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About Ron

  • Birthday 06/27/1994


  • Member Title
    Soren - best mage of all time

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  • Interests
    Video games, music, and manga/anime
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday, sorry for being a little late!!!

  2. Happy Birthday!!!

  3. Happy Birthday!!!

  4. I've heard that this is probably one of (if not the) best FE out there & it has a good deal of similarities and differences alike compared to the more recent installments such as PoR & RD (remakes don't count imo) Basically what should I know about FE4 before starting my 1st ever playthrough? Good units, Bad units, pairings, 1st Gen/2nd Gen stuff, etc. I would like to know anything that would help make my 1st playthrough of this game any better
  5. Ron

    Staff User XP rates?

    I'm currently trying to change the XP rates in FE7 if that matters The only hacking tool I currently am using is Nightmare 2.0, would that be good enough to do what I aim to do? I ask this because although there seems to be an Item Editor Module Staffs aren't included in the list After reading one of the text files included it apparently is value 0x01 & the only way I can even do anything to do with 0x01 is in the Spell Association Editor which...doesn't seem to do anything that I aim to do...
  6. As the topic & description states, how do I change how much XP a Staff User receives? Simple question Possibly complicated answer
  7. ...Oh I was under the impression that it made a new file that could be applied as a patch, not a overwritten ROM. It is of little consequence whichever it does, but that does help my understanding, thank you. (definitely new to the world of hacking, but hey, I'm slowly yet surely figuring things out I guess.)
  8. Title says it all. I don't understand why it isn't or why it wouldn't but it's not. I'm trying to save it as an .ips file but I've also tried saving it without adding a file type to the end of the name Any help would be great.
  9. But that's why I wanted the sandwich :( I heard they were special
  10. This is no joke. How DARE you even imply something so idiotic. I'm honestly frothing at the mouth right now, I want to tear your throat open. Sorry, I seen Crash & FFtF & assumed it was
  11. Yes but I am being perfectly serious about becoming your apprentice. TEACH ME. 1st things 1st, I'm gonna need you to make me a sandwich
  12. Strange, that's exactly what your mom said last night o_O I can't believe I was born in the same year as you. Believe me, I'm dissapointed as well
  13. I just wanna be clear: This is a joke topic right?
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