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Posts posted by Furyhaven

  1. Interesting. So that's how they would appear in the during the battle prep screen?

    And without that pointer they would in fact be in the the specified coordinate?

    EDIT: Okay so I added a line like so...

    UNIT 0x10 0x1A 0x0 0x18 [0,5] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x0 [0x4B,0x6C,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0]

    and it still seems the location of the character is way off.

  2. Recently I've been looking into importing maps, and setting up Event Files. I'm stumbling through it but I have made some progress. I looked through a few tutorials for the knowledge I know, and I've done the majority of my testing with Disassembled Event Files from a clean FE8 rom.

    So now I'm working on placing units, and as I do get the most of it, but the unit Coordinates are not making any sense to me, and it's an area that seems that it would be pretty much in black and white. Typically I cant make anything of the coordinates for the chapters I have looked at. I first tried on the prologue, and chapter 1. I thought there may be some odd cutscene thing going on that messes around with the unit coordinates, so I then tried on chapter 2 and 3. Still cant make anything of what is in place.

    Here's what I'm pretty sure is the playable units for Chapter 3.

    ORG $8B4574
    UNIT 0x1 0x2 0x0 0x8 [0,11] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B44D4 [0x9,0x6C,0x6C,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0]
    UNIT 0x5 0x45 0x0 0x8 [0,12] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B44DC [0x4B,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0]
    UNIT 0x7 0x3D 0x0 0x8 [0,10] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B44E4 [0x2C,0x6C,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0]
    UNIT 0x6 0x48 0x0 0x10 [0,12] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B44EC [0x15,0x6C,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0]
    UNIT 0x3 0x9 0x0 0x28 [0,10] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B44F4 [0x14,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0]
    UNIT 0x4 0x5 0x0 0x8 [0,11] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B44FC [0x1,0x14,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0]
    UNIT 0x8 0x1A 0x0 0x8 [0,10] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B4504 [0x2D,0x6C,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0]
    UNIT 0x2 0x7 0x0 0x8 [0,12] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B450C [0x3,0x17,0x6C,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0]
    UNIT 0xA 0x3F 0x0 0x20 [0,10] 0b 0x0 0x1 0x8B4514 [0x1F,0x0,0x0,0x0] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0]
    From what I understand, the first brackets are the coordinates, the first being [0,11].
    With coordinates usually being in XY format, I'd assume 0 is X and 11 is Y.
    Now with the X coordinate for every unit being 0 on this list, shouldn't they all be in a straight line across the Y axis?
    Well sadly for me, they are not. They are placed in sort of a diamond formation, with one unit askew. Please can somebody shed some light on this situation? I've searched everywhere and nobody seems to have had this problem before, well at least everyone but me could figure it out lol.
    (On a side note, i'm using the IDs in my event file because i'm not sure if setting up a character like this UNIT Rebecca Sniper_F Eliwood Level(5,Ally,False) [8,12] [10,5] can be used alongside the way it is Disassembled in ID format. I'd also really appreciate help with this as well.)
  3. So today I decided to start working on a rom again since the thrill of playing SSBU for 12 hours daily has slowly subsided, and an age old question once again popped into my head. I would really like to use the animations from FEif, and I would like to know if anyone knows anything yet about ripping the animations from that rom, or if anyone has any of them already ripped.

    I saw here that someone did in fact get one of the animations into an english game.


    I know it's possible to do it the "Hard Way" but I was curious if someone figured out how to export the compiled animations or something like that.

  4. I see. What do you mean by start up items? Like stat boosts or what?

    I also didn't realize you could go higher than level 30, the level cap editor is actually a module I haven't opened yet. I thought I heard somewhere that it only goes to 30 and I guess I ran with the idea without looking into it.

    Do you think if I set the level cap to something like 45, I could keep the growths relatively the same as how they are?

    As for the Item thing, I figured as much. My friend is learning ASM to do all the odd things like this. But the weapon EXP idea is grand, I feel like that could happen with much less work.

  5. I'm currently working on a Fire Emblem 8 hack, in which all the characters have their own animation, meaning the enemies don't replicate any usable units classes. Units also don't class up, but go to level 30. I did this so I had more class animations and class slots to work with. I'm going with the original chapter count of 21 with a 5 chapter split choice. I'd like all characters that you choose to use to be able to make it to level 30 by the end, and max most of their stats.

    Does anyone have any tips for the character's growths so I can accomplish what I'm trying to do without people ending up unbalanced?

    I have max stats for the characters that will appear for the first six chapters as well. If anything is amiss please let me know.

    Class HP,S/M,Skl,Spd,Lck,Def,Res Total Ability | Weapon
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Lords.
    Swordsman 50, 27, 31, 31, 30, 20, 20 = 209 Silencer | Swords
    Archer 55, 25, 31, 29, 30, 22, 21 = 212 Summon | Bows
    Healer 45, 31, 30, 30, 30, 15, 27 = 213 | Healing, other non offensive abilities
    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Characters
    General 60, 29, 25, 23, 30, 30, 24 = 251 Super Armor | Lances
    Greak Kn. 60, 28, 24, 23, 30, 28, 25 = 248 Horse | Axes
    Lanceman 50, 24, 27, 28, 30, 26, 25 = 210 | Lances, Magic
    Swordsman 50, 24, 30, 31, 30, 21, 23 = 209 Crit +15 | Swords
    Hero 55, 25, 30, 26, 30, 25, 22 = 213 | Swords
    Thief 50, 21, 28, 31, 30, 21, 20 = 201 Avoid +15 | Knives
    Lanceman 51, 25, 29, 29, 30, 24, 22 = 210 | Lances
    *These next three also have their own inherit class spells that make their classes differ.
    Fire Mage 52, 31, 26, 27, 30, 24, 28 = 217 | Magic
    Lightning M. 51, 28, 25, 31, 30, 21, 25 = 210 | Magic
    Wind Mage 49, 24, 29, 29, 30, 20, 22 = 203 Crit +15 | Magic
    Any help is appreciated.
    *another side note, as a way to replace classing up, there will be items that make it so certain classes can use other items.Like a Hero using swords that uses the special item makes the Hero use Swords and Axes.
  6. Okay cool thanks, I was wondering about that. I just don't quite understand why my character is using the ranged animation for the iron lance, no matter what I've tried.

    If it means anything else, the animation looks correct when you sit at the title screen long enough for it to showcase the classes.

  7. As stated, my problem is with the Fire Emblem 8 Custom Battle Animation Editor in Nightmare. I have two custom animations, the first a lance user, and the the second is him using magic. The Animations are imported correctly as far as I know, but when I have the character attack with a normal lance (in this situation I was testing with an Iron Lance) he always uses the ranged lance animation, and as per usual if a spell animation isn't selected for a weapon the enemy doesn't take damage until after the battle scene is over.

    My other problem is that there aren't enough slots in the custom battle animation editor, which I have read can be worked around. Thing is I don't quite understand what people mean by "make sure to use separators" when I use more than one tab in the editor(more than 4 weapon slots). I also don't know what to put as the battle animation pointer in the class editor. I used these two sections; 8E60630 and 8E60620. I also used 8E60630 as the battle animation pointer in the class editor.

    Under 8E60630, I set the four slots like this.

    Weapon Type - All Spears/Iron Sword

    All Weapons or a Certain One? - All Weapons for a Weapon Type

    Animation Played - Spear Animation

    Separator - 0

    Weapon Type - All Anima/Iron Blade

    All Weapons or a Certain One? - All Weapons for a Weapon Type

    Animation Played - Anima Animation

    Separator - 0

    Weapon Type - Javelin

    All Weapons or a Certain One? - Custom Animation for a Weapon

    Animation Played - Spear Animation

    Separator - 0

    Weapon Type - Slender Spear (**BTW, is this the for the Spear?**)

    All Weapons or a Certain One? - Custom Animation for a Weapon

    Animation Played - Spear Animation

    Separator - 0

    Then the 8E60630 is set up like this

    Weapon Type - Short Spear

    All Weapons or a Certain One? - Custom Animation for a Weapon

    Animation Played - Spear Animation

    Separator - 0

    Weapon Type - FF

    All Weapons or a Certain One? - 255

    Animation Played - FF

    Separator - 255

    Weapon Type - FF

    All Weapons or a Certain One? - 255

    Animation Played - FF

    Separator - 255

    Weapon Type - FF

    All Weapons or a Certain One? - 255

    Animation Played - FF

    Separator - 255

    I feel like the FF's in the second section are where I am wrong, but I'm not sure what to put there because the only thing that says separator is for All Swords.

    Although aside from all this, I decided to test it out without the Magic animation, so I didn't have to use more than one tab in the editor, but I get the same result. That being he still uses the ranged spear animation for the Iron Spear. I'm testing this over Eirika by the way if it is of importance. Any help will be greatly appreciated, and I would be happy to provide any more information that is needed to fix my problem.

  8. Alright, so my problem is with Erika and Epheraim's palettes. I have seen that this has been talked about before, but the asker I was reading knew a bit more than I.

    One of the options suggested was to repoint Erika and Epheraim's palettes to a new location, and set up a custom palette there. I don't quit know how to do this because the FE8 Battle Palette Reference doesn't list Erika or Epheraim, so I don't know where to set the new pointer.

    The easiest method I could think of was editing the color palette of the 5 attack sheets themselves, for the Lord class seems to load its palette from there. The problem I am having here is when I try to reinsert the attack sheets, FEditor Advanced tells me I have more than 16 colors, and wont let me insert. Then I opened up Usenti, and did my recoloring there with hopes of staying below colors, and I changed the three colors I wanted to change, and saved. FEditor Adv still is giving me the more than 16 colors message, and I'm not sure how. I used the Requantize option in Usenti and set it to 16 colors, same result. Usenti is also saving the sheets I edit without a blank background, its that green color that represents blankness usually. I'm not sure if this matters.

    On an semi-unrelated note, I would also like to know if it's possible to insert battle animations into FE 8 without replacing another existing animation. This isn't quit as important to me as of now though.

  9. Nightmare modules are all just text, the dropdown options are all just text; yes, that is how it works and it is awesome. It would be more awesome if it were more accurate with representing reference and boolean data types OH WAIT

    Nightmare 2.0 does that

    Nightmare 3 (or whatever he's calling it) will be much better though (when Zahlman finishes it) because it will be more like a compiler, resolving all kinds of issues with

    - modularity (nightmare (the original) and nightmare 2.0 both have no real future as far as adding support for unique data types)

    - memory management (FEditor has shown that trying to manage memory within a binary file is awful; nm 3.0 won't manage memory over time but will instead compile everything all at once, removing issues of program interoperability of free space)

    - accessibility (nm 2.0 is already cross platform due to being in java, but nm 3 will be in python which is (also cross platform. but also) simpler to write, build, deploy and use)

    - possibly other stuff I can't think of

    So yeah we should bug Zahlman to finish that.

    Awesome, that makes it easy to manage who is over who and all that.

    I tried to add a new entry but obviously that didn't work. Is it possible to add a new slot for standing map sprites? I know you can do it with moving sprites because its just a pointer and you can point it where you inserted it, but it seems that the standing sprite needs its own entry.

  10. Sorry to jump into this thread, but it's related to the issue I'm having: If I were inserting a new class and didn't want to replace any others, what .txt file should I edit so that my standing sprite dropdown box in nightmare expands? I'm guessing 0x00 through 0x57 are all being used, but that's as far as my table goes and I can't find the related .txt file to change that.

    Edit: Ended up just opening the module via notepad and editing the list there. I can get the standing sprite to display now, but the character disappears when I hover the cursor over them. Any idea what gives?

    If that is how Nightmare works that would be too awesome. If I knew anything I would help.

    But anyway, thank you a lot, I finally got everything working how I wanted it. Suchhh a relief.

    I looked into B30000 with HxD as well and saw that its hex digits are indeed blank, and as you said were blank for quite a while. Idk how I didnt see that massive chunk of blank hex before lol.

    Again thanks a lot, I will be able to use this information a lot in the future.

  11. Okay so I just got home and tried what you said on a previous backup, and now I get an error when loading my rom with my emulator. Somethings really messed up haha. I would post a picture but it wont let me paste.

    Basically it says

    The Following error(s) occured when loading the cartrige:

    Bad Header Checksum (Real Gameboy Would Shut Down)

    Bad Rom Entry Point at Header [000h]

    Bad Fixed Value 96h at Header [0B2h]

    then a bunch of other stuff saying that I may have tried to open something that isn't a Rom.

    I tried both 0xD00000 and 0xDD0000 like in the tutorial for my offsets.

    I am guessing, now this is a guess, that the digit in the tutorial is a blank spot of hex in Fire Emblem 7, and I am having issues because I am modding Fire Emblem 8? I opened the hex editor for what it's worth in my hands, and went to those offsets and they seemed like they had information there, unlike the FFs or whatever you are supposed to see.

    Also, for sure it's the insertion in GBAGE, because the previous backup works from what I can tell, and the Rom breaks directly after that.


  12. Awesome that worked out perfectly, thank you. Although, now I am running into problems with the Moving sprite. I inserted the animation in GBAGE to the offset D00000, then opened the entry where I wanted to call it in the misc map sprite editor, and put that offset as the animation pointer. When I tested it in game, it crashed. I'm not sure where to put the animation where it will work. I checked the tutorial you gave me, but hex is a sea of confusion to me as well, so I don't know what to look for when it comes to finding a blank spot to insert animations, or how I find the offset to call for the pointer once I do.

  13. Okay I'm new to hacking Fire Emblem, so I apologize in advanced if any of my question's answers are obvious.

    The things I'm trying to accomplish seem simple enough. I also refer to the Ultimate Tutorial for most of my information.

    My first problem is with Map Sprites. I have already inserted the new moving map sprite into my Rom, over the correct class, and it worked great, and looks how it's supposed to. It's the standing map sprite that I have having my problem with, as the class's original map sprite picture size is smaller than the new one's. I unchecked abort if new graphics are bigger than old, just to see how it turned out, and of naturally it looks messed up in game. Is there a way to format the class's map sprite graphic so it fits the new graphic? Or maybe an alternative way to get what I am trying to do?

    My second problem is also with Map Sprites. When you hover your selecter over one of your units on the map, or open their info window, the map sprite plays a specific animation, and I cant find in the Ultimate Tutorial where to find the proper offset to edit this animation.

    My third and final problem seems more convoluted. What I'm trying to do is add Hector and Roy into Fire Emblem 8, over Civillain 3(F), with Myrmidon (F)'s battle animation, and the Female Shaman classes. The issue is, I cant seem to find out how to make it so when Hector uses an axe, it plays the Female Myrmidon animation where I inserted his axe attack. It acts as if there is no animation set to play. I only assume that it is because the Civillain has no weapon skill and thus no animation, and the Myrmidon (F) is scripted to be a sword, although I am not sure of this. I also assume I will have this problem with Roy as well, for the Female Shaman animation is not for a sword. My prior experience with inserting new battle animations are all, coincidentally over classes using the correct weapon, so I have never had this problem before. I also looked into solving this myself, and I have seen people asking about this before, because I guess Fire Emblem 8's Custom Battle Animation module is set up differently than Fire Emblem 7's, but the words everyone uses are a bit foreign to me sometimes, so nothing solved my problem. I appreciate anyone trying to help me with any of my problems, because as of right now I'm kind of stuck.

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