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Carmine Sword

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Everything posted by Carmine Sword

  1. Sully or Sumia maybe? They both join early, give Morgan a good starting class, and can pass down good skills for inheritance.
  2. Brady only starts with D Staves for some reason, unlike every other kid who starts with a C rank in their respective weapon type.
  3. "How to LTC Fire Emblem 6" Written by Irysa Ghost Written by General Horace and Dondon151 Jokes aside, there's no shame in having some help in planning out Chapter strategies and exp allocation. FE6 is kind of unexplored territory in terms of doing a LTC with growths, so having some help is probably a good thing. On a related note, will we get to see Marcus get a perfect level up? I can't imagine how long it would take to rig a perfect level for Marcus given his growths.
  4. What do you consider to be the meaning of life? Favorite class in Fire Emblem? Favorite videogame soundtrack?
  5. Replace Dual Guard+ with Dual Strike+ and Vantage/Tomefaire with Aether.
  6. How do you feel about differentiating polynomial expressions? What about imaginary numbers? Or hyperbolic sine and cosine? Decimals or Fractions, which do you prefer? Do you even know what these questions are about?
  7. Rig Marcus and Zealot to be better than Percival just for the hell of it.
  8. Priscilla is better because she has a horse in a Fire Emblem game and Serra doesn't. Better bases and a higher magic gain upon promotion just seals the deal even further.
  9. Knows Percival is one of the best units in Sword of Seals.
  10. Is not watching Log Horizon right now. Probably.
  11. Because crits are the only way Clarine is going to kill anything given her magic growth am I right?
  12. I love fighting the Bowsers who don't know that Bowser's Side B kills him first when they attempt Bowsercide.
  13. Don't worry Glac, we won't think any less of you for possessing lewd Koneko pictures.
  14. I think you missed my vote in that last list of nominations, Makaze.
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