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Carmine Sword

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Everything posted by Carmine Sword

  1. I heard it as: Yuga, flawless, flawless Yuga! Yuga, powerful Yuga! Fey, ye of harrowed fey! Yuga, flawless, flawless Yuga!
  2. Knows that it's fun to make up lyrics for the aforementioned theme.
  3. Knows that Yuga's battle theme is great.
  4. Doesn't change themes often. EDIT: Everything is broken. EDIT 2: Oh, it's fixed. Ninjas are still a problem though.
  5. Doesn't swear much, if ever. At least on Serenes Forest.
  6. Should know that you can't kill me because I'm Batman, and Batman is the night. Ergo, killing me would destroy an entire time of day, which would plunge the world into chaos. Don't you even think of the consequences of your actions?
  7. Knows that I am ninja'd more than anyone else in this thread.
  8. Will know that I got stuck because I didn't know to break through the web in order to get to the basement. I kept looking for a torch to burn it. BUT THERE WAS NO TORCH. EDIT: Damn it!
  9. Probably didn't get stuck in the Deku Tree the first time playing through Ocarina of Time. EDIT: That was technically a ninja by Draco, but since the fact still applies, I won't complain too much this time.
  10. Knows that there are more Heart Pieces in Majora's Mask than in any other game in the Zelda franchise.
  11. Who told you I was Bruce Wayne? Knows too much.
  12. Awakening may not have had a Warp Staff, but Rescue-skipping achieved pretty much the same result that Warp-skipping does in other games. Perhaps even more so, for even though Rescue staves didn't have unlimited range, you did have an unlimited amount at your disposal due to them being buyable.
  13. Doesn't change his avi as often as Glac does.
  14. Knows that one-thousand suns would be fairly dense.
  15. Will know that said blade strikes with the blistering fury of one-thousand suns.
  16. Because Lugh doesn't have a support with Roy, which is necessary in order to have displayed crit on bosses with Bolting.
  17. Ganondorf, Emperor Mateus, Exdeath, Gilgamesh, Kefka, Adachi, Queen Zeal, Dracula, Pokey Minch. I play a lot of RPGs as you can see.
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