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Blaze The Great

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Posts posted by Blaze The Great

  1. There is so much that is talked about but never explained. The Valm arc, as interesting as it could have been, doesn't really fit. The time travel, while it does fit, just doesn't seem realistic at all. Robin is a total Gary sue.

    But my number one gripe is that is just doesn't feel like Fire Emblem. It's basically "oh, a baddy. Let's fight and just beat the baddy. We beat him!" There's not much depth, and in a series that has such traditionally good stories as FE, that's kind of embarrassing.

  2. What a terrible example. None of the things I stated result in death

    I don't actually see the problem in legalizing this

    er, there's a lot more than one kind of drug.

    Advil and Tums are drugs, are beneficial for your health, and are perfectly legal.

    Marijuana is a drug, but doesn't have lead to many health problems. It's also illegal

    Meth, coke, and tobacco are drugs, illegal, and lead to many health problems. You gotta be a bit more specific.

    The first example was a harsh one, but it wasn't unreasonable. As for the drugs, I suppose I could have been more specific, but I did say in my post something about "legalizing" which should have put the emphasis on illegal ones. I'll take the fault on this one.

    Now, whether or not these things SHOULD be legalized is a whole different topic, and one I don't want to touch. My point is that you didn't have much reasoning beyond "some formerly taboo things are legal now, so maybe taboo things now should be legal too".

    From what I've heard, legalizing prostitution would actually probably be a good thing and could help keep prostitutes safe if the institutions were built correctly. It may also help to lessen human trafficking. Again, though, I'm not the most knowledgeable in this area, so don't quote me on that.And there are plenty of advocates to legalize certain illegal drugs such as marijuana, so that idea is definitely not considered universally bad.

    Wouldn't it just be better for the government to give them welfare so that they could get a less...risky job? Maybe I just don't totally understand this, but that sounds like a much more solid solution to me. That's an interesting thought about it potentially lessening human trafficking though.

    As for Marijuana and stuff, I'll listen as long as someone doesn't bring up something like "crime has gone down in Colorado since marijuana was legalized." Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

  3. Wtf at the bolded part. Yes it is... if someone makes a universal statement and you come up with a counterexample to it, it means they're wrong. Basic reasoning.

    Except for the fact that you didn't actually provide a counterexampls. You just said that there was one. Big difference there.

    In all honesty, people just need to get over their irrational fear of taboos. Lots of things in the past were considered taboo, like

    • gay marriage
    • transexuals
    • consorting with people of different ethnic groups
    • practicing science (witch trials)
    But now, these things are, for the most part, publicly accepted. But the instant someone brings up a topic like polygamous relationships, incest, and pedophilia, people start spouting "it's taboo" and stating fixable problems with said topics, and then brush it under the rug and try to ignore it. It's just sad to see that some people refuse to accept change :/

    Well then, how about we legalize murder, prostitution, and drugs? Sounds like a great idea, right?

  4. And I can't see very many polygamous relationships being healthy. Rarely will a whole group of people get along so well like that. It's also possible for two women to like the same man but hate each other's guts.

    zerosabers is right in this case. That would only apply in dating and the like, because polygamy is just like normal marriage in the sense that all parties have to agree to the union. If said women/men are not willing to put up with their lover having multiple spouses, the union will never take place.

    You sure it is not possible for them to hate each other but comply for the sake of their loved spouse, who might want to marry both?

    Haven't you heard of men who have more than one lover (sometimes a wife and a lover) and these lovers know about it, but are willing to go through the mess because of their love for the same person?

    It's possible, but if the women hate each other and both love the man (or switch the genders around) that much, I can almost guarantee that that relationship would not end well. Tensions will boil up, and their mutual hatred will likely result in a divorce from one of the women.

    Also, @ Chiki, remember the "exception that proves the rule" article that you linked to in one of our debates? Saying that there are cases that contradict the statement of your opponent is not a legitimate counter-argument.

  5. Yeah, Takumi is looking to be a pretty OP unit, thanks to that awsome awsome bow that has 14 might and brings all terrain's movement cost to 1. And his skills... one set he might get is Rivalry(personal skill, if he's the lead and his level is lower than the support, Critical rate +10, damage +3 and damage recieved -1), Defence Seal, Speed Seal, Proximity Shot, Bowfaire and Breaking Sky. Damn he looks like the perfect chip unit. And his style is fantastic. What's not to love about him?

    He's on Hoshido

  6. Zach Hill's drumming in general is perfect. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[/size]

    I actually like Red quite a bit (though I'm not a big listener, my sister loves them though), especially their new album, which is absolutely fantastic. Shadow and Soul is amazing. The other two are pretty cool too, but, I'd probably have to say Red would be my favorite out of the three.

    [spoiler=Red - Shadow and Soul]

    Yeah I think their new album is the best. Darkest Part, Gravity Lies, and What You Keep Alive especially. TFK is just below Red for me, and Skillet below TFK.

  7. Thanks but I only wanted to hear Aqua's song and what ended up being the brave version. I don't actually want to spoil most of the music for myself.

    Ichorous Earth has a lot of versions of Aqua's Song along with quite a few other songs with mostly generic titles. That's where I got mine, spoiler-free.

  8. I don't dislike FE10's plot really. There is some stuff that needs to be fixed, but it's not that bad.

    The blood pact, for instance, I personally loved. It added to the sinister feel that was already developing in Part 3, and really just seemed to add more depth to the plot. The only part of it that I didn't like was the fact that Micaiah and Pelleas never even TRIED to do anything about it. Well, besides

    killing Pelleas

    Still, I'm sure they could've tried to at least explain it to Ike and done something from there.

    Also, the end of the story felt a little too...fake. Everybody gets turned to stone, now our heroes have to go kill a goddess, oh but wait the only way to kill her is with Ike's super sword and the power of friendship...yeah it was kinda ridiculous. I don't understand a lot of the complaints about the story, but these are a couple I personally have.

  9. I'll start the next LP in the second week of July (next week). It's still a tie between Immortal Sword and The Last Promise.

    If the poll result won't change, the luck (= myself :P: ) will decide.

    It's actually not a tie, remember? I voted TLP, which made it 5-5. Then I changed my mind and said Immortal Sword, so it's actually 6-4 in favor of Immortal Sword.

  10. Those are hardware sales. I said console software sales are better, and it's true for Nintendo as well. Nintendo fails at selling hardware, but they still enjoy the higher attach rate that comes with a home console.

    PS1: 104 million consoles sold, 960 million games sold.

    PS2: 158 million consoles sold, 1.5 billion games sold.

    Wii: 101 million consoles sold, 940 million games sold.

    DS: 154 million units sold, 942 million games sold.

    GB: 115 million units sold, 501 million games sold.

    PSP: 80 million units sold, 299 million games sold.

    I italicized and bolded the consoles/handhelds that have similar units shipped for comparison. That's all that needs to be said about console vs handheld attach rates.

    Ah, my bad. I totally blanked on the software piece. I won't contest you on that.

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