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Fei Mao

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Everything posted by Fei Mao

  1. Like that desert level with those darkdruids and Jormungs in the second generation?
  2. Best: Hector with Armads or Lyn with Sol Katti Worst: Knight, Fighter, Thieves, or Great Knight (can't decide)
  3. Thank you for adding me to your friend list.

  4. Keep practicing and you'll be as vicious as The Monty Python Rabbit.
  5. Claimed Zelda who was also claimed by Ganandorf on Twilight Princess.
  6. Has videos on Castlevania playthrough and FE4 Binary playthrough on his youtube channel.
  7. I pity the fool who uses this towel?
  8. TBH isn't it pretty hard to be unpredictable in brawl considering there's not much of a attack variety for the characters?
  9. Granted but they will be banned from the championships. I wish that the wii's price will go down.
  10. Granted but Dew will not be able to promote. I wish that there was a noodle restaurant around my neighborhood..
  11. "Water type pokemons are weak against fire types.
  12. Would probably be happy that they are making a Katua Emoticons.
  13. Has a same interest as mines video game music.
  14. Just wanted to share a site not sure if anyone went here before, http://www.halolz.com/ some pictures are funny some aren't.
  15. The curry in the picture does look delicious though..
  16. Has the only video of Myrmidon Elice and Berserker Etzel on youtube.
  17. Increased reinforcements numbers? and Faster Spawning of reinforcements? Remove Leaf's Light Brand from the start of the game?
  18. Yeah it was and i'm not sure what to say about this image you posted. (can't think of something)
  19. I think its just a coincidence. FE was only popular enough just to spawn action figures, 3episode tv show, and soundtracks.
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