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Posts posted by Roflolxp54

  1. Shiny palette swaps for Pokemon characters that aren't Charizard, Pikachu or Greninja (they have the purple palette (which is close to Charizard's shiny look in GSC), the somewhat orange color w/ Choice Band, and black palette swaps respectively).

    Ability to use an external controller since Circle pads break easily to many people.

    Better online since it lags for a lot of people who aren't playing 1v1 For Glory mode.

    Would like Ice Climbers to be back, albeit acting like Rosalina and Luma (both Ice Climbers player controlled, not just Popo being player controlled and Nana being AI controlled).

    For Glory should have been a mix of Final Destination, Omega stages, Battlefield, Yoshi's Island, and possibly Arena Ferox and Lumiose City. A lot of people also wish for For Glory battles to be 3 stocks instead of only 2 stocks and that For Glory team matches to be stock matches instead of timed matches.

  2. Today, since it's the National Streetpass Weekend, I visited the nearby Starbucks cafe (nearest Nintendo Zone location) to get reliable wifi for my 3DS as well as to get a Streetpass tag from the relay point. Suddenly, I received a Spotpass notification that not only tells me about the Streetpass Weekend, but also that a Special Mii has arrived at Streetpass Mii Plaza via Spotpass. (Sure enough, there was a blue dot on the Mii Plaza menu icon to signify this.) I chose not to see the Special Mii immediately in favor of collecting more tags while on campus.

    About 5 hours later, I decided to check on Streetpass Mii Plaza. For some strange reason, the Spotpass dot was gone and the Special Mii that was supposed to be at the Mii Plaza gate via Spotpass was not present -- only the 6 Miis I got from Streetpass showed up. What exactly happened?

  3. It occasionally happens to me (it staying in sleep mode when reopening the 3DS and get nothing but black screens and blinking blue power LED) but it already happens occasionally before I got Smash Bros. I just hold down the power button to shut if off before restarting it.

  4. I wonder who would go so far as to purchase an amiibo of each character (provided that it were to ever be produced). It would cost approximately 637 USD to get all 49 amiibos (counting Mewtwo, not counting any Mii Fighters) before taxes are applied.

  5. Yeah I've seen that.I guess I forgot about barracks,but shouldn't I replace limit breaker with all stats +2 instead of HP +5?I still need tonics that boost strength though,right?The thing about shadowofchaos's was he used miracle, instead of a different skill that could boost his strength. thx tho :)

    shadowofchaos used Vaike!Gerome!Morgan who didn't use Miracle -- Morgan was equipped with Limit Break, Bowfaire, Aggressor, Vengeance and All Stats +2 if you were paying attention to the video.

    EDIT: Got ninja'd

  6. 13 USD is a pretty big asking price to me, so I plan on sticking to just 1 amiibo... hard to decide one from Robin, Lucina, Palutena, Rosalina and Luma, Zero Suit Samus, Bowser and Mewtwo (if an amiibo of it were to ever be produced).

  7. I voted on Severa as she and Morgan both seem to share something: they both spend a lot of money! It's possible that Morgan does take after older sister Severa in that respect.

    Severa's pretty obvious, the game already describes her as the biggest squanderer in the army, best illustrated in her supports with Brady, Laurent and her father (Robin in this case).

    Morgan's more implicit, especially if one were to examine the supports she has with Laurent and Gerome (tomestackers and lots of crafted masks -- she's got to have gotten them somewhere, right?) Then, there is the support she has with inigo, in which she allows Inigo to ask her out on a date on the condition that he takes her to an expensive restaurant! GG, Inigo's wallet, GG.

    The 2 girls also have supports with Noire, if that counts for anything.

  8. Dude, a lot of the information regarding stuff like raw Weapon Might can be found on SF itself (and in THE GAME) if you actually bothered to look. And as the other users have stated, this has been done several times before and a Youtube vid regarding this topic has been posted over a YEAR ago.


    And IIRC, isn't 636 the highest possible amount of burst damage?

  9. Whoo! I'm on a roll getting custom moves!

    Collected 263 different custom moves so far and have all custom moves for the following characters: Bowser, King Dedede, Lucario, Lucina, Robin, Mario, Charizard, Diddy Kong, Toon Link, Wii Fit Trainer, Rosalina and Luma, Zelda, Peach, Kirby, Meta Knight and Zero Suit Samus.

    I primarily got them via playing Classic mode (played at ~3.0-5.0 Intensity since I'm not the best Smash player around and get wrecked on higher difficulties; used the roulette trick if there are slots that hold 2+ custom parts) as well as Smash Run (try to pick up only the bags that hold custom parts).

  10. The one that really sticks out to me is the Noire/Libra conversation in the Future Past dlc. I just love Noire's "Fuck you!" It just gave Noire so much depth. She really became this child who had to grow up too fast in order to save the world and survive. It was really beautiful imo, and it's probably one of my favorite conversations throughout the whole game.

    Off topic, can someone tell me what started this waifuu business? (Can't people just say wife? Or even bae?)

    Try visiting Know Your Meme. And the waifu stuff has been around longer than FE13 has (and it's pretty ridiculous).

  11. Robin and Cordelia as spouses in Summer Scramble.

    Walhart and Priam in Hot Spring Scramble. (So many interruptions)

    Female Morgan and Severa in Hot Spring Scramble. (Morgan knows about tsunderes!)

    Tiki and Aversa in Hot Spring Scramble. (Tiki thinking that Aversa is trying to scar her for life.)

    Gaius and Virion in Summer Scramble. (The "bib")

    Frederick and Kellam in Summer Scramble. (Kellam's invisibility as a boon.)

    Gerome and Yarne in Hot Spring Scramble. (From the way the characters are facing when confronting the monkeys.)

    Gerome with Inigo, Severa with Kjelle and Chrom with Frederick in Harvest Scramble. (People can really take things the wrong way...)

  12. The biggest beef I have with the game is the bugs (ie. voice bug and Streetpass bug) that showed up during localization, especially in the NA version of the game (that to this day and time of writing are still unpatched).

    I can see why people hate the story and supports but... there's the Start button for your convenience as well as the rapid-scroll Down + A button combination for stuff like conversations. Also, Fire Emblem Awakening is a game, first and foremost. If you want a story, you might want to consider investing in (e-)books.

    DLC -- that's optional -- your choice to blow your money on that stuff as well as use the free Wireless stuff like the Avatar Logbook and Spotpass content. I honestly have fun br8k1n6 the game to pieces, especially on Lunatic+ Classic.

  13. Not on Falcon Knights, who never have worthwhile magic stats.

    It's not really the Magic stat of the Falcon Knights that make them worthwhile as staff users -- it's the mobility: 8-10 tiles on a given turn and can fly over any terrain. It's the biggest reason that Falcon Knights are more frequently used as lategame staff users when compared to Sages and such.

  14. Nintendo of UK's twitter seems to be implying that you can get Mewtwo with just one version of the game. You just need to pay for him if you don't have both versions (of course, they don't outright say that, so I could be misinterpreting):


    That sounds fair. We can still get Mewtwo without having to 2 buy both versions of the game as well as the hardware while still supporting Nintendo's efforts provided that that is indeed the case.

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