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Jade M. Caldwell

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Posts posted by Jade M. Caldwell

  1. At 60+ classes that's a lot of skills. Plus characters have character specific skills.
    We could potentially have around 150+ skills with our current knowledge.

    The skill mechanics of If are very different with Parallel Seals being in the game. If there are no Secondary Seals, then the game will be forcing a very specific skill path.
    That doesn't really make sense though now that I think on it, because there are 6 slots, 1 is filled by default. Then there's 5 more, and if each class has only 2, then with Parallel seals you can only attain 4 more skills per character, so then there must be a way to reset the characters level or somehow get more skills than at cap. Plus the UI before battles has a "Swap Skills" section, imposing that you will have multiple skills.

    How do you think they will handle skills in Fire Emblem If? Will Hoshido and Nohr share classes and class skills? Will there be Secondary Skills or a way to reset EXP? Will different classes on Hoshido and Nohr have the same skills (I.e. Dragon classes and Pegasus Classes having the same skills)?

    There are too many questions for skills.

  2. But... Anna's looked the exact same in all of the games, Awakening included. Same pose, same expression, same hairstyle, everything.

    Maybe this time we'll get Jake as a playable character again.

    Guess I didn't really put much thought into it, the different art styles of past games make her feel new. If she would be in If, she would probs just look like her Awakening character, except maybe a different class. Oh! What if she had a different outfit on different versions? That'd be pretty sweet. But anyways not!Inigo Severa and Owain tell me she'll look just like herself.

  3. It's likely, sense this is how If works, if one side has it, then the other will too.
    All of the Royal Children can use Dragon's Vein or whatever it's called. Marx and Ryouma have special weapons, so does Takumi and Kamui.

    I'm willing to bet that all the Royal Siblings each have their own little special weapon to go along with them all having Dragon's Vein and being of significant plot.
    I mean Owain had his own sword after all

    It'd just be cool if the staff wielders had special staves.

  4. The prison sounds like it'll be very useful on higher difficulties. I'll make good use of the generics as buffers for my units, and if a majority of the Nohrian characters don't have high enough base stats to be usable on the highest difficulties, then Lunatic mode generics may find themselves having permanent spots on my team.

    I'm not a fan of face rubbing, but the more people get up in arms about it, (Serenes has been pretty calm about it) the funnier I find the mechanic as a whole. I'm not going to use it, but just the reactions from people have made me go from completely disapproving of it to finding it kind of funny.

    I will be face rubbing everyone, all day. It's really the greatest feature.

  5. If her necklace is the Fire Emblem, then it's a pretty small Emblem, I mean doesn't have to fit all the stones?
    And I haven't played all the way through the older games, but which ones does the Fire Emblem make an apparent in?

    And yes I guess the game has been completed for a while now

  6. I think some people are thinking about it all wrong. It's not "Kamui" magically being able to bang everyone, nor was it Robin. It's "My Unit", i.e. My choices on who I want to go for. And yes, while it is a bit strange that My Unit is liked by everyone, maybe in this next game they will implement a choice based supports where If you fuck it up, then you fuck it up and they don't like you. I mean in the real world, if any two persons sexuality match up, they have a realistic chance, until they start supporting or dating. So if "My Unit" and character x had a match, then I should have the option to date, and marry them.

    People are considering Kamui to be his own deal when the game is basing him around all of your choices. Something about it just seems wrong.
    I mean, yeah other lords have set supports, but you are not them. I am Kamui, so I shouldn't have set supports.

  7. Maybe the characters you recruit are un-aligned/neutral, but you can influence them to ally with the East/West based on your decisions.

    Hopefully you can choose to be East or West, it could provide such controversy and conversation with others based on the story

  8. Hey everyone, just wanted to post some things and see everyone's opinions/speculations

    First off, what if the king figure is actually a pope, or some other religious figure? Seeing as it is a Venice, Italian feel. The flags are also purple, tying to the fact that Roman Emperors wore purple.

    Next, the dancer seems to be dressed according to what side she is on.

    Finally, what do you all think of Marc's sword? It looks a lot like the falchion if the falchion was more Grima-esc instead of Naga.

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