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Posts posted by SonPancham

  1. Maybe they've gone back to Jugdral with a level limit which was 30. Instead it is now 40. Dunno how skills will be learnt.

    Side note. The symbol on Felicia's sprite probs means shes a support based unit. Takumi and Ryouma have a sword symbol.

  2. Support Between Cain and Jagen. Fire emblem Shadow Dragon.

    C support

    Cain : Die brigand

    Brigand ; Argghhh, no me gold.

    Jagen : Cain! Control your bloodlust. We are Altean knights, not murderers.

    Cain : Sir Jagen! I'm sorry you had to see that. He attacked me from behind.

    Jagen : What's gone into you? Your aren't the calm and composed knight I trained. You are acting weird.

    Cain : You wouldn't know Sir Jagen, just leave me alone.

    Jagen: Tell me this instance! You are being a liability to this army!

    Cain : ......

    Jagen : Do not ignore me young man. Your brothers wouldn't ignore me.

    Cain : What do you know about my brothers? How dare you talk about them to me!

    Cain leaves.

    Jagen : So that's what this is all about.

    B Support

    Jagen : Cain, I’m apologise about what I said before, I was out of place and I was rude.

    Cain : No Sir Jagen, it was I who was out of place. How could I, the lowly knight, behave so poorly in front of the Powerful Ox, a renowned knight and my teacher.

    Jagen : Tell me, Sir Cain, who my liege and your brothers died.

    Cain: ???

    Jagen : Call if curiosity, if not for this old’s man closure.

    Cain : As you know, my brothers were some of Altea’s finest knights. Royal guards to the King Cornelius.

    Jagen : Ah yes, all 3 of them. I taught them myself. You are the youngest, are you not?

    Cain : Yes I am. My brothers, where some of the strongest paladins of Altea. They knew the secret to the famed “Triangle Attack” and were feared through the lands.

    Jagen: I see.

    Cain : However, against Gharnef’s magic, not even the famed “Triangle Attack” could pierce his shadows. Their blades broke and in their eyes, shimmering from the flames of battle told me to run. They screamed, commanding me to protect the King, and then the shadows impaled them. All three dead. And as I turned my head, the King told me his message. During that time we ran. Through the thickets of Altea, until we reached the castle. He told me to get Marth, and serve him. But I couldn’t. King Cornelius even with the Falchoin in hand couldn’t beat our pursuers. It was Camus himself.

    Jagen: The Sable Knight?

    Cain ; The one and only. He caught up to us and we dueled. My sword against his spear. But it was for naught. He wounded me and the king sent me off. As I looked behind I saw King Jiol and I was relieved. Until Jiol thrusted his spear through the chest of my lord, straight through the back whilst Camus beheaded my king.

    Jagen : I am sorry to hear that Cain. That you suffered through so much pain, without anyone knowing. I am sorry.

    Cain : Thank you sir, but I don’t need your condolences, I only need you skill, to slay those whom have slain my lord.

    A Support

    Jagen : Sir Cain, may we speak.

    Cain ; If it pleases you sir we may, but make it quick, the battle is in progress.

    Jagen : I’ve decided to give your a name. For centuries, Altean knights have been given a title to represent their prowess in skill.

    Cain : Thank you Sir Jagen, but it be not necessary.

    Jagen : No, it is my honour. You will be now known as Cain, the Great Bull.

    Cain : The bull sir, what an honour, but why?

    Jagen :You are the strength of this army. You push ahead, not weary of the consequences, but your skill and loyalty as a knight are unparalleled, with only Abel to compete. Furthermore, you will be my personal apprentice, and as the Ox, thought the name of Bull is fitting.

    Cain : !!!!!

    Jagen: Furthermore, at the end of this war, I want you to replace me as Commander of the Altean knights.

    Cain : Sir Jagen, that is an honour. But why me? Why not Sir Abel?

    Jagen : It is true, that Sir Abel’s lance is powerful, but he is not like you. He is dedicated yes. But he is different. You are more determined, and you have felt pain like no other. And from your pain, you will get compassion. Your compassion for your peers and your love for them as if they were family makes you the perfect candidate to be commander of the knights.

    Cain : You flatter me so Sir Jagen. I accept your proposition, and I will not fail you.

    Jagen ; Plus, Sir Abel is quite a flirt, I saw him eyeing a pink haired pegasus knight, and a green haired one to.

    Cain : Ahahahaha. That Abel is something else. Sir Jagen, when his time comes to get a title, could he be the “Panther”. He would love it. Panther’s are his favourite.

    Jagen : We’ll see. But for now, lets finish this battle. I want to teach you a secret Altean cavalier technique.

    Cain : Yes sir !

  3. The old man dude could act as a guardian character or general who looks after the royal family. Camilla, as his daughter could of been brought up with Kamui and friends in Nohr and is possibly a noble and close friend who is seen as family.

    P.S Think twin tails will be Alexis even though it was Nicholas II son's name. Starting the Russian revolution at school and happy I understand things which are going on (relating to names).

  4. I have a suggestion! Who ever thought Tana would be the evil one? First of all, Innes is obvious in a rivalry with Ephraim, but becomes obsessed with beating him. Pushed over the edge by Tana this rivalry becomes a full scale war. With the support of L'Arachel, who fell in love with him at the last royals congregation, Innes, manipulated by Tana fight Renais. Renais allied with Grado are now fighting Rausten and Frelia. Joshua the protagonist, doesn't know which side Jehanna should fight, flips a coin and ultimately sides with Renais. Tana however, is working behind the scenes, both tricking Ephraim and Innes having both men think she is on their side. Tana has some shifty backstory making her part of a cult to revive the lord possibly majoring in ancient history and becoming obsessed with power or something. Maybe, the dark lord tries to posses her, or even L'Arachel who may resist due to Latona's blood. For characters, the baddies are characters like Gilliam and Syrene, whilst we have characters like Selena and Glen playable. Valter can be good and a just warrior, never picking up the cursed lance of Dussels. Caelach can be the Jagen character but later betrays for a large sum of money and the throne to Renais. Just some suggestions.

  5. Lol, Bantu looks like my Aunty, she got back from Vietnam and good some plastic surgery. Did Bantu go Vietnam? She looks like she could give some sass though. WIll she get a special fire dragon lady animation that looks like a shifty fortune teller trying to make a buck?

  6. Btw in the demo (probs mentioned), one of the chests in chapter 5 cannot be unlocked. On the map, it is described on the map as a chest but when Julian goes onto it there is no chest option. And will falchoin gain range and will Marth wield the fire emblem as a shield.

  7. So Adelaide is the practically the most customisable in this game. What will happen to her weapon rank. Will it start as E rank. And will she have a unique female barbarian and beserker sprite, because she doesn't look real buff like Darcy.

  8. Your trying, but I don't really like this idea. It kind of reduces the uses of longbows I think. I unit with high skill will be able to use it efficiently. It will also be able to attack bosses with 1-2 range making them a bit easy.

  9. I just find female ballisticians interesting because I like looking at unique sprites and I like it when classes are not gender locked. It just my opinion really, I'm not a real conformist and like spontaneous things but thats just me.

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