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Posts posted by RogersBored

  1. Cherche doesn't have Galeforce. Avatar will have to be benched due to not being part of a Galepair, and Gerome doesn't need Avatar's genes. He just needs Berserker or Bowfaire, and there are five perfectly good fathers who can give him that already.

    Yarne lacks GF. Leading without GF (unless you're a VV unit) doesn't work in Apo. He's also got pretty much everything already and won't benefit at all from Avatar's classes.

    Virion!Severa, Virion!Yarne, Virion!Gerome, Virion!Brady and Virion!Nah are all near the top for those children. I'd say Virion is one of the best fathers in the game. Is being one of the best fathers to 50% of the normal children not good enough?

    Sorcs are outclassed by Sages in Apo in Spd, Skl, Mag, and pairup bonuses. They have Waste, but it's Hit is very trolly. Mire is best left to Shadowgift Valkyrie Staffbots if you need it.

    Wrath+Gamble+Ruin+support =90 crit. Enemies in S.Apo start at 55 Lck and go up from there, and without a Brave on the lead your damage will be pretty unimpressive, critical or not.

    Before I reply, I hope to be able to approach this as a discussion and not have it become an argument.

    Let's assume Secret Apotheosis for the discussion of this topic.

    Chrom+Pair, Olivia, 3 Staffbots, 2 Rally Bots. 12 Slots left. 6 Pairs.

    Given that, if the player wants to deploy all the children, that's 11 slots. Sumia, Cordelia, or Avatar are good candidates for the last one. Not every pair up has to be S ranked. Which brings me to the first point:

    1. Cherche does not have Galeforce. Avatar does not have to be paired up with Cherche. In fact, he does not even have to be deployed in Secret Apotheosis. In respect to your saying "Gerome doesn't need Avatar's genes," I agree with that completely. It's just important to point out that the fathers that give him Axefaire, namely, Henry, Gregor, and Vaike, are oftentimes demanded by other, more versatile children to complete their skill sets. Gerome, being a support character and without Galeforce, is less highly prioritized. Of course, that leaves Bowfaire possibilities involving Stahl and Virion (I will disregard Ricken). Stahl is, again, in very high demand, and, on a personal level, Virion is never used.

    2. I agree with your notion that Yarne is a poor lead, lacking the very useful Galeforce. I usually propose that Yarne should be a full-time physical support, to which I am sure you will agree. Glancing over a Yarne's skill set again, he seems to benefit only from Axefaire, with Breakers being undesirable in support characters. Stahl and Frederick (Ricken again being diregarded) are the only fathers that offer Dual Guard+. Again Stahl is more desirable on lead characters. Frederick is actually pretty viable, but I leave that open for the opinion of others. Hence, Avatar will provide Yarne not only with Dual Guard + as a support, but also with the opportunity to be a great lead character.

    3. As I suspected, somebody will argue my beliefs of Virion. Your opinion being so superlative, I will spend little time discussing his potential as a father. After considering your response, I am slightly inclined to agree that he is a decent father for some children if they are designated to play a support role, the Archer branch opening up some possibilities. I am interested in working with you sometime to design some skill sets for Virion!Child, as you seem to have great ideas regarding this. ^^

    4. This will combine your last two points into one. I myself, was never a fan of Sorcerers, but I was merely proposing possibilities for Brady's father in the event that Deivl34 was interested in the prospect. I would also like to take this time to admit that I may have been mistaken in critical hit rates. Nevertheless, it is always enjoyable to have a high-crit character to play with, perhaps outside of Apotheosis (I'm aware I am breaking the boundaries of this discussion).

    I mean no offense when I say this: It would be great, instead of merely shooting down my ideas, to propose more of your own for the sake of the person asking the question. This being the reason we responded in the first place.

    I found your ideas very interesting, and I hope you find the same value in mine.

  2. EDIT: No one checked my math. :(:

    I got... 77.33% LOL

    Because that .01% is SO important.

    Here's a more organized calculation.

    Unit of measure: Skill

    Assassin: 48

    Mods (+3): 51

    Limit Breaker (+10): 61

    Skill +2 (+2): 63

    All Stats +2 (+2): 65

    Rally Heart, Spectrum, Skill (+10): 75

    Tonic (+2): 77

    Pair-up (+8): 85

    Lethality Proc Rate (/4): 21.25%

    Rounded Down: 21%

    Rightful King: 31% = 0.31 = x

    Formula: 1- (1-x)^n

    1 - (1 - 0.31)^4 ; 4 = # BraveSword hits


    1-.2267 = .7733 = 77.33%

    Good job on the calculations! :D

    The proc rate is decent at best. After playing Lunatic+, 77.33% hit rate can really screw you over, but since it's StreetPass, you are not at risk of losing anything, so I guess that does not matter. The conclusion would be that yes, the proc rate for a lethality is relatively high, but it's not as crazy as your friend makes it seem. Also note this set-up requires All Stat +2, Skill +2, Rightful King, and Lethality. All Stat +2 and Skill +2 together make a 1.3% difference, if you have 4 hits. Grandmaster Morgan with a skill set like Ignis, Luna, and Rightful King not only gives you an extra slot for a survival skill, Aggressor, or -faire, you also have a near 100% proc rate, as well as reliable high damage (especially Ignis+Aggressor).

  3. The so-so support aside, Gerome (Wyvern Lord) and Lucina (Great Lord) makes me pretty happy. Lucina has plenty of speed, and really only needs defense, as long as you don't position her near mages. The awesome attack boost helps with Aether's Sol (If you decide to run it). Since Gerome will never get Galeforce, I just let him chill out behind Lucina while she goes and challenges her fate everywhere.

    Gerome makes up for his lack of speed and Galeforce by being a great support for Lucina.

  4. My friend and I made a team and I am wondering on how they look.

    Lissa x +Mag -Str Avatar

    Olivia x Chrom

    Maribelle x Virion

    Sumie x Henry

    Sully x Donnel

    Nowi x Vaike

    Mirel x Lon'qu

    Cordeila x Stahl

    Panne x Frederick

    Cherche x Gregor

    Most of this looks pretty great! Here's what I do not agree with:




    Everything here is under the assumption that you want Avatar to parent two children.

    Unless you want to make Owain a physical lead (which, given the +MAG is evidently not true), the Avatar's massive class set can be better used elsewhere. If you wanted to make a strong magical Morgan, Ricken would be a better parent. This is even more so if you do FeMU x Ricken!Laurent. The common consensus for Avatar's parenting would be for Gerome (poor skill set), Nah (gets Galeforce), and Yarne (physical LEAD). Some also say Cynthia, but I think Henry!Cynthia gives you very little to complain about.


    I know I'm going to get some flame for this, but Virion is very, very rarely a good father. You also didn't include Noire's parent, so I'm going to assume Gaius is her father.

    Brady and Noire are some of the best support characters in the game, but seeing as how you have them paired up, you should go for a Dark Flier Noire x Sage Brady combo or a Dark Flier/Sage Support Noire x Sorcerer Lead Brady. If you go Dark Flier x Sage, you want a father like Lon'qu (I know he's taken, you might have to switch around some parents), who give more skill and speed. If you want to go Sorcerer Brady, you're choices are Libra or Henry. Libra has a massive class overlap, but Brady really does not care. He just wants the Sorcerer access and +4 MAG mod. If you go Henry, you get Wrath and Gamble. Paired with Ruin, you won't be able to hear anything over all of Brady's critical hit quotes.

    If you provide us ideas on who you want to be a forward and you want to be support, as well as their respective classes, it'll be easier for us to help you fix up your pairing. A lot of the children's parents are great, but I'm unsure how well they'll function in a pair-up scenario. I am by no means a great player in any respect, but I'll try to do what I can to help ^^.

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