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Carmine Sword

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Everything posted by Carmine Sword

  1. Dynamic growths maybe? Probably not, but this is certainly an odd event. We'll all have to rig +2 stat level-ups as the norm now.
  2. Hector might want a speedwing to double the boss of Chapter 30 if he doesn't proc speed again before promotion. Also, that Heath is ridiculous.
  3. Tactician/Mercenary/Myrmidon, because I like those classes.
  4. Are you going to rig the status staves to miss, or are you just going to roll with whatever happens?
  5. I would imagine that the likelihood of hitting both Lunas would be quite iffy given that Linus is on a throne and has weapon triangle advantage against Luna thanks to the Light Brand.
  6. Use both Fir and Rutgur because Swordmasters are cool. Also, they can actually hit enemies with something approaching consistency.
  7. I'd like to add Wyvern Rider Sully to the list. Panne has better growths as a Wyvern Rider, but Sully has some benefits like Discipline to get out of E Axes faster and having a pre-existing Lance rank if she promotes to Wyvern Lord instead of starting with E Lances like Panne would. It also helps deal with Sully's rather average strength stat.
  8. As long as the debates don't devolve into arguing about 20/20 stats, since Seth is the only unit that will probably reach level 20 in no-grind.
  9. I was about to say something about giving Energy Rings to Pent for more staff range, but then I realized that there are no Energy Rings in Hector Mode.
  10. I probably missed the reasoning behind this somewhere, but why are you planning on using Canas as your warper? It just seems to me that it would be easier to use Pent.
  11. Sorry about no chapter yesterday, I was busy with Driver's Ed. I'll see if I can put up Chapter 2 later to make up for it. Chapter 1 Edit: And here's Chapter 2. Chapter 2 Anyone know how to make a table so I can show the stats of my units?
  12. I'm concerned that using more units besides the ones that I've already planed might be difficult since Exp is a precious resource when going through the game this fast. Although, Nowi gains a lot of exp very quickly, and her ability to face large groups of enemies without dying is quite useful for routs. She does have trouble killing enemies without Dual Strikes for a while though, since even with Gregor support she won't be able to double enemies for a bit. On my last playthrough with FeMU, I used Nowi and she got to level 25 by Chapter 23 and had 16 speed before Dragonstone and pair-up. Gregor was giving her 6 speed, so base Tiki with Say'ri support would have more speed than Nowi at that point assuming 16 speed is average at that level for Nowi, and Tiki didn't need anything to reach that point. Eh, I need to think about this some more. Thank you for the suggestion though!
  13. Well, Sumia is going to marry the Avatar instead of Chrom, so I don't need Sumia to get Galeforce by Chapter 13 (I've gotten Galeforce on her by then, but it involved a lot of waiting in Chapter 13 to kill all the reinforcements). I don't think Galeforce is actually needed for Low Turn Counts until Chapter 20, which is plenty of time, although I'd hopefully have it earlier so that I could finish routs faster. After some thought, I decided to have Fred marry Cordelia instead of Vaike. He requires less time and effort than Vaike, and his +1 move will remain useful even after he starts waning off later on. I redid the Prologue. The only difference is that Fred killed the boss instead of Chrom, so it was finished in 3 turns. Forgot what Verdes got on his level up. He got speed at least I think. Yeah, Nowi is quite good, but I think I'll just use Tiki for later rout maps. She is probably the only one who can take more than two attacks without dying at the pace I'm going, which will quite helpful for Chapters 23 and 24.
  14. Hello everyone. So I just finished a sort-of efficient run through of Awakening on Hard Mode yesterday. I did ok turn-count wise, but it made me wonder how things would change if I had a male Avatar instead of a female Avatar, since my usual efficiency plan is to marry the Avatar to Chrom, pass down Galeforce to Lucina and Morgan, and then rolfstomp the rest of the game with Galeforce and Rescue. Obviously with a male Avatar, I can't marry him to Chrom, so some new pairings have to be made to account for this change. Here is what I've come up with: Chrom x Sully Avatar x Sumia Frederick x Cordelia Lon'qu x Cherche Sumia and the Avatar will get me two Galeforce children for use in later chapters (by which I mean Chapter 15 and on). Sumia is taken so Chrom goes with Sully (Lucina is not going to be used, sorry guys). The last two pairs are mostly to help clear out rout maps, and Cordelia can use Rally Speed later. This is a New Game + run, which means I will be using Renown rewards. The one exception is the Boots, which I think are too powerful, so I will have to take a few turns to get the Chapter 17 boots. The Avatar's name is Verdes and his asset/flaw is +Speed/-Defence Anyways, here's the Premonition and Prologue: Premonition: Prologue: Since Lucina won't be used, Chrom will probably be the receiver of a lot of stat boosters to make sure that he can do decent damage to (and actually hit) Grima. I'm not sure how often I will update this, probably 1 chapter per day unless real life gets in the way. Comments and advice are appreciated if you feel so inclined.
  15. He is doing Apotheosis without rallies or DLC skills.
  16. Eliwood really should have been a lance using lord. 1-2 range and not facing weapon triangle disadvantage against knights and cavaliers with his preferential weapon would do wonders for his viability. Although his growths would still be mediocre.
  17. I was able to get FeMU to pass down Galeforce to Lucina by chapter 13. Veteran was very helpful in getting to Galeforce on time, but even with Veteran, I still needed to have FeMU nearly solo Chapter 12 to reach level 15. I'm unsure of how reasonable it is to get Sumia to level 10/15 by chapter 13. Sumia needs less levels than FeMU to get to that point, but Sumia gains less experience than FeMU. I'll try to get Galeforce on Sumia my next playthrough and see how it goes.
  18. Virion is probably better, but Libra!Brady looks like Kanji Tatsumi.
  19. If you keep Nah married to Inigo, you could make her a General. It has the highest strength of any of her available classes, so her Dual Strikes will be more powerful than as a Hero, and Inigo can still double everything if you give him All Stats + 2.
  20. You don't need Armsthrift to use the Double Bow. Where does this idea that Armsthrift is needed to use legendary weapons come from? On a similar note, why is Armsthrift getting hyped up again? With all weapons being able to be obtained in infinite amounts, the best weapons being buyable in shops, and there being infinite money to buy said weapons, Armsthrift doesn't really have much benefit. I mean, I'm a bit obsessive-compulsive in real life, but even I find this overreaction to not having full uses on a legendary weapon a bit much.
  21. Don't cry. We can still be friends. Chrom x Sumia is still better though.
  22. Libra or Ricken for a magical Inigo, Stahl or Frederick for physical Inigo. Kellam for a worse Ricken!Inigo that lets you give Ricken to someone else.
  23. Hello everyone, I'm Carmine Sword. I've actually been a lurker here for a while now, probably at least a year or so. I don't really have a reason for waiting so long to join, I just never got around to it I guess. Cause I'm a lazy teenager probably. I have been active on the Fire Emblem: Awakening board at Gamefaqs for a while. Some people like OwnagePuffs and MelonGX may recognize me from there. Probably the most notable thing I accomplished on that board was convincing the notoriously stubborn user known as Endgame that Chrom x Sumia > Chrom > Olivia for optimization purposes, so I guess that's something. Besides Fire Emblem, I'm a big fan of all of Nintendo's franchises, as well as Chrono Trigger and the Final Fantasy series, with Final Fantasy VI being my favorite game actually. Besides video games, I have also been a big Anime fan ever since I started watching Dragon Ball Z nearly 14 years ago. Sometimes I go back and watch DBZ episodes for nostalgic reasons. Well anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this post, it makes you a more wonderful person if you did so. If you didn't read this, then you are a terrible person and I hate you forever.
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