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Posts posted by Roflolxp54

  1. The Classic Impossible:

    6-turn Secret Apotheosis using units only in base classes (ie. Lord, Tactician, Mage, Cavalier, etc.). Non-Apotheosis DLC is banned outside of grinding for stats and skills. Pair-Ups, Manakete, Taguel, Dancer, Lodestar and Conqueror classes are banned (ie. cannot use Nah as a Manakete or Yarne as a Taguel). Can take it up a notch by banning Rallies, Tonics, forged weaponry, Logbook units and Rescue staves.

  2. Really?

    I did say that it's a usable strategy (may not be the best strategy) and I said it in the context of any situation that is NOT Apotheosis or Streetpass (which doesn't mean that it can't be used there). And there are strategies around for the Apotheosis secret route that don't require as much RNG manipulation but focuses less on tanking (ie. abuse of VV).

  3. My main caveats with ORAS are:

    -No Battle Frontier

    -The fact that many of the non-Hoenn legendary Pokemon are found by interacting with portals. That there just screams laziness to me and the portals themselves are rather cheesy. The fact that it also shows at the start of the battle (even with Pokemon whose locations do make sense like Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Thundurus, Tornadus and Landorus) just only adds to my point.

    I wasn't disappointed by the lack of character customization since I have never bought any customizations in X and Y. Also, customizations didn't exist in the original Ruby and Sapphire.

    I honestly laughed when I looked up on how pathetic Prof. Birch is in the post-story.

  4. Okay then, let's make it more specific, let's say the race is StreetPass.

    -clap clap- GG, GG.

    ANY Streetpass team will get demolished by a well-prepared team. It's already proven possible that even a Limit Broken team can get destroyed by a single pair of units that don't have Limit Break, Staff support or even Rally support or even a support bonus (since the units in the pair-up can't even support to begin with).

    What seems to be a half-decent setup that punishes careless/inattentive players is a team of 10 male Avatars with Strength Asset and Defense Flaw, in physically-oriented classes, equipped with forged (+3 Mt, +25 Hit) Brave weapons and with the skills Limit Break, Luna, Ignis, Counter and Aggressor. However this team will get destroyed by players who do pay attention to the team's setups and can just attack them from range in pairs and use Rescue staves.

    Basically, Streetpass team battle strategy boils down to maximizing damage output and ensuring that at least 1 unit of the receiving player's team dies and potentially force a soft reset. Even then, it's not that likely since players can always dismiss a Streetpass team.

  5. -Apotheosis setup-

    This can only work on Normal Apotheosis since turn limits exist in the Secret route. If Rallybots, Staffbots and Olivia are allowed, then the Secret route can possibly be doable.

    PavGis + Sol, although outdated, is still a usable strategy in in-game situations (basically any situation that is not Apotheosis or Streetpass). Though IMO, Pavise is more useful than Aegis since units get attacked by axes, swords and lances the most often.

  6. Hold on, what context is this in? Streetpass, you're dead, no matter what you do. Apo, no Avatar can survive NS at all, and tanking is generally useless there anyway. What exactly is this Avatar trying to tank?

    I have absolutely no clue on what the TC is basing tankiness on. For me, I just threw together a setup that is usable in normal in-game situations (not in Apotheosis or Streetpass).

  7. Possible tank Avatar:

    -Asset: Defense

    -Flaw: Luck/Skill/Strength

    -Class: Sorcerer

    -Weapon: Forged Aversa's Night (+5 Mt, +15 Hit)

    -Equipped skills:

    --Limit Break




    --Pavise/Aegis/(Weaponbreaker skill)/Renewal/Galeforce/Miracle

    Limit Break is already explained. Armsthrift is there just to make sure the forged Aversa's Night can't run out if the Luck stat is at least 50. Sol potentially almost doubles the heal rate to 100% should it activate and activates pretty easily. Vantage is there to make sure that the tank Avatar gets the first move should HP fall below 50% due to something like Counter.

    The last slot depends on what's needed/available:

    -Pavise is great since axes, swords and lances are perhaps the most common things to be attacked by.

    -Aegis is there if you particularly hate magic and bows.

    -(Weaponbreaker skill) can work great if you particularly hate and want to kill that specific sort of weapon users.

    -Renewal: free 30% healing per unit's phase. Why not?

    -Galeforce can work if you want to jump some hapless enemy for free healing, especially if you're on low health and can ORKO a troublesome target (ie. a 1-range enemy with Counter).

    -Miracle can potentially save you if Sol isn't activating often enough to save you when combined with Vantage, if you took a really big hit from Counter or if you took a hit from Lethality.

  8. You let them play.

    You occasionally teach them something by letting them know what works and what doesn't.

    This involves being patient and sometimes downgrading your abilities to their level.

    The competitive fighting game community, not just smash, has a reputation of not at all being newbie friendly.

    Many multiplayer game communities, not just those for fighting games, tend to be rather beginner-unfriendly.

    I'd probably just show them the controls -- I had to learn the controls in order to play Super Smash Bros. 3DS decently enough especially since I have very limited experience with past Smash Bros. games (never played SSB64 and rarely played SSBM and SSBB -- doesn't help that Gamecube controllers were a rarity among those who own just the Nintendo Wii -- the Wii Remote, although usable, feels like a crap-tier choice for a controller). For my case though, since I have much more experience playing with handheld consoles rather than playing with home consoles, SSB for 3DS felt much easier to pick up and using the 3DS as a controller for the Wii U version of Smash felt like a more natural pick for me, especially with the gamers' club shortage of Gamecube controllers.

  9. A character can only have up to ONE S-rank support in a save file. When those 2 characters S-support, they CANNOT S-support anybody else -- in every non-incestuous pairing, we're looking at monogamous marriages. For the case of a pairing that may be incestuous, like Owain x Lucina, they will be considered as "Companions" which basically functions much like a monogamous marriage in that they cannot S-support anybody else. Also, S-support pairings are ALWAYS heterosexual pairings; there are no homosexual pairings.

  10. Umm, I know the general advice you're giving is spot on.. but just saying... you can roflstomp this map with Gen 1 units too.

    That's true. But for a good number of players, they get nervous on the first run -- children characters are a safe bet for getting through the map. And I did not rule out using Gen. 1 units for Apotheosis runs (can't stop Chrom and possibly at least Robin and Olivia from joining the party).

  11. I got the point 2 to an extent, but what about their retaliation attacks when I attack them. Isn't it fairly useful to halve that damage you receive when you attack them? (i.e. the Generals at the beginning all have Spears as far as I've heard)

    And I covered the Hawkeye issue in my post above. That's what I thought Iote's Shield would be useful for. In case there would be Snipers/Bow Knights with Hit+ skills. Hit+20 is screwy enough sometimes... and if it is a skill that lets you hit with 100%, there's nothing much you can do, except killing them first. I just hope that there aren't that many enemies so that this tactic works.

    About the Rally units: Would you recommend more than two? Or are two Rally units that combined pack all Rally skills enough?

    2 Rally units are enough if you're trying to use all Rally skills in the game (1 male and 1 female or use DLC Katarina and DLC Palla). The Rally skills you don't really need are Rally Defense, Rally Resistance, Rally Skill and Rally Luck. For example, you can have DLC Katarina run Rally Strength, Speed, Spectrum, Heart and Movement while DLC Palla runs Rally Magic, Speed, Spectrum, Heart and Movement.

    Iote's Shield isn't that useful since ideally, the best solution for flyers against bow-users is to not put them in such a position in the first place.

  12. As this is Apotheosis, you can expect to use primarily children characters for the run. Don't think about using units that are recruited from the Avatar Logbook unless you're going to use them as Rallybots and/or Staffbots since those units aren't useful otherwise since they can't support. It's definitely a good idea to make sure that combat pairs have at least A-rank support.

    Some of the character choices are a bit questionable though as long as you don't do anything rash, it should be fine. (ie. I won't recommend using Priam because he cannot support anybody but Dominik). Manaketes usually aren't too useful since they cannot attack up to 4 times in a single turn since they don't possess any weapons that allow them to automatically attack twice in a single battle round.

    As for what to expect from the Apotheosis map, there's enemy data on Serenesforest and there are Youtube videos showing whole playthroughs of Apotheosis (both normal and secret routes).

  13. It can work but only if the companies making the shows do the source material justice -- stuff like the Mario Bros. and Legend of Zelda cartoons eventually ended up as Internet meme fodder that gets laughed at all over the Internet.

    Kirby: Right Back At Ya! (or Kirby of the Stars as I would prefer since I prefer watching the original Japanese version) was nice but... localization (hence I prefer the Japanese version even if the English opening song is catchy). It doesn't really need a new one without a new plot as it did wrap itself up well with the final showdown against the Nightmare Wizard.

    The Pokemon anime still exist and probably plays a major part in making Pokemon still stay relevant to people, especially children. Heck, the Pokemon Company even uses animated trailers to advertise their games like Black 2, White 2 and Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

  14. I don't remember Awakening having any feet...

    Awakening DOES have feet -- only in the animated cutscenes and official artwork; of the entire Awakening cast, only Robin, Lucina and Chrom make much use of their own feet, especially in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U.

    I honestly don't care much if there will be a Wii U FE title besides the SMTxFE title since I have no plans on getting a Wii U. However, if IS does plan on making another 3DS FE game, I'd be happy to get one (FE feels more at home on handheld consoles, especially if grinding is going to be involved) -- I just hope that there wouldn't be a shortage of the physical copies of the game on release day just like Awakening did. Considering getting a Powersaves device just to have fun with the hax0r5.

    I'd honestly feel a bit mixed if they release a New 3DS-exclusive FE game since I'm already of mixed feelings regarding the handheld itself -- it just makes me ask "why wasn't that released earlier?"

  15. For Smash Run, I just customize my characters to use a piece of Attack equipment that gives them the most Attack possible, and then a piece of Defense equipment that gives them the most Defense possible. Then I add a piece of Speed equipment that brings up their Speed as close to 0 as possible while still in the positives before trying to find alternative pieces of Speed equipment that doesn't lower Attack as much while still keeping Speed greater than or equal to 0. I typically do not use equipment that have special effects.

    For Powers, I typically go with Power Bomb, Horizon Beam, Health Recovery, Auto-Recovery, Homing Foe and Back Shield.

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