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Posts posted by Roflolxp54

  1. Its not that I don't adapt to randomness, its that it feels to punishing like when I need to kill someone now, if I miss, I set a backup plan. Lunatic+ feels like I am not given enough resources to set that backup plan most of the times.

    Plus I don't like the idea of resetting by principle. It takes away the weight of my decisions, and this isn't a problem in other difficulties, because its still possible regardless if you lose Fred.

    Might as well just agree to disagree. Maybe I'm just bad, but i have certainly seen difficulty handled better IMO.

    There is a difference between difficulty being too restricting and punishing where it outweighs the reward aspect.

    Eh, Lunatic+ can still be broken -- just like vanilla Lunatic mode, if you have DLC and are willing to use it and have a slew of powerful bonus units in your Avatar Logbook, you can trivialize the difficulty -- you can use the Golden Gaffe map to rack up gold to re-hire Logbook characters and let them blow stuff up once equipped with a weapon (great for getting rid of those promoted Risen skirmishes that start appearing after Chapter 4 is finished). (Spotpass teams are a good source of weapons that cannot be easily found immediately like Spears, Tomahawks and Brave weapons).

    Even then, it still doesn't hurt to be careful around stuff like Luna+ + Hawkeye and Counter.

  2. Exactly.

    Even in noncompeting environments, we still had no need for them. All that some of us have in the past never needed to have any use for them except the final smash ball. I'm mostly hosting to only allow the Final Smash Ball in as in all of my matches with friends, we have never had any need for the other items, because they're annoying and get in the way of the fights too much.

    OK, that's YOUR (and possibly your friends') personal rule set. Doesn't necessarily apply to everybody else in the club. I'm sure at least a few people would like all items on just so they can see what s*** happens and possibly get a laugh out of it.

  3. We should host rules for whatever items are allowed and disallowed and here they are...

    What should be allowed...

    Blah blah blah...

    What should be disallowed/banned...

    Yadda yadda yadda...

    As far as I know, this club is not a competitive Smash club. Therefore, it should be left to the participating players of a match to decide what items to allow in their individual matches. If you want a competitive match, just tell the folks you're playing with that you don't want those specific items and there's For Glory mode for no-items-Final-Destination stuff.

  4. +Def/-Lck is a very popular choice for Robin, especially if planning a mostly solo run of Lunatic mode (Nosferatanking is a commonly used strategy in Lunatic mode).

    If you have DLC and are willing to use it, Asset and Flaw wouldn't matter as much outside of stat cap modifiers (which is what you seem to be planning on anyways) since you can use Frederick to get through Prologue to Chapter 4. (Just remember that Frederick isn't as useful as the lead unit for earlygame Lunatic+).

    Asset and Flaw only really matters in regards to stat growths and base (starting) stats if you plan on using Robin often in the earlygame -- in regards to Defense, you don't get any more base Defense if you were to choose Skill asset than if you were to choose Magic asset. If you really want more base Defense, just go with Defense asset.

    HP, Def and Spd flaw are the flaws you'd want to avoid using (unless you really want to ramp up the difficulty, want to test your patience with RNG manipulation or know that you can protect Robin while Frederick beats up mooks) as you'd make Robin much more liable to be ORKO'd by earlygame enemies.

    I used +Def/-Lck in Lunatic Classic and +HP/-Lck in Lunatic+ Classic.

  5. I like Cordelia's and Anna's trophies! Tiki's looks great too!

    I'm glad that Chrom got one as well... let's see... so Chrom appears in Robin's Final Smash (complete with a cut-in), one of Robin's victory animations, as an individual trophy and if Brawl was any indication, in the trophy display of Robin's Final Smash.

    Owain fans would probably either calm down some, or create another ****storm.

    I doubt Tharja's trophy got cut since the imgur image doesn't show all of the trophies available for the 3DS version. Plus, according to the leaked images, there are like 686 different trophies to collect on the 3DS version. So who knows? There could be more FE trophies around besides those of Marth, Ike, Robin and Lyn and ones already shown in the imgur image.

    I've also seen trophies of characters that were in previous installments of SSB that aren't playable in SSB4, like Pokemon Trainer, Ivysaur, Squirtle and Pichu. This could mean that a Roy (no, not Roy the Koopaling) trophy could be in the game.

  6. Just in case Smashboards didn’t post it:

    Rufure/Robin Tomes:

    Up B: Elwind. 9 Uses. Regenerates 5 seconds after ditching a broken one.

    Side B: Gigafire [Arcfire] 6 Uses. Regenerates after 10 seconds.

    Down B: Resire [Nosferatu] 4 Uses. Regenerates after 35 seconds.

    Neutral B: Regenerates after 10 seconds

    Thunder: 20 Uses

    Elthunder: 7 Uses

    Gigathunder [Arcthunder]: 4 Uses

    Thoron: 3 Uses

    Thunder [Levin] Sword: 8 uses (Smash and Aerial)

    Regenerates after 8 seconds.

    Also, booty:

    lol, bootycall.

  7. Best magic-using children based on the mods their non-variable parents have:






    Morgan (especially if Robin has Magic asset)

    Inigo (only if he has a magic-based dad)

    Cynthia (only if she has Henry or Magic asset Robin as her dad)

    Best dads for magical children:




    Robin (especially with Magic asset)

    Lon'qu (if needing Vantage for a Vantage+Vengeance build)

    You may also want to change some skill inheritances:

    -Cherche's best gift to Gerome is the Dual Support+ skill (female only skill!) -- Gerome already starts off with Strength +2 by default

    -Lissa and Maribelle in almost all cases should be passing down Galeforce to their sons.

    -Vaike should pass down Axefaire to Kjelle as Axefaire (along with HP +5, Zeal, Rally Strength Counter, Despoil, Gamble and Wrath) is a males-only skill.

    -Miriel should pass down Dual Suppot+ to Laurent for very similar reasons that Cherche should pass down the same skill to Gerome -- females-only skill and is very useful.

    For Tharja, I recommend Gaius since Gaius allows Noire to have access to Vantage and Galeforce while having the opportunity to inherit a males-only skill from Gaius (HP +5, Zeal, Sol, Axebreaker, Counter, Rally Strength).

    For the case of Cynthia, since you seem to have already decided on which lady Henry should marry, that just leaves Magic asset Robin (if possible) and Chrom as possible dads for decent magic-using Cynthia.

  8. Armsthrift may not help on streetpass, but I can potentially have infinite Valflame/Book of Naga.

    That may be true (especially if you're willing to get Limit Break), but most Streetpass battles last only a few turns at most. A player who takes the time to look at your team and prepare can easily shut it down. Landing hits and maximizing damage output is the name of the game for a Streetpass team -- it typically takes only 1 death of a unit in the receiving player's team to achieve victory... that is if the AI can get your team to overpower the receiving player's team.

    Some not very useful skills for a Streetpass team (if making a challenging one):





    -Dual Strike+

    -Dual Support+

    -Dual Guard+



  9. DLC is gamebreaking after Chapter 4 is cleared, especially if you're paying attention to enemies that may be carrying Counter around and if you choose to hire units from the Avatar Logbook (since Second Seals aren't available in bulk until Chapter 17 or the possible completion of certain paralogues). However, the later chapters and paralogues can still cause some trouble -- even though I ran an entire team consisting of Chrom, Lucina and a crapload of Armsthrift users all boosted with tonics and carrying around forged weapons that autodouble or legendary weapons for Paralogue 23, I had to reset like 4 times simply because the enemies were that overwhelming (not because of Counter since the unit that got killed and forced me to reset was camping behind a wall to prevent Counter).

  10. No one's going to fill out the meme anymore? :(

    I think the reason that nobody's filling out the meme is because a good number of people may not know how to put the character images into the meme. It doesn't help that neither you nor the original creator of the meme provided instructions on putting the character images on.

  11. Since I do recall that you hate Robin for being something along the lines of "waifu lord," have male Robin and your Mii get killed by every playable female (including all 3 variants of Mii Fighters) in the most brutal, hilarious, humiliating, etc. methods possible. Don't forget freeze-frame/deathcam shots of potentially killing attacks or embarrassing moments!

    The Checklist:








    -Zero Suit Samus

    -Female Robin

    -Female Villager

    -Female Wii Fit Trainer

    -Wendy O'Koopa (character alt for Bowser Jr.)

    -Female Mii Swordfighter

    -Female Mii Brawler

    -Female Mii Gunner

  12. 1. Robin and Lucina -- after putting over 900 hours in Fire Emblem Awakening, it's no surprise that I'm hyped after seeing the trailer.

    2. Greninja -- this is the only trailer I've seen live during the live Direct -- massive OMG moment once Greninja was revealed.

    3. Rosalina+Luma and Palutena (tie) -- I'm excited for both of those ladies to be in Smash!

    4. Mii Fighters and Wii Fit Trainer -- both had me laughing

    5. Pac-Man -- another OMG moment for me and laughed at giant Pac-Man chasing Mario, Sonic and Mega Man at the end of the trailer

    6. Villager -- "You came to the wrong neighborhood, ************"

    7. Little Mac -- standard fare to me

    8. Shulk -- the trailer was rather boring to me when compared to the other trailers. I also honestly do not like Shulk's English voice acting.

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