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Carmine Sword

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Everything posted by Carmine Sword

  1. Momogeek could've survived eating a scorpion, so I'm unsure as to whether he died or not.
  2. Ciraxis and I are discussing how, despite being killed several times already, we always seem to come back to life in time for the next Hunger Game.
  3. @Capri I don't remember much since I was only 3 years old, but I remember that my family stayed at my mom's friend's house during our visit and that we made pizzas from scratch and that we went to the aquarium at some point. Will probably use every Fullmetal Alchemist character as a theme at some point.
  4. Is correct, but it has been almost 16 years since I was last there. Also uses Captain Falcon in Smash Bros.
  5. Knows that Kid Icarus: Uprising is a fun game.
  6. Avatar from the greatest video game of all time.
  7. What's is your favorite part about studying engineering?
  8. Do you find being a moderator to be enjoyable?
  9. The Anime Club at my school had a Death Parade marathon yesterday. I found it to be quite enjoyable. I'm going to start watching Samurai Flamenco next.
  10. Oh my gosh. I totally forgot this was a thing since it had been so long since the last game and I come back to find that I won a game without even knowing. I feel so bad for not being here when it happened. Can I be in the next game?
  11. Even with Panne's growth as high as they are, Taguel still ends up being mediocre due to the aforementioned lack of 1-2 range and 6 move. I don't think Panne would be thought of nearly as highly as she is if reclassing didn't exist.
  12. The Animation Age Ghetto isn't really a thing in Japan, so anime can be considered different than western animation more due to the thematic differences between the two rather than the process in which they are created, as anime can get away with the usage of more mature themes due to animation just being another medium in Japan, unlike the stigma of animation being for children in western countries, despite the existence of animated series that cater specifically to adult audiences.
  13. Is actually in competition with me for that dubious honor.
  14. I prefer the old Makishima avi I had to this one as well, but I didn't want to reuse old avatars. Opinion on how frequently I change avis on a scale of Glac to Jyosua?
  15. I got Spellsword. 56% Combativeness, 20% Sneakiness, 71% Intellect, 17% Spirituality I'm ok with this. It reminds me of the Final Fantasy V Mystic Knight.
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