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Everything posted by Topazd

  1. Remember that you need to have a unit that can defeat Garnef. The requirements aren't that high, though, so a mage/bishop unit with 14 or more speed and 9 Weapon level should suffice. But getting the Falchion is crucial in order to realistically defeat Medeus. Also, some items aren't in the same locations in FE1 as they were in Shadow Dragon, so you cannot trust that list entirely.
  2. Where was Lorenz able to find that dynamite to commit suicide with in a medieval-esque setting?
  3. The results might vary, but I'd say it's very apparent that they were intended to look at least somewhat intimidating.
  4. The older FE's definitely had their fair share of ugly ones, the portraits of FE1 Macellan/Dolph being forever burned into my retina. I don't necessarily mind the majority of the characters being so good-looking, but some variety couldn't hurt. A playable character with the mug of Hollstadt every once in a while doesn't really mix up the roster that effectively.
  5. But being a first-party title didn't automatically mean inclusion in Nintendo Land. Remember, IS has been heavily involved (often as the exclusive programmer) in the development of other first-party Nintendo series, such as Metroid.
  6. Intelligent Systems is a subsidiary of Nintendo, and considered a first-party developer. It's more akin to a development division than a completely separate company.
  7. I wouldn't say redundant. As much as I love Majin Tensei, the games were never all that popular and it's been a long while since they were released. Not to mention the lack of any international release.
  8. True, since FE has remained fairly consistent with it's release intervals. I don't think there ever has been a break that lasted more than 3 years. So I share the assumption that an announcement might come relatively soon. Then again, SMTxFE and Code Name: Steam could be higher on their priority list.
  9. The Sheema line was only in Book 1. It was also omitted in Shadow Dragon, even though New Mystery of the Emblem was made.
  10. Haha, sorry about that. English isn't my first language, so I might add in unnecessary specifications at times.
  11. True, but I was referring to the additional comments about the quality of certain titles like FE9 or the DS ones. I think the question of the topic itself was answered quite well, but these particular remarks were made simply out of personal opinions and I wanted to note that one shouldn't draw conclusions about those games just because of these remarks.
  12. Agree with the sentiment, but I guess there's nothing to be done about that when it's going for the fastest possible overall time. A warpless H5 run or something akin to it would certainly be a spectacle. Regardless, it's an impressive feat. Vykan also did a single-segment speedrun by hand a little while ago, clocking at 18:31. I guess this run employed mostly the same strategies, although he had more control over the RNG here.
  13. I think the St. Elimine Church was established comparatively well. But you're right, the games really don't go into these things most of the time.
  14. You won't have to tread deep into the forums to find out about the Awakening hate. It is a somewhat controversial title among the fandom, to say the least. Anyhow, welcome to the forums!
  15. Well, the mythological references in FE are almost exclusively limited to names only, so I don't mind as much as I would if SMT was the topic. But some representation of Slavic mythology could be nice.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXVz6Ac1KRE
  17. Thracia and Shadow Dragon have some really tasty ones that hit the right spot for me, but I'm still going to pick FE10. I think it's the one with the greatest consistence of quality.
  18. So, I don't know if there are any fans of jazz fusion around here, but I've recently come to really love this album. Some big names were even involved with the project.
  19. Expanding upon the ballistae upon other classes like the others already mentioned, is pretty high up on my priority list. Oops, the topic title said one thing only. As for something new altogether, I've no particularly innovative ideas like RJW had, but I really would like a lot more attributes in the weapons (and I do mean more than only the return of weapon weight). I'm not a huge fan of how insignificant the differences that distinguish them from one another are currently.
  20. As a last tidbit of advice, don't let your opinion be formed by any vocal groups or individuals. The community can almost never draw a consensus on any given game and opinions range drastically. You're better off playing the games yourself and drawing conclusions afterwards.
  21. But not forced ones, IIRC. I think that's what makes the FE9 tutorial one of the more favourable examples of the mechanic. If you want a fast-paced game, you'd probably like 11/12, since that's where the overall speed of the games went up a bit, and the option to skip enemy turns was introduced (even if I don't like to utilize the mechanic myself). The GBA games aren't remarkably slow either. Some complain about the slow gameplay flow of the Tellius games (9/10), so do keep that in mind.
  22. I would argue that FE8 is even more friendly for beginners, especially on the easiest setting. But since you've already played Awakening on Hard/Classic, you can probably play most FEs on Normal fairly comfortably. As for which game you should play next, it's very dependent on one's preferences. Initially I can only recommend you play any FE from the 7-12 range, since the earlier titles might not be very appealing if you go to them straight after Awakening. They have aged somewhat, and you probably need to play a bit more of the series to truly appreciate them. Just don't play FE10 before FE9, since 10 is a straight sequel to 9.
  23. Super Tactics Book certainly had some horrible interesting choices in terms of its artwork, but I really liked Sigurd's and Quan's artwork for example (not counting their faces).
  24. FE has never been particularly balanced. And BEXP is extremely versatile, it's not like it was their alternative for "balance". The amount of BEXP received could get pretty ridiculous, though.
  25. Ah, I forgot to mention that one. Base menus contributed to fleshing out the setting much more than the navigable world maps have ever done in FE.
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