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Posts posted by Rallen

  1. Well, her contributions aren't awesome at all when you train her, so she's not worth training and dumping a bunch of resources. I have a soft spot for growth units but if you want to use her, that's up to you.

    Her growths are mostly around the 50%s overall, her best stats are Sp, Lck, Def and Res, so you'll want to BEXP lv up for Str and Skl as soon as she caps like, res at Tier 1 and Sp, Def and Res by Tier 2 and 3. She'll need a max mt/crt forge by P1 to avoid AS reduction and actually hope on her killing units and or crtkilling them. You'll like to save the P1 Energy Drop, Dracoshield and Seraph Robe to make her less shitty and a bit more reliable. Just feed her the most kills you can under your turn limit and take advantage of her growths. By 1-E for the sake of goodness, dump her all the BEXP you have, promote her with a Seal and assign her Adept. By that time she'll double most enemies (in NM) and ORKO mages, there are thieves and plenty of enemies to feed her kills. Now, by P3 she'll have a hard time at 3-6 and will barely see combat if you're rushing but if you're getting in the corner then she'll level up a bit with the mentioned resources. By 3-12 give her Killer Lance, Adept and pray for crts and kills, so by 3-13 she'll be already Tier 3 and be kind of on par with the rest of your units. If you ever decide to use Fiona just train only one DBer because she'll demand every single resource and then you'll end up with a bunch of crappy units.

    Wow..That is alot just to make her on par with everyone else! I think I'll pass on fiona, this seems like alot of experience I could give to someone like Aran or Edward. thanks for replying! ^^

    On the next play through I may live dangerously and use her on Hard mode just for the challenge

  2. Now that I think about it, training her is going to suck because the next part of the game I cant use her in, and the next times that I can, her movement will be lowered. Jesus her and Meg are quite the challenege to use. Also I wouldnt dare use her in hard mode xD

  3. Im new here and idk if this is the right place to ask, but here I go! My Wii stopped being able to read discs a while ago so I have to download the ISO's online now, but I cant seen to find an NA version FE10(Radiant Dawn), so if anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it! >.< I would use PAL but I cant access my previous NA save data or data transfer from FE9.

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