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Posts posted by SonPancham

  1. But isn't Minerva a promoted unit too?

    Also I don't think Hinoka will be our Caeda. IIRC, A defining point of that archetype was that Caeda could recruit a lot of units and was a potential love interest for the protagonist. There haven't been a while lot of those besides Lilina thinking back, and Hinoka doesn't seem like she will fit into either of those requirements.

    BTW, this is all based off what I know from 11, not 1, so I'm not entirely sure if it still lines up in 1.

    I think the Caeda will always be the established lover to the lord (except Sumia because I need blue haired Inigo).

    I dunno about Camilla being this games Minerva.I mean she is already a promoted unit,so I'd say that Belka or Crimson could fit that archetype a bit better(especially crimson whose alliance hasn't been revealed so far and seems to be a possible ally in the hoshido route)

    Again I am really guessing because they kind of fit

    Hopefully we may get a wyvern knight trio (Camilla, Belka and Crimson). Don't see how Crimson would fit in though and how she can relate to the others.

  2. Ahahaha I do agree with some points above. Mainly the Felicia possibly being the Gordon, even though no bows. I think Aqua is more George than Nyna, because Nyna is more of "duty to carry bloodline" which is possible in the hoshido route. Aqua still has plenty of family remaining and isn't the heir to the Nohr throne which is probably due to Marx being the next in line. Oboro is possibly likely, however, Tsubaki I think comes before Hinoka, as shown in the third day of the Nintendo treehouse so he may be the more speedy of the two pegasus knights. No one yet really fits in the Nabarl archetype so I was guessing. Luna is probably the Ogma of the group but it really does depend on stats. Inigo may get a new archetype or hopefully the Saul archetype or Levin which are the flirts of the game.

  3. With more research into Fe Fates and characters and such and such, I’ve decided to put Fates characters into archetypes or groups. I’ve decided to use classes instead of character archetypes just to make it easier. For example instead of Cain and Abel I will be using Christmas Duo. Without further ado here I go. However some established Archetypes like Jagen will still exist. Character SPOILERS and gameplay SPOILERS ahead. Third route hasn’t been included. NO storyline SPOILERS as I don’t know the story (I know up to chapter 5). I don’t have the game or read Japanese but have seen gameplay. If you disagree please explain why as long as it is evidence based on character personalities and growths or gameplay mechanics.


    Gunter obviously. Has a poor growth rates, old etc


    Felicia/Joker. Both are pre promotes who are useful later on.

    Christmas Duo

    Saizou and Kaze. Saizou has more strength and skill while Kaze has more speed.

    Mercenary unit

    Lazward (Also Chrom junior{head canon} He has more skill than speed and his stat spread is more similar to Ogma then Luna’s is.

    Axe Duo

    Wishing it were Charlotte and Arthur it isn’t. Luckily they are in this game discretely.The Axe duo with one excelling in speed and the other in strength are William and Hormone. William has a strength growth of 60% to Hormones 45% while Hormone has a speed growth of 45% to William’s 30%.

    Early Healer

    Sakura. Early healer without a mount.


    Ryouma/Marx depending on route. They both fight for their country with honour and loyalty to nation.

    Early thief

    Kaze or Zero. Both are thieves/ninja

    Early bow unit

    Setsuna. She joins before Takumi.

    Early Armoured Unit

    Elfie. Comes early in Nohr storyline

    Mage boy toy (lol)

    Tsukuyomi. Is a young male spellcaster. Similar to Merric and Ricken.

    Horsey Healer

    Elise. Similar to Ethlin and Priscilla.


    Sumeragi the lobster pin cushion

    Early Pegasus Knight

    Tsubaki. Comes before Hinoka.

    The trap

    Tsubaki. Is up there with Lucius and Libra

    Dragon Knight Character

    Belka(Nohr), Crimson (Hoshido). Both units are the dragon peoples.

    Bandit twins

    William and Hormone

  4. Does all the new magic happen to have animals coming out? is this just hoshido? Maybe its an exclusive to the hoshidan spell casters? When tsukynomi uses his magic and orochi uses a hers a bull(ox) and rat come out repsectively. Chinese calender reference?

  5. Bring back Joshua, Innes, Ephraim, Lyon and L'Arachel. And of course bring back Cain and Abel. Continuing from the above: What if Eldigan convinced Shagal.? What if Lyon broke free from the Demon King's Control? What if Camus left Grust for Nyna? What if the Linus lived to tell Lloyd about Eliwood's compassion?

  6. Speculated, not confirmed yet.

    This is my guess. I don't think the game's length really suggests it being possible to reach lv40 promoted unless you grinded for a million years.

    I reckon maybe they gave maybe Felicia and Joker bigger exp gains to compensate for them not promoting. But them being promoted units is still speculation.

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