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Posts posted by Roflolxp54

  1. As far as I can tell, Lucina, Tharja, Chrom, Cordelia, Lon'qu, Henry, Gaius and Stahl are the ones that are massively popular in the fanbase. To some extent, even Anna and Tiki can make a case for themselves since they're classic characters. Frederick is also pretty popular mostly because of a certain critical hit/skill activation quote and for quoting Reggie Fils-Aime in his A-support with Robin.

    Owain, Inigo and Severa are pretty popular if the fanservice CGs are of any indication.

  2. Reggie Fils-Aime: "Not my problem."

    People can decide for themselves who to marry and which characters get hitched. If people complain about the pairings, that's their problem. Their playthroughs are their own.

  3. 1. Last skill equipped in the parents' skillsets.

    2. CANNOT be DLC skills (Limit Break, Paragon, Iote's Shield, All Stats +2, Rally Heart, Bonds, Resistance +10, Aggressor)

    3. Cannot be skills that the child character has already learned by default as a lv. 10 starting class

    4. Olivia CANNOT pass down Special Dance

    Lucina: Dual Strike+, Charm, Aether (always inherit from Chrom)

    Owain: Avoid +10, Vantage

    Inigo: Armsthrift, Patience, Rightful King (if Olivia married Chrom)

    Cynthia: Speed +2, Relief, Aether (if Sumia married Chrom)

    Severa: Armsthrift, Patience

    Nah: Odd Rhythm

    Yarne: Even Rhythm

    Noire: Skill +2, Prescience

    Gerome: Strength +2, Tantivy

    Kjelle: Defense +2, Indoor Fighter, Aether (if Sully married Chrom)

    Brady: Miracle, Healtouch, Rightful King (if Maribelle married Chrom)

    Laurent: Magic +2, Focus

    For the case of Morgan, his/her starting class depends on the starting class of the player character's spouse. If the player character is married to Chrom, Lucina, Olivia or Walhart, Morgan defaults to the Tactician class.

    Female Morgan automatically inherits Aether if the male player character marries Lucina.

    Female Morgan automatically inherits Shadowgift if the male player character marries Aversa.

    Male Morgan automatically inherits Rightful King if the female player character marries Chrom.

    Male Morgan automatically inherits Conquest if the female player character marries Walhart.

    Grinding for skills/stats can help save some time (ie. having to do less grinding in a low-movement class like General) when training the children characters. Children can also inherit skills not normally possible for them to learn via reclassing due to gender restrictions of classes.

    Male-only inheritable skills: HP +5, Zeal, Gamble, Despoil, Rally Strength, Counter, Wrath, Axefaire, Aptitude, Underdog

    Female-only inheritable skills: Resistance +2, Demoiselle, Speed +2, Relief, Rally Speed, Lancefaire, Rally Movement, Galeforce, Rally Resistance, Dual Support+

    Dancer-only inheritable skill: Luck +4

  4. 1. Limit Break: Great for almost any unit (barring most units that try to abuse Vantage+Vengeance)

    2. Armsthrift: Limit Break + Armsthrift for almost all units that can have the combination -- can't break their own weapons

    3. Galeforce: For sweeping Golden Gaffe in 2 turns using Auto-Blitz as well as using hit-and-run tactics on Counter enemies

    4. Renewal: A big life saver in most situations -- trollish healing when stacked with standing on a fort and has some synergy with Counter

    5. Luna, Ignis and Sol (3-way tie): Luna is basically a way to troll defensive units as well as those enemy units with Pavise(+)/Aegis(+). Ignis has a somewhat similar effect via the boost provided by the unused offensive stat. Sol's a lifesaver on Lunatic/Lunatic+.

  5. I used my Normal Casual file for grinding up units that will be saved into the Avatar Logbook so they can be rehired later if needed in a higher difficulty (Lunatic or Lunatic+). Normal Casual is great for grinding since Reeking Boxes are viable and you can rack up lots of stat boosters if you constantly grind using Reeking boxes. Casual mode's also good if you want to get the DLC Katarina card from the Apotheosis map without having to worry too much about losing units (especially if you want Katarina quickly to help out in higher difficulties).

  6. Robin + Cordelia

    Chrom + Frederick

    Chrom + F!Robin

    Libra + Virion

    Laurent + Nah

    Robin + Kellam

    Miriel + Lon'qu

    Maribelle + Lon'qu

    Anna + M!Robin

    Anna + F!Robin

    Tiki + M!Robin

    Tiki + F!Robin

    Robin + Sumia

    Robin + Lissa

    Lucina + F!Robin (unrelated)

    Robin + Severa (related)

    Robin + Severa (unrelated)

    Noire + F!Robin

    M!Robin + Lucina

    M!Robin + Cherche

  7. Chapter 1:

    Frederick: Milord! Milady! Are you hurt?

    Lissa: Frederick! I'm Batman!

    Chapter 2:

    Chrom: What next, (f*** me/my waifu)? Guide our swords.

    Frederick: Might I advise patience, milord? (f*** me/my waifu) is a fine tactician, but we have been working him/her mercilessly. Even the best of us needs rest.

    Chrom + Frederick A support:


    Er... Frederick?! For the love of the gods! I have a meeting with my butt!

    Oh, yes, here s/he is now. Hello, my butt. Do pardon the intrusion.

    Frederick! We don't need you to... You can dust later! And actually, you don't need to dust my butt at all, Frederick! ...FREDERICK!

    F!Avatar + Gerome C support:

    I'm Batman: Hello, Gerome.

    Gerome: I'm Batman.

    ... XD

  8. Nowi + Tiki.

    They get a conversation together in the Harvest Scramble map (in which the characters that talk to each other normally already support each other in the main game and are of the same gender) despite normally not being able to support each other. They are also the 2 oldest members of the Shepherds.

    A lot of the conversations seen in the Beach Scramble and Hot Spring Scramble maps can serve as somewhat of a basis for support conversations that could never be seen in game. (Frederick + Kellam, Chrom + Stahl, Chrom + Ricken, Cordelia + Tharja, Brady + Gerome, etc.)

  9. If you use a generic Avatar-F, yeah. But naming your Avatar after other members of the cast and marrying Chrom is funny and you can't tell the difference on Lucina's "family" section on her stats screen.

    Lucina: Father: Chrom. Mother: Chrom.

    Ah yes, I remember seeing a screenshot on Miiverse saying that Chrom and Cordelia got S-rank support (via this joke). There's also some hilarity to ensue if you name your character in a certain way (I've seen "I'm Batman," "my butt," "my waifu," "(insert 4 letter swear word here)...")

  10. I mean it doesn't totally break those ships, as the possibility is there that in those ships one of the two is transgendered and they could have biological children that way. And of course adoption. You could very well interpret Ike leaving with Soren or Ranulf as either an extremely close friendship thing, or IS slipping gay couples past the public. It's all up to personal headcanons.

    I also like the idea of Priam coming from Ike over Mist, because he's supposed to be descendant of the Radiant Hero, not the Radiant Hero's sister.

    As for why he doesn't have Aether, I'm guessing it's to emphasize that it's an exalt thing? I'm glad he at least has Sol and Luna.

    It could be another case of IS putting fanservice into the game (in the case of exalts having Aether).

    As for Priam and why he doesn't have Aether but has Sol and Luna, it's possible that since he seeks to be powerful, he hasn't learned how to perform Aether properly as in piece Sol and Luna together and fire them off in quick succession. (His in-game bio also describes him as "more brawn than brains.") It's also possible that Ike's technique for Aether may have been lost to history and Priam recently rediscovered it and the Aether Chrom and his female descendants have may be a variation.

  11. They can't get Dragonskin because a certain Father of the Year didn't pass it down to Robin ^ ^+ (Thanks dad!)

    And Morgans are already OP even if they're not 3rd gen, so I have no problem with even more OP xD Run amok my godly children!

    Nah, it could be a situation similar to that of Lissa and the Brand of the Exalt. Also, Grima Blood plus Grima Blood...

  12. Do you have any more fanart of this pairing and/or family, because I need more ;A;

    And Rightful God sounds badass! Screw Dragonskin (THANKS Daddy, for not passing that down!)

    As for Asset Flaw, since Robin's Resistance is naturally flawed as long as the chosen Asset & Flaws counter that then it's truly an unstoppable family. (But of course little to no credit will be given outside of the Grimleal -….eh- because we're not the exalted blood~ >:'P)

    -In my opinion, in my current file I gave Raena Asset HP and (I think) Flaw Luck, but because I chose HP she's well balanced out (and oddly enough despite her "crap luck" she got crits in Chapter 1 and found great weapons like Superior Lance in Chapter 2. xD) There we have it :D Now give me my dream family Nintendo! T^T

    If such a pairing were to be possible, could we actually set both Robins' Asset-Flaw combinations? (inb4somebodygetsROMofFE13andhacksit)

    Double +HP/-Lck marriage (because it's my most fave Asset/Flaw combo for being so ridiculously balanced):

    +HP/-Lck M!Robin + +HP/-Lck F!Robin =

    M!Morgan and F!Morgan with stat cap mods of: +1 Str, +1 Mag, +1 Skl, +1 Spd, -1 Lck, +5 Def, +5 Res

    Too str0nk. And I'd bet that since the Morgan twins are such gamebreakers that they'd have BOTH Dragonskin and Rightful God inherited. If they weren't broken already, they'd have an HP cap of 99 instead of 80.

  13. How to get 16 movement like a boss:

    1. Be a Paladin, Bow Knight, Wyvern Lord, Griffon Rider, Dark Knight, Falcon Knight, Dark Flier, or Valkyrie.

    2. Use Boots.

    3. Be equipped with the Movement +1 and Deliverer skills.

    4. Be in a Pair Up with a Thief, Trickster, Great Knight, Griffon Rider, Bow Knight, Dark Knight or Conqueror.

    5. Be hit by Rally Movement and Rally Heart.

  14. Sumia is the easiest to get Galeforce on since she starts off as a Pegasus Knight -- she only needs a Master Seal once she's level 10+ to become a Dark Flier.

    Maribelle, F!Avatar and Olivia require Second Seals, which are not available in bulk until Chapter 16, Paralogue 6 (Inigo), 10 (Severa) or 16 (Nah) is completed. Sully and Maiden, of course, do not offer the Pegasus Knight line to Lucina.

    It's easy to do on Normal mode because of how cheap the Reeking boxes are (500 G per Reeking box; 250 w/ Silver Card). All that matters on that difficulty is if you're willing to grind or not.

    Hard mode and up however may require DLC since Reeking boxes are 4800 G per Reeking box; 2400 G w/ Silver Card.

    If you have DLC and are willing to use it, getting Lucina to inherit Galeforce is only a matter of you being willing to grind or not -- EXPonential Growth is plenty enough to help out for Sumia.

  15. If we're going "other supports implying things", we can start tearing apart your OTP, if you'd like.

    No need to start a flame ship war. (A wild pun appeared!) This thread is meant for sharing OPINIONS, not antagonizing others into starting debates.

  16. I second that. xD I wish I could marry my MUs to other MUs I pick up on Streetpass. Tactician family for the win~

    (And maybe this way we'd get both our precious kids. :D -Hopefully they're not both named Morgan though.)

    I wish that can happen, too -- potentially the most OP family ever and it's considered "canon" because of the Future Past DLC.

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