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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. This, my game was shipped last Thursday but according to the tracking number it has not even been processed yet. I am pretty mad that the post office has yet to do anything with it and they have had it for 5 days, if I didn't know any better I would say they are playing it before they deliver it.
  2. I don't think I ever have because I am too busy kicking Laguz butt to go out and attack him and by the time he reaches me the chapter normally ends. I might try next time I play just for fun, since I never have tried.
  3. Make the supports in FE8 take much less time to build, the same with FE6 and FE7 as well because while the supports are very well written they take way to long to grind while trying to do ranked runs of 6 and 7.
  4. This all kids have their mom's hair color except M!Kana who has his dad's hair color.
  5. I think I had a problem like that once, have you unplugged everything and let it sit for several hours? I did that and then I had to hold the power button for a couple of minutes when I plugged it back in, and my Wii U has worked fine since then and I have had it 2 years. It may be like power master said though, have you checked your instruction manual? That is what I did when I had my problem and it helped.
  6. I use Heather to rob them blind then let them escape, it is not too hard to do and I get all the items and the bonus exp.
  7. Thanks for the info, this makes planning my play time a bit easier. I just received the shipping confirm from GameStop so I will have my game sometime next week.
  8. This looks really good its been a long time since I played a Castlevania game, what system will this be on?
  9. I watched the original DB after I got in to DBZKai and it is pretty good, I still laugh though because when I was watching the episode where you meet Chi-chi and her dad my dad walked in the room and asked me why I was watching a talking hamburger and I had to explain the whole episode to him. I remember I tried to watch some DBZA and it was not good at all, you can try it but I think you should take the time and watch the real thing.
  10. The reviews are better then I thought they would be even GameInformer gave it a decent review I don't have the link right now but they reviewed it last month and as I remember they gave it a 7.5 out of 10 or something like that. I am really looking forward to playing it hopefully my copy won't take too long in the mail.
  11. I managed to get a Priam keychain, my Kaze dangler is a great pendant and I wear it a lot, my mom swiped my Azura keychain for her purse from my set that came with my SE, and of course I added Roy to my Amiibo collection. I also have TMS#FE SE preordered and that will ship Friday. There is a bunch of stuff I want to get namely a figma, I keep hoping that Cordelia will come down in price like Tharja has. I also plan on getting a "join Nohr" t-shirt soon. I am slowly working on my collection, but it will take me a long time to get a good one since I don't have much money right now.
  12. I tend to like Virion!Inigo because I like the parents supports, but there are several good choices. I think it depends on what skills you want and what hair color you want Inigo to have.
  13. Happy Fathers day hope you have a good time with your kids. I gave my dad a Sgt. Rock comic (that was his nick name when he was in high school) and I am going to make him a cheese cake once he finishes his pizza.
  14. Looks nice I really like the lizard people but like others have said I won't pay full price for it.
  15. I saw many things that looked like stuff in TP but there is stuff from WW and stuff that reminds me of SS as well, I have no idea what timeline this is going to be in at all and I will just wait for Nintendo to tell me. I like the way this game looks and I am really liking the voice acting and it looks like they are doing it right in that what Link says is up to the player. I am trying to be positive about this because I need something to look forward to because my real life is really bad right now and Zelda has gotten me through many bad times in the past, the only thing I can say is the fan base is going to complain about this game until the next Zelda game comes out like it always does. I am going to look forward to and enjoy this game when it comes out and I say the haters can just not play the game.
  16. This, I won't be buying a NX until there is more then one game for it that I really want. I will be buying Zelda U for my Wii U and unless they get major 3rd party support right off the bat this time I have a hard time seeing NX doing better then Wii U.
  17. Well I have to say Kaze and Saizo because I always marry Kaze and I really like Saizo.
  18. I just play on days off/weekends and when I have free time. The thing about video games is they are for fun and I don't mind waiting to play if real life gets in the way, it gives me something to look forward too. Of course I don't have a "real job" right now but there is a lot of stuff that gets in the way and I know once I get a job I will only be playing when I have free time.
  19. My heart is really hurting for the families of the people that died or were injured, even more so since my big sis is part of the LGBT+ community.
  20. Have Leo cook one dish (anything will work) then after everyone has eaten you will have the chance to pick another cook and make a new dish.
  21. No, I didn't like the fact that IS was rather lazy and reused a bunch of Awakening's characters in Fates and I want completely new characters in the next game.
  22. I was just saying what I do, of course OP can use what ever they want.
  23. I always get really comfy in my room and put my Ipod on lowest volume to drown out any outside noises and spend all the evening reading.
  24. Well I would go with Azura,Silas,Jakob(but only if you use F!avatar),Takumi and Saizo.
  25. I want fewer supports that are written better, more along the lines of the GBA supports where every one has around 6 people that they can support with each support telling more about the units involved and giving better back story as to how they know each other and interact. and have friend endings, make it that say two people who grew up together end up having a paired ending where they go off and have adventures but it is not romantic.
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