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Posts posted by aizengard

  1. How does Bleach have a crappy translation? I've only ever watched the dub and read the manga and the dub never seemed wrong.

    Except in the case of some of 4kids dubs, that's called localization, and it should be the job of any translator whether dubbing or subbing. You can't transliterate and expect it to flow well in any language because languages are structured differently from one another, so you need to make it so that it makes sense to your target audience. In the case of dubbing, they also need to fit lip flaps.

    sorry i didnt quite mean translation its that most of the stuff they say sounds odd and annoys the crap out of me. most of the stuff they say would make sence if you know japanese humor (sorry cant think of any off the top of my head so this argument is in vain -_-;).

  2. i've been wanting to watch a new anime but i cant find a good dub. i saw episode one of the fairy tail dub and it sucked so i need to find a good dub. i dont mind watching a subbed anime but i have to be in the mood to watch it subbed. i like horror comidy fantasy and action. i hate vamp romance and echi (i hate echi more then i hate vamp romance anime).

  3. i do love dub's but i will agree Big Klingy on the translation part but on diffrent terms. sometimes the dub can be really good but have crapy translation like bleach (even though i dont like the dub very much) or anything 4kids does.

    one of my favorate voice actors is Dan Green and look at how many crapy translations he was in. i also dont really it when they change a line around to where its not the same as a jappanese line (part of the reson why i dont like the bleach dub) but for me its always the acting or the translation.

  4. As for games, I'm pretty sure Atlus is usually where the dubs are pretty equal, if not better, than the original voices from what I've heard people say, same with NIS.

    didn't NIS do the dub of Sakura wars? *shudders*

    Overall... I haven't really heard any truly bad ones before (unless you count Chaos Wars but I don't call that acting) so I usually watch the dubs anyway. Unless the main character is voiced by Wendee Lee.

    Then I refuse. hi haurhi

    I agree with you on that!

    ...oh you want to know what I think? I don't care with anime. Video games I rather have them dubbed unless its Sakura Wars or Soul calibur 4 and onward. SC2 had a great dub IMO. Another great Video Game dub? Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes. *Runs Away*

  5. It saddens me than nobody posted this yet.


    Also, here's a link to my pick for ending theme.

    Rurouni Kenshin Third Ending - Heart of Sword

    Yes, they're both T.M. Revolution. Why? Because he makes the best freakin' Anime themes that have ever graced my ears.

    it makes me sad as well...

    fanboy time dont you mean abingdon boys school cus you know there not the same band although they have the same singer. :awesome:

  6. Mkay, first off, I hate what you've done to Jarod at the start. He would never get drunk. Out of all the face value evil in FE10 (Read: cliche and boring) Jarod is the only villain who gets my respect, because he is doing what he wants, not just being evil.

    You shouldn't have ignored Aran's chapter. It has two of the best characters! Aran and Ilyana :< (And he does have character)

    Mkay, you made me chuckle at the abridged part of the end of Pain and Agony's chapter. That was mildly funny.

    This is the kind of humor that you're missing. You need more of it if you want more people reading/more people laughing.

    Now, as for the self-insertion part, I know I complained about how people integrate themselves into the story, but, since you've already done it, you need to do it more. All your character's comments feel useless and out of place, since only a few of them get a response from a character, and the only character you interact with is Nolan, for the most part.

    More stuff like this. It's funny, it's silly, and it fits into your calling this an abridged series.

    Over all, it was well written, but it was... Boring. Sorry to say. It felt really bland, and only a few of the jokes were enjoyable. If you're going to call this an abridged series, then abridge it. Don't take text from the game, make your own. Make more like the actual abridging you did. Those were enjoyable.

    That's all I have to say. It didn't "lolololol suck", but it wasn't that good, either.

    You're probably just going to say "Blah blah blah that's just your opinion" in the end, so, this post is probably pointless XD

    what it was is that hawk and i are good friends so i was being a little sarcastic about it. i do agree with you though so i wasnt mad i thought most of the same stuff you thought of so......yeah

    oops i quoted the wrong thing.....

  7. Read the manga. :\

    Really, the show does suck, if you read it it's tons better.

    thanks i'll try it sometime

    wow i only got a few replies maybe i should have put hentai hentai as the tag...

    im kidding. but does anyone know where else i can post this?

  8. I know it took a while but it's done. Thanks to The Hawk for editing it and everything else.


    Hello everyone, this is my review of Mahou Sensei Negima, also known as Negima! Magister Negi Magi, also known as…forget it, let’s get on with it. Negima’s story starts off with a middle school student named Asuna and her 9 year old teacher Negi...yes, you just read that right. It turns out that Negi is a Magi, which apparently means Magician in training. One day Asuna sees Negi casting magic to save a girl who fell off the stairs. This is apparently a bad thing because Negi tells her that no one is supposed to know that he’s really a Magi and if anyone finds out he won’t be able to practice magic, and he’ll have to go home to England. This might not be a bad idea actually because, well, did I forget to mention that his whole class is made up of love-struck schoolgirls who ALL seem to have the hots for him? Did I mention he’s 9 years old in a class full of middle school students? Ladies and gentlemen, that’s just the tip of the iceberg; it only gets weirder from here.


    The story here supposedly focuses on Negi. I say supposedly because most of the focus seems to be on Asuna who is supposedly not the main protagonist. To be fair I’ve only seen five episodes of it but…well, I’ll get back to that in just a second. Getting back on topic, one of the best parts of any good story is character development, right? Negima takes this advice to heart by taking a few little chunks of character development and randomly throwing them into the series before going back to being…Negima. Like I said, I’ve only seen five episodes of this so maybe from episode six onward it turns into a great storyline juggernaut but I seriously doubt it. From what I’ve seen, Negima is all about the stupid fun, not so much about story, and I use the term “fun” loosely while putting emphasis on “stupid.” For example, in the episode when you find out that Negi is looking for his father. He mentions it, and the show goes back to doing what it does best. Well, so much for that, you almost had a real plot going on for a second there but you just couldn’t stick with it, could you? From big revelation to boob contest in a matter of seconds…the term “awkward transition” just doesn’t cut it here. By the way, that boob contest has one of THE most disturbing things I have ever seen. Remember Satoko’s death from Higurashi? Worse than that. But to be fair, character development and an engrossing plot are hard to pull off when the main character’s harem (still disturbing) has at least thirty girls in it! Really? You could take up a full episode just by introducing everyone who has a name in this series! How can you even remember all of these characters, much less try to relate to them or fit them all in the story convincingly? They try a little with Asuna, like the scene where she told Negi that both of her parents died, but anything that vaguely resembles a story is quickly thrown out the window and replaced with fanservice. For example, when Negi sneezes he accidentally summons a whirlwind that tears off some of Asuna’s clothes. I think I can pretty much just leave it at that. In fact, I think I can sum up the series with statements like that.


    Two words; “Walking Clichés.” Okay, I guess I can’t get away with that, but honestly…the characters in this show are just bland. Asuna is that one girl that treats the main character like dirt but secretly, she’s practically gagging for his wizard staff. Notaka is that one girl who blushes like crazy if the main character so much as looks in her direction. Ayaka is that one girl that’s just begging you to hate her, and the list goes on from there. Negi is a little harder to nail down. Of course the obvious choice is that he’s the token little kid character, but then again he’s also the hero of the story. Maybe some people like Negi’s kind of character, but personally I just find him to be annoying all around. Oh, and we can’t forget Professor Takahata, who might be the most bland character in the entire cast. All we really know about him (for now) is that he’s been taking care of Negi for a while and he…seems to have a thing for Asuna. Wow. What’s even worse is that Asuna seems to have a thing for him. Excuse me for a minute, gotta go throw up.


    The animation here is pretty basic and bland. Nothing really sticks out, except for the fact that once in a while I could almost swear that Asuna’s eyes switch colors. Also, am I the only one who gets annoyed by the transparent hair that keeps showing up in anime? Where you can see a character’s eyes through their hair? Yes, I know I’m just being nitpicky, but there’s really not much to talk about here. Although I will admit that the character designs aren’t half bad, the rest goes from average to below average. A good example of this is the opening which has your usual upbeat anime theme song while showing…a slow motion game of volleyball? So like I said, not really bad but not really good either. By the way, Takahata kinda looks like Father Anderson from Hellsing. Go ahead and let that mental image roll around in your head for a while. Here's another thought, what's with that white haired girl in the background that never does anything? She's just kind of there, and for some reason she makes me think of the Toasty guy from Mortal Kombat. You know, the guy who pops up randomly when you--never mind, let's keep moving on.


    Probably the worst part of the entire show. It sucks, it’s bland, it’s poorly composed, it sucks, and the only piece of music from Negima that could possibly be considered good is the opening. The opening is upbeat and catchy and it fits the series pretty well, it’s much better than anything else this show has to offer. Besides for that, well, you could always mute the TV and load up some DragonForce to make everything that much more EPIC.

    Voice Acting

    Well, I have some good news about this. It’s about the same no matter which dub you listen to. And by that, I mean they’re equally annoying, and neither of them are really that good at all. Greg Ayres is a GOOD voice actor so why, oh why, do they have him playing a little kid with a bad British accent?! On the Japanese side, it’s way too obvious that Negi is played by a woman. This problem is pretty common I know, but you know what else is common? Gay sex. And I’ll say the same thing about both of these situations; if it’s going to happen then I don’t want to be in earshot range when it’s happening because I don’t want to hear anything that’s going to make me lose sleep tonight. Anyways, the only voices I actually liked somewhat were Asuna’s English voice and Notaka’s Japanese voice. Overall, I’d stick with the Sub just to avoid little-British-boy Greg Ayres.


    I know I’ve pretty much spent this entire review putting Negima down, but really, it’s not all that terrible. It’s the kind of show where you have to be into this kind of show to like it, I really don’t know how else to describe it. I do like the occasional harem romance anime, but this series just…doesn’t work for me. It didn’t make me laugh, it didn’t make me think, and it didn’t make me care about the character’s relationships, I just couldn’t get into it at all. Part of the problem is that it seems like the series is trying to juggle too many things at once, and doesn’t really succeed with any of them in my opinion. Another problem is that plague on anime and bane of all good stories everywhere, fanservice overload. I mean really, is it necessary?

    Try it out if you really like the genre, but if you don’t, this isn’t going to get you hooked. All in all, I give Mahou Sensei Negima a 4 out of 10.

    Thanks for reading and tell me what you think. Next time it's Elfen Lied.

  9. hmmmmm i thought about that its just i cant think of anything.

    i thought about Sengoku Basara samurai kings or Shiki. i just wanted to know what anyone else thought.

    oh and i dont care what it is as long as its not hentai.

  10. Is this gonna be like a series or something?

    This is one of somewhat few I'd say sub on. In the dub a good deal of the main characters (specifically Keiichi, Rika, and Satoko) were miscast and ended up sounding bad to horrible. The twins and most of the supporting cast were fine, though not good enough to save it overall. My only hope is that FUNi re-dubs it now that they have it like they did with Initial D.

    I thought the same thing and what makes it worse is that i dont like Mion and Shions va that much but liked them in this.

    i thought about making this a series not sure yet.

  11. thought i would start some dub vs sub topics of anime.

    i thought i would start with higurashi no naku koro ni (or when they cry).

    i found out a lot of people hate the dub of this anime for it being so close to the original but isnt that what most people hate about dubs in the first place?

    i liked how close to the original it was but was not a big fan of the dub actors.

    ill say i liked the sub beter for the acting a sakoto's english va wasnt in it.

  12. Dubs if I can tolerate it. Subs otherwise.

    Examples of English dubs I've found good would be Death Note and Full Metal Alchemist.

    Examples of English dubs I've found terrible would be the first One Piece dub and this. Golden Boy's too but Kintaro's voice seemed so stupid often that it somehow made it amusing >_>.

    I've seen sub advocates that are so adamant it's as if they believe there's some super special awesome reward they'll get for hating even the good dubs. It's hilarious.

    that vid was funny. but come on its 4kids of corse it would be bad.

    I'm sorry, but Ghost Story was just horrible. Their puns weren't even funny. But I can say that the people who dubbed Best Student Council(I was bored, sue me.They had a nice catchy opening too) was pretty good. They kept most of the original script and they actually made stuff funny and made sense.

    I feel ike listening to their opening again.

    same thing with higurashi but for some reson people hate it for that.

    i like that they did that with higurashi but if only i liked the voice for keiichi

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