide on the seize point, haha.
  11. I actually took a Finnish equivalent of this type of test yesterday. The results being "conservative communist". A title I do not attest to I strongly second Bryan's sentiment that these tests are rather poorly designed. The answers are typically divided to either "are you compassionate" or "do you advocate genocide".
  12. There were certain moments where originally Jeigan though of some approach to a difficult situation, but he was swapped with the MU/Kris in FE12, for example. A lot of these minor occurrences exist. It doesn't help that Kris is always acting like a complete idiot. The greatest offense - IMO - was in the epilogue where Marth accredited all of his achievements to Kris. But of course he declined since he's valorous and humble and ugh.
  13. I'm not typically into solo runs, but this seems interesting since it's H2. Have fun dealing with the Glower!Sorcerers.
  14. Apparently I was already subscribed to the uploader, yet I had no knowledge of this video. :o Thanks for the heads-up!
  15. You were way oversensitive. If we start getting offended from continuously more benign comments, before long we're unable to say anything. The guy did get genuinely rude after that, though it's what to be expected from YouTube. "Japan-only FE fanboys" is still a somewhat silly judgement.
  16. Sephiran's personality had gone through a massive alteration throughout his long life. He most likely did start out the way other Herons do, but changed drastically. He even went through multiple suicide attemps. And like BrightBow already mentioned, whilst the herons do posses the ability to cast offensive magic (one way or another), it doesn't change the fact that they are, at their core, opposed to violence.
  17. Like it was previously mentioned, Tina was in the Hasha no Tsurugi manga and there was a staff carrying her name in FE6. Regarding the other ones, there is a boss named Henning in FE6 and if you don't want to count FE13 MU there is a character named Robin in FE2.
  18. Janne (as in the substitute of Nanna) is actually my name. It's really inevitable to come across instances of FE names in real life, due to how many games and characters there are and how much IS tends to use European names.
  19. I can't give any conclusive opinions as to who is my favorite character, since I have yet to see much of the supports in the GBA games. Judging from what I do know, I'd probably say Karel. True, much of his character development happened offscreen in-between 7 and 6, but his supports in 7 (somewhat subtly) prognosticated that change.
  20. FE7 Marcus solo. Only he and the (untrained) lords were alive.
  21. I used to be more lenient about this, but nowadays I almost always reset. The exceptions include some instances where I'm either on Lunatic difficulties or if I'm doing an ironman run (duh). I almost never let Matthis live, though.
  22. The only recurring element that has remained mostly consistent is probably Naga. The "evil earth dragon" is kind of like Fire Emblem's equivalent of a recurring antagonist (Medeus, Loptyr, some may argue Grima) but even that's stretching it. I personally think having a consistently recurring antagonist would only be detrimental for the series.
  23. From personal experience, I'd say the mages can be pretty ballin' in Endgame even on Hard mode. And since you're going with Normal mode, I can see no reason why it wouldn't work. The only potential issue might be the somewhat inflated turncounts.
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