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Everything posted by gabethegreen

  1. Rath Also I have only beaten the game once who is Renault?
  2. ill join but i bet i wont win. should be fun though
  3. don't worry im not very good ether i think anyway if anyone wants to play a civ game some time my steam name is gabethegreen. if we ever can start a game with a group of people i think we should make a second thread so people can say when they free time so we can plan when we can play. that or we can just wing it i guess XD ether way im glad im not the only one who plays this game still p.s. i do have brave new world
  4. I know this isn't a new game but I still find it fun. However playing with computers is annoying and online games with strangers are to hard to coordinate. So I was wondering if anyone else played this game and would consider friending me on steam and maybe we could all play sometime.
  5. "Ah ha I see what there playing st" said Gabe as he readied his tome. "i guess ill go over here and see what i can do." (10,10)
  6. Is a fan of an fe game I haven't played much yet
  7. Thinking of which game to draft race

  8. Gabe walked to the designated place. his bag filled with both new books,his tome and a journal. "Well i guess its time to get started." hesaid gleefully to himself and then proceeded to chuckle. he looked around and saw he wasn't the first to arrive, but he thought he wasn't the last. "Well i guess i could start reading one of the books i brought." he then sat and pulled out a decent sized book and began reading as he waited.
  9. "A test huh. Well i better make sure my tome is in top shape as well as my skill." Gabe started to leave. " I also better get a few more books to read. The trip could be long." he chuckled and left the square.
  10. After hearing the announcement Gabe walked up to join the men as soon as he could. " H-hello i would very much like to come along with you i have been wanting to search for it myself for years and i hope this succeeds" after he says this he quiets walked out of the way in case anyone was walking behind him to join the hunt.
  11. already has a waifu for fe14 (i should look at the new unit roster at some point)
  12. vyland/biraku allen from fe 1/11 most est units cath,niime,douglas,ward fe6 lyre,kyza,meg,fiona,astrid,leo,tormod,vika,gareth.ena. fe10 cant think of any more right now
  13. Sorry i miscounted also i swear i didn't know someone did that I only looked at the first page for sineup instructions and game story stuff things.
  14. knows my old youtube name.....idk how but ok
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