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Prince Baeronius

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    Hero Emperor

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Genealogy of the Holy War

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  1. Does this require unzipping any files? I have a feeling that's where the difficulty for me will come in.
  2. There was a rumor certain choices in battle prevented characters from dying. Is it truth?
  3. So FE14 is FE1 and FE7's plot all over again wth complexity? Not even surprised. At least the writer is going good. Also, I'd like to say that Amie is not only optional, but the explicit lines only show up for those characters when you S rank them. Otherwise it is their normal, platonic lines.
  4. I would like to object. Those Amie lines make the characters more interesting! Somehow... In some way...
  5. I recall seeing her, but I probably missed it. I was too busy focusing on her legs.
  6. Still waiting on Aqua and Effie's face rubbing lines.
  7. All of the Amie lines are so... Forward. I never thought I'd see the day where I learned about the FE characters' bed life...
  8. What physics? I didn't notice any... Maybe Charlotte had them, but I can't be the only one that noticed how flexible both Kamui's are...
  9. What Trickeroo said. Need to know. Children are fine and all, but how are they executed is what is important.
  10. Sounds pretty pointless. Might as well have given both genders two kids. Smells like another bout of favoritism that Awakening had for the male, but reverse this time.
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