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Status Updates posted by Gergeshwan

  1. I can get them easily enough, although some of the quantities might be a little off due to FOW.

  2. I knew what you meant by that, actually.

  3. Not a whole lot, I guess. The debating seems to occur in chunks, maybe the votes will too.

  4. Just noticed that, thanks for pointing it out. Anyway, it was still fun. I'd like to try another, but I'm too short on time right now.

  5. And the voting commences.......... next year. It's kind of bad when there are that many unvoted debates sitting around collecting dust.

  6. You too. Thanks for the debate, it was fun.

  7. Hopefully. I'd like to challenge some of the awesome debaters here, although I'd most likely get slaughtered.

  8. Whenever you have it done is fine. This is actually my second debate, and the first was just a GFAQs one, so it probably only half counts.

  9. All done. And I wouldn't give up yet, it's quite possible I left some stupid, extremely important error in there. I didn't really proofread it or anything, and you have a good enough case to turn it around.

  10. No problem. Mine's up again, good luck with your last round.

  11. Like I said, no rush. It's better to have a real debate instead of a rushed and sloppy one.

  12. That's good, because I haven't convinced myself yet. That's probably because I'm used to Lugh being a failure to start with in Hard. Anyway, my next counter is up.

  13. Almost done with my counter, and I won't skip Ilia this time. Sorry about that, it was just getting kind of long before.

  14. Cool. It's all done if you haven't seen it yet. Mostly just nitpicks about his hit issues.

  15. It took longer than I thought to type it, couldn't quite contain my natural wordiness.

  16. Just so you know, I got my opener done. Should be fun ;)

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